We keep cribbing that 'i broke my spectacles' 'i lost that' 'i lost him!' etc.
Truly if something is not ours it will go away from us. It will break. It will get lost!!
What is meant to be will find its way to us some time or the other!!
Something or some one who is destined to be with us for life time will remain for life time!!
Rarely any one or anything remains with us till the last breathe.
We might spend some money to buy the items we lost or broke, if it is not due to us, then the money will either come back or some expenditure will get saved, by some means or the other on its own!!
But if it was destined to leave, then it will leave. But it does not mean we should be careless or lazy or disorganized etc. Being careless or lazy or disorganized will only affect our overall life, living, health and well-being!!
Therefore, in spite of our efforts, learning, implementing the lessons, best procedures, best system of not losing materialistic possessions of life (including human beings and relationships), if we lose, then we need not bother about them, as they did not belong to us for life time, they only were destined to be with us only for some time in the journey of life, and if we are destined to get them back, then we are sure to get them back!!
Therefore, materialistic things like items, wealth, money, people, relationships are all not ours'. Only our deeds or karma is ours!!
What we deserve only we get and not what we want or desire. God's calculations are always right, only our calculations and perceptions are wrong!!
Once upon a time when no transportation means existed, a person was walking to nearby town and it was night and he felt tired of walking entire day and went to the nearby temple space to sleep.
He found two guys already there. He was hungry and asked the other two if they had anything to eat. 'A' said 'I have 03 pieces of bread!'. 'B' said 'I have 05 pieces of bread!'. The hungry new visitor 'C' said 'We can't divide 08 pieces equally for 03 people. So, we will cut each piece into three equal pieces and divide them equally!'. Both agreed. So, each of the 08 pieces were cut into three pieces to get equal sized pieces of 24 numbers. It was divided equally, so, each ate 08 pieces and slept off.
Next day morning the 'C' thanked both and said 'You guys were so nice, generous, humane, to spare your little food for me yesterday night. So, here i have 08 gold coins. I will give 03 to A who spared 03 pieces of bread and 05 to B who spared 05 pieces of bread!'. This is what appeared to be the correct judgement for 'C'. But 'A' did not agree for this. He said 'I had only 03 pieces, i felt so hungry, still i spared my food. So, my generosity and human nature is better than B. So, i should get more than B!". So, A did not agree even for the offer of equal division of 04 coins to each. He demanded at least 05. B obviously did not agree for this as he contributed 05 and he too was hungry, so he claimed his generosity and humane nature was no less than A.
As the matter could not be resolved, they went to the king of that place and put forth their arguments. The ministers were jinxed and the king too. As there was no consensus comforting every one, the kind adjourned the court. He consulted many throughout the day, but no CORRECT solution appeared in his mind. Every argument appeared to be correct and sensible. So he was confused. He could not sleep entire night. He went to the temple and cried in front of god asking him for the correct solution as he did not want to give wrong decision and did not want to be an incapable king too!
God appeared in front of him and gave the CORRECT solution with which he felt extremely happy and went to the court next day.
He said 'A will get 01 coin and B will get 07 coins!!'
'A' became furious and angrily shouted at the king. The entire court of educated and people of high wisdom also abused the king saying 'What an absurd decision!'.
Kind said what the God told him 'Both A and B were hungry, so their generosity and human nature are the same. No difference. A donated 03 pieces which were cut into 09 pieces and he ate 08 of them and contributed only 01 piece to 'C'. So, he gets only 01 coin. 'B' contributed 05 pieces which were cut into 15 pieces, of which he ate 08 and contributed 07 to 'C'. Therefore, he gets 07 coins!'
On this answer A accepted the decision. B was happy. The court applauded the king!!
So, the crux is...
1. We may be the most intelligent, highly educated, the most enlightened or experienced or with the ultimate wisdom in the universe. But we may be wrong and god is always right. Our arguments and convictions might appear correct to us and others. But god gives the ultimate judgement which gets executed in our life. Suffering or enjoying the decision is our choice. When we accept it, we enjoy. When we don't accept it we suffer!!
2. God's decision is not on how much money or wealth we put in the Hundi or how many times we visit the temple or how long or how religiously we chant the mantras or how many days we fast etc. God's equation is very simple. HE JUST GOES BY WHAT YOU DESERVE BY YOUR DEEDS!!
3. We get what we deserve at different times of life. God always gives us good and correct. We only interpret it to be bad and incorrect. So, let us perceive correctly and live peacefully, harmoniously and happily.
4. So, just be good and do good. Smartness by wrong means will only give short time virtual gains, but ultimately we will be the loser which we will realise later when we can't regain the lost. It may be health or relationships!
5. Material things are not permanent. They will leave one day. Only our karma will remain forever till the lost breathe, or may after that too, who knows!
6. The definition of god is different for each one of us, but it does not matter, as long as our aim is to be deserving for good from god through our deeds!!
7. God is not interested in making every one rich, wealthy and live in comforts. God is interested in keeping every one peaceful, happy and healthy. If we are not peaceful, happy and healthy then it is our problem. He always gives everything where we can find the above three.
8. Some die early because god feels their time of goodness is over. Whether they enjoyed or suffered that short life is their problem.
9. Some get life style diseases due to their wrong life style and not due to god.
10. If some one feels he was ignorant, then what for SIXTH SENSE was given by god? It is not meant to be smart, to cheat, to do wrong. It is meant to perceive theories, concepts, life styles that give peace, happiness, harmony and health.
11. If some one gets terminal disease and suffers in pain of the body, which only is real (pain of the mind is untrue!), then it is his own karma effect.
12. There are many theories and concepts of god, life, living, correct, incorrect, wrong, right, true, false etc. The number of theories and concepts are equal to the number of people born in the past, present and will be born in future. The correct one is that which makes us to live like an IDEAL human being with perceptions, concepts and theories that give us peace, happiness, harmony, good health under any situation in life.
13. So, don't keep calculating and worrying about losses. Truly there is nothing known as loss. It is only perception.
14. This does not mean we through and blame everything to god, destiny, horoscope and karma and be irresponsible to Nature, living, non-living, Earth and World, (Earth is the physical structure similar to house and world is what people make to make the life on earth lively, similar to home!), remain lazy. The purpose of life is not to gather material things in life like money, wealth, social positions, people, relationships and all that we are running for and running behind. The purpose of life is to remain active, brisk, healthy, adaptable, harmonious, independent, full of positive energy, go all over the world and earth, gain as much education, knowledge, learning experiences of all kinds and types, memories, experiences, skills, wisdom in varieties, depth and vastness. Enjoy every moment in this purpose. Be good and do good in this journey of life. To get more fulfillment and contentment, through all the above, which are permanent. Give all these to others as they will only grow in us, when we give more and more. Not to worry and too much bother about the temporary materialistic things that will come and go, truly not in our hands, lose their value with time, become meaningless...i.e money, wealth, organisational and social positions, fame attained through these, people and relationships. Health is wealth. When we lose health or life, all these become meaningless and of no priority.
So, justttttt enjoyyyyyyyyyyyy!!
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!