hai guys and gals!
...those who have read this in the blog also should read as this is an improved version...
as an extension of the previous post on the related subject i thought i will share my views here...
we keep reading lots of rape news in media and obviously our blood boils at the rapist.
who is to be blamed in a rape?...when i say this please don't think 'this guy is supporting the rapist!'
let us not become emotional, as, if we analyse emotionally then we will not be right.
let us look at the people and the environment involved in this...the male...the female...and the society with its culture...
though there are different reasons for rapes let us consider only 'sexual satisfaction' reason...other types of rapes are done not for sexual satisfaction of the rapist but to harass the girl...so, it can be done anytime, anywhere, any number of times by the rapist. Here obviously the blame goes to the rapist. As it is clear we will leave it.
i only look at this issue as 'a male human body has sexually abused the female human body'...of course, mind is also included...without considering the names of the people involved...but considering the cultural and societal environment of both.
why should he rape a girl?...here his body and mind are involved. Body has various parts like hands, legs, main body, face, head etc...which are like actuators in a robot...output units...which carry out the brutal action....as per the directives of the processor, the brain!
eyes, ears, nose, mouth and the skin are the sensors which sense the input of stimulus from the environment...brain processes it...
at times the stored data or images or occasions as video are also retrieved, viewed or played (fantasized) by the brain...this happens if the secretions in the brain are more towards romance and sexual need.
so, it is not the individual by name who is raping. It is the state of the brain of the body...if the neurotransmitters related to activation of pituitary gland, adrenal glands and associated network are secreted and excited more, then the brain and the body are in a 'need' state...if the stimulus is present through the sensors or as 'retrieved data from the brain' then the body is in a 'ready' state...
when the need is higher than the threshold limit (threshold level is a level at which the ego and super ego components can moderate the id component...the state of normal brain!...i.e id will drive the brain and body for the need but the ego component will say 'no! don't do that. It is wrong. You will land up in danger!'...so, there is a conflict between the id and ego components....the super ego component, the judge, will say listen to the ego component if the secretions are below threshold...if above then superego and ego components are masked by the id component...the brain directs the body parts, i.e actuators to do the act of rape...the various parts of the brain help the body to counter the counter acts of the female body...
so, for a rape to occur following are must:-
1. sexually healthy male body and mind
2. brain in need state with arousals from sensors / brain
3. stimulus
4. weak ego and super ego components and strong id component of the rapist
5. conducive environment (not so important)
rape can occur across cultures at any part of the world...so, it happens in any religion, race, region, culture, society, education, social status, power or authority in society etc...the individual could be a governor of a state, a judge or scientist or minister or high level police or civil services or military officer...it could be any one...as the 'body' and 'mind' only matter...whether the id is more than the threshold or not only matters.
if we closely observe, the stimulus is also responsible to an extent...of course, if the id need is too high then even without a stimulus (e.g old lady, physically unattractive girl, fully covered girl, dirty girl, dirty and stinking dressed lady), with just the presence of the lady or girl in what ever shape, rape can take place.
when the id is slightly low or at slightly higher than the moderate levels then the stimulus plays a key role (e.g exposing female (girl or lady), attractive / beautiful girls, youthful girls / ladies)
but the girl does not know which male is at what level at any point of time...so, she is clueless...
surprisingly we have not heard about a girl raping a boy!...anywhere in the world!!!...why?...can any one answer?
it depends upon the state of mind of the girl whether the rapist suffers more or the girl...if girl is weak, then she suffers more in mind and body...if she is strong in mind, then she suffers less and the rapist suffers more with legal and physical assaults...so, we can not say that the girl will suffer in all rapes.
though we said culture and people around (i.e society) do not matter, imagine a society where the girls expose maximum all the time...or all human beings are nude...or 'every one for every one' is the concept in sexuality in that place or sexual partner is commonly available in that society and free sex is not a taboo in that society...in such societies rapes may be less...but such societies are negligibly small...
of course, the id can be kept low and ego and super ego components can be kept high through a life style of following a good diet and exercise regimen...if this exists as a culture in that society or land, rapes may be less in such a place...growing rape cases in our country might be an indication that our people are not following this life style...also 'sex' as a closely guarded or sacred issue and less outlets also could be a reason...some of the issues were discussed in the previous post...
also rapes could be for different reasons also...e.g for showing caste superiority
so, it is the life style (food habits, exercise regimen, concept of life and mutual respect for other gender) which is the main reason for rapes of sexual need...as this decides the body and mind of a human being to indulge in rapes or not...
is rape a profession for the rapist?...No. so, he does not do it every day and may be it is the only once done act in life time. so, the individual is not at fault.
All rapists are 'high' before the rape and after few minutes once the job is over they feel they committed a big blunder in life. This is because initially id is very high and it masks the ego and superego and after the rape, the secretions in brain change, hormone levels in blood fall, id falls down to the mother earth and superego component comes out of the mask!...and almost all the rapists feel that they have committed a biggest blunder in life after the act and also start realising the legal and social problems they are going to face. It is that moment when all this jing bang took place in his brain and body, he has become an animal, and has committed the offense.
Why he became an animal for that moment?...why his body and brain were high?...
i think it is the culture, his life style (food habits, exercise regimen whether it had elements both for body and mind), the value education, sexual practices in the culture, sexual education he has got, and such things in the society and the country that has made his body and mind to behave like that...
can death sentence be a deterrent against rape?...i doubt...as the mind is masked at that point of time...cognition is blanked...so he does not think about death sentence at that time...only after the rape the cognition comes back and the rope will appear in front of his neck.
before you start throwing brooms and chappals, let me runnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...
ok guys and gals...keep rocking...
as an extension of the previous post on the related subject i thought i will share my views here...
we keep reading lots of rape news in media and obviously our blood boils at the rapist.
who is to be blamed in a rape?...when i say this please don't think 'this guy is supporting the rapist!'
let us not become emotional, as, if we analyse emotionally then we will not be right.
let us look at the people and the environment involved in this...the male...the female...and the society with its culture...
though there are different reasons for rapes let us consider only 'sexual satisfaction' reason...other types of rapes are done not for sexual satisfaction of the rapist but to harass the girl...so, it can be done anytime, anywhere, any number of times by the rapist. Here obviously the blame goes to the rapist. As it is clear we will leave it.
i only look at this issue as 'a male human body has sexually abused the female human body'...of course, mind is also included...without considering the names of the people involved...but considering the cultural and societal environment of both.
why should he rape a girl?...here his body and mind are involved. Body has various parts like hands, legs, main body, face, head etc...which are like actuators in a robot...output units...which carry out the brutal action....as per the directives of the processor, the brain!
eyes, ears, nose, mouth and the skin are the sensors which sense the input of stimulus from the environment...brain processes it...
at times the stored data or images or occasions as video are also retrieved, viewed or played (fantasized) by the brain...this happens if the secretions in the brain are more towards romance and sexual need.
so, it is not the individual by name who is raping. It is the state of the brain of the body...if the neurotransmitters related to activation of pituitary gland, adrenal glands and associated network are secreted and excited more, then the brain and the body are in a 'need' state...if the stimulus is present through the sensors or as 'retrieved data from the brain' then the body is in a 'ready' state...
when the need is higher than the threshold limit (threshold level is a level at which the ego and super ego components can moderate the id component...the state of normal brain!...i.e id will drive the brain and body for the need but the ego component will say 'no! don't do that. It is wrong. You will land up in danger!'...so, there is a conflict between the id and ego components....the super ego component, the judge, will say listen to the ego component if the secretions are below threshold...if above then superego and ego components are masked by the id component...the brain directs the body parts, i.e actuators to do the act of rape...the various parts of the brain help the body to counter the counter acts of the female body...
so, for a rape to occur following are must:-
1. sexually healthy male body and mind
2. brain in need state with arousals from sensors / brain
3. stimulus
4. weak ego and super ego components and strong id component of the rapist
5. conducive environment (not so important)
rape can occur across cultures at any part of the world...so, it happens in any religion, race, region, culture, society, education, social status, power or authority in society etc...the individual could be a governor of a state, a judge or scientist or minister or high level police or civil services or military officer...it could be any one...as the 'body' and 'mind' only matter...whether the id is more than the threshold or not only matters.
if we closely observe, the stimulus is also responsible to an extent...of course, if the id need is too high then even without a stimulus (e.g old lady, physically unattractive girl, fully covered girl, dirty girl, dirty and stinking dressed lady), with just the presence of the lady or girl in what ever shape, rape can take place.
when the id is slightly low or at slightly higher than the moderate levels then the stimulus plays a key role (e.g exposing female (girl or lady), attractive / beautiful girls, youthful girls / ladies)
but the girl does not know which male is at what level at any point of time...so, she is clueless...
surprisingly we have not heard about a girl raping a boy!...anywhere in the world!!!...why?...can any one answer?
it depends upon the state of mind of the girl whether the rapist suffers more or the girl...if girl is weak, then she suffers more in mind and body...if she is strong in mind, then she suffers less and the rapist suffers more with legal and physical assaults...so, we can not say that the girl will suffer in all rapes.
though we said culture and people around (i.e society) do not matter, imagine a society where the girls expose maximum all the time...or all human beings are nude...or 'every one for every one' is the concept in sexuality in that place or sexual partner is commonly available in that society and free sex is not a taboo in that society...in such societies rapes may be less...but such societies are negligibly small...
of course, the id can be kept low and ego and super ego components can be kept high through a life style of following a good diet and exercise regimen...if this exists as a culture in that society or land, rapes may be less in such a place...growing rape cases in our country might be an indication that our people are not following this life style...also 'sex' as a closely guarded or sacred issue and less outlets also could be a reason...some of the issues were discussed in the previous post...
also rapes could be for different reasons also...e.g for showing caste superiority
so, it is the life style (food habits, exercise regimen, concept of life and mutual respect for other gender) which is the main reason for rapes of sexual need...as this decides the body and mind of a human being to indulge in rapes or not...
is rape a profession for the rapist?...No. so, he does not do it every day and may be it is the only once done act in life time. so, the individual is not at fault.
All rapists are 'high' before the rape and after few minutes once the job is over they feel they committed a big blunder in life. This is because initially id is very high and it masks the ego and superego and after the rape, the secretions in brain change, hormone levels in blood fall, id falls down to the mother earth and superego component comes out of the mask!...and almost all the rapists feel that they have committed a biggest blunder in life after the act and also start realising the legal and social problems they are going to face. It is that moment when all this jing bang took place in his brain and body, he has become an animal, and has committed the offense.
Why he became an animal for that moment?...why his body and brain were high?...
i think it is the culture, his life style (food habits, exercise regimen whether it had elements both for body and mind), the value education, sexual practices in the culture, sexual education he has got, and such things in the society and the country that has made his body and mind to behave like that...
can death sentence be a deterrent against rape?...i doubt...as the mind is masked at that point of time...cognition is blanked...so he does not think about death sentence at that time...only after the rape the cognition comes back and the rope will appear in front of his neck.
before you start throwing brooms and chappals, let me runnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...
ok guys and gals...keep rocking...
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