Friday, 30 December 2016

Our new year resolve should be to go to bed by 10 pm positively!!

Hai all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
Wish you all a great new year ahead and i wish all of you go to sleep by 10 pm and get up by 5 am and do yoga...and live a meditative life throughout, each day!!
statistics says that people are getting life style diseases because they are not sleeping early and not getting 6 TO 8 HOURS OF CONTINUOUS, UNINTERRUPTED, NIGHT SLEEP!!...Such people are more vulnerable to diabetes, hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases which will take them to grave slowly and faster without our knowledge!!
Parents shout at children to go to sleep early but keep looking at fb or whatsapp till late midnight!!
So, let us do all these socialisation before 10 pm and hug the pillow!!
Let this be the new year resolve for all!!

Tuesday, 20 December 2016

'in future and now, it appears to be seemingly impossible for one person to live entire life with only one person.'

The society is becoming multicultural and world shrinking into a global village with oppurtunities for every one to make large number of friendships from a young childhood.
Therefore multiple emotional relationships, especially with opposite sex, becomes the CULTURE and unavoidable.
In the past, population was less, communication media means only meeting in person and talking for which the society was against in the case of relationships with opposite sex, so they could live their entire life with one person with all sorts of communication, sharing of emotions and social interaction with that person only...called husband or wife...i.e person of opposite sex.
so, today and in future every one will have multiple emotional relationships of various kinds with opposite sex. So, it appears to be seemingly impossible for one person to live entire life with only one person.
Therefore, there is a new learning required...accepting that...
1. your spouse/lover will have many close friends with emotional involvement.
2. Unless there is a strong common connection or field of interest or thing to talk, we can not avoid our person spending more time, energy, emotions with the other friends.
3. One can not be possessive.
4. Sexual relationships will decide how long one will live with the other.
5. It is important for every one to know what kind of person he or she is with respect to sexual relationships or socialisation so that they can find their suitable match or live alone without marriage with more friendships.
6. there can be many methods....a. living alone....b. married but living without kids....c. married, kids living away from parents....d. married, producing kids, living together (this requires lots of commitment, understanding in the social environment described above, to live together and rear children, else the multidimensional development of kids will get affected and they will grow out to be with lots of personality disorders. At least living together for about 20 years will be required so that the children become independent and understanding)
7. marrying only for sex is a waste, and one needs to find out and clearly know what he or she wants out of marriage or love or relationship with the opposite sex. The biggest problem is many do not know!...People get bored easily and fast with sex or when there is no common single subject that keeps them attracted for socialisation.
So, it is going to be challenge for all the young adults and adolescents TO LIVE WITH MORE EMOTIONAL RELATIONSHIPS and ACHIEVEMENT ORIENTED, SKILL AND KNOWLEDGE BASED life and day-to-day living. So, life philosophy and wisdom are important to keep physical, mental and social well being, peace, happiness, contentment and fulfillment in life and relationships.
Peacefully yours...rams...

who is the best teacher of life?

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
Most of the quotes or lessons-of-life or philosophies or wisdom are taken out of Nature, referred to Nature, examples are from Nature...plants, trees, insects, birds, animals, river, mountain, clouds, water falls and such other things!!...In-animates and animates which are of considered as much lower form in evolution than us!!
So, the Mother Nature, the God, teaches us everything. One who lives with Nature, observing it keenly, learns all the philosophies on his own. He enjoys the life and earth more.Derives 'happiness' out of these.
So, it is worth living with Nature, the last chance given to us!!
Peacefully yours...rams...

Sunday, 18 December 2016

Why we are not able to come out of the issues we have in our life??

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
For most of us the biggest head ache or the things which we suffer from are...
1. Obesity
2. Depression
3. Anxiety
4. Stress
5. Diabetes
6. Hypertension
7. Cardio-vascular diseases
The list is long. Moment we hear that we suffer from this, we go tighttt to the max, unable to sustain over a long time or life span, then we relax and go back to the normal usual state, giving up everything, reaching a learned-helplessness state...i.e 'i know what i have to do, but unable to do!'. We need to be gradually changing, positive in mind and enjoy the new life style, enjoy the change.
So, we are always at the extremes of both sides and never at the middle. We are always sinusoidal and never flat and stable!...This is because we never design OUR OWN SUSTAINABLE PLAN THAT IS SUITABLE FOR US...WE ARE COPY MASTERS!!
So, the crux is...
Peacefully yours...rams...

strangers we meet, we fall in love, strangers we separate!!....sssssstrange for the highly evolved species on earth!!

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
It is a strange thing that happens with human beings...the most advanced form of life on earth!!
Strangers meet...interact...socialise...and become lovers...feel they can't live with out each other even a minute...and after some time...separate as strangers!!....sadddddd!!
Why?....lack of adaptability, unable to accept people as they are, lack of knowledge that people change with the change of needs, wants, expectations, goals in life, life stage, age, maturing, evolving, growing etc...lack of knowledge that obsessive sexual love fades off after some time due to a host of reasons!!....If only the marriage social commitment was not there, most of them would have got separated from their spouse, except those who matured to committed love.
Anyway...peacefully yours....rams!!

Saturday, 17 December 2016

somethings good for peace...

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
'We need not speak volumes and volumes to change people. We need not try to teach, tearing our throat, to our children about many good things. One simple positive behaviour of ours can change them completely overnight!!'
Peacefully yours...rams...

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
'we don't have to read volumes and volumes of psychology books or books on morals, values and ethics, not required to read any such books or listen to great speeches. If we are good human beings, the way Nature has produced us, for which we need not require any effort, then others will write volumes and volumes of theories on us which will become books and code of conduct for all!!'
Peacefully yours...rams....

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
'All human beings are equal. Every one is important in any social system (home, office etc). Every job is important. All are equal as human beings!'
If this 'learning' (not knowledge or awareness or sensitization or consciousness) is there in us then evvvvvvvvvvverything will fall in place. Our relationships, our people, our management, leadership, happiness, peace in us and others....evverthing!!
If it not there as a 'learning', then we will fake it which can be easily observed and understood by others as a 'leadership' or a 'management tactic'!!
we need not teach this to our children. They will learn this through observation. Not only children but others around us too!!...Because positive and Natural behaviours are easily contagious!!
If this is not there there can be no peace in our lives, relationships and in the life of others at home and in organisations.
Our traditional culture does not teach this!!
Peacefully yours...rams...


Almost all parents lose their patience and in frustration start shouting at their children negatively by saying 'You are useless. You can't do even such simple things. You don't have common sense! You are an utter waste on this earth!!' and make them go out of track more and more.
If some one takes it negatively then that person can become a robber, terrorist and all such negative people. The person who takes it positively can become an achiever and that instant/person/place/moment can become an enlightening second.
If you say like this every day to even the best of the person who believes in what you say, then that person can turnout to be the worst!!
No one wants to hear that he or she is worst and no worth.
Even if you tell some unknown on the road 'You are not beautiful. You are ugly!' you can damage a person's day or self concept. We don't want to hear such statements or remarks even from unknown people!
Whereas one positive remark like 'Don't worry. You are the best!!...come, Let us work together!!' can change the life of a person totally. Positive things bring positives. Negative things mostly bring only negatives!!
It is such an easy thing to tell positives and feel peaceful and happy too. But then why our parents hype their emotions soooo much, spend more energy, put in sooo much of efforts to tell negative and spoil the life of the child and curse them too for not being successful???....Our culture is a fantastic culture!!
Peacefully yours...rams...

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
"Only people who want to change will change looking at positive behaviors.
No one understood good people like budha or jesus when they lived!
Only people who want to better themselves will change by looking at positive behaviors"
hihihi...these are not mine!!...Comments of my friend!! (winking!!)
Peacefully yours...rams...

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Which faith of god or karma etc we should follow?

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
It is immaterial which FAITH of god or karma or religion or language or caste or society we follow.
If we are not good human beings, if we not able to adapt and coexist with other human beings around, if we are not peaceful, if we are not happy, if we are not healthy, if we are not self actualised, if we are not contented, if we are not feeling fulfillment in life, then either our faith is not suitable for us or our perception about our faith is not ok.
Peacefully yours...rams....


It is sad to see that some of the traditional-minded parents screwing up their precious life and the life of their children saying 'relatives are asking or pestering or pressurizing'.
1. They want some how to get their children married off (wasting their life time earning!) so that they can walk upright (!!).
2. They want their children to some how have sex with their spouse and produce a child so that they are free from their relatives.
I don't know how much of peace or health or happiness value the so called relatives have in their life!!
These parents also can not think of a family or married living other than the conventional/traditional one. They want every change that is happening in all the domains (e.g education, jobs etc) without any change in the family living which is not possible without sacrificing the vitals viz peace, happiness and health.
This is across the board irrespective of educational or exposure or economic status of the parents.
They think in a state of learned-helplessness that life is full of problems and social issues which is unavoidable as they don't know or can't think creatively about peaceful, happy and healthy living.
In fact, if some one wants to live a traditional married life, then it is better the boy marries some remote village girl or an uneducated servant maid (in future one can not get such people also) or both the boy, girl and their parents sit and discuss and accept and implement the mutually accepted things in words and spirit without any strategic game play like in tv serials.
1. It is better not to marry rather than screwing up the life of another person.
2. 'who will look after when we get old?'....if some one thinks he has produced children to look after them at their old age then he/she is not aligned with Nature and is a fool and their life will be doomed (including that of their children). Social systems also will change and new concepts like life-style-matching old age homes and societies-of-like-minded will emerge. Nothing wrong in them. They are welcome changes!!
3. Changes in language, organisations, social systems (marriage, family etc) and everything is Natural and nothing is in our hands. Everything evolves and changes, matching to the changes in other domains.
4. People will marry but live away from each other due to their job requirements or passion. ('then why to marry if they can't live together?'....marriage for them may not be for sex but for companionship!
5. Many may not be interested in producing children and rearing due to the nature of their job, passion, responsibilities and demands of time, energy, money and various other reasons.
6. For many, sex or reproduction may not be a priority.
7. Many families are likely to be single parent families, all responsibilities shouldered singularly by the girls, even if they live together.
8. Marrying only for sex is like buying a coffee shop saying i like coffee. The marriage will fail miserably.
9. Most of the boys and girls do not know why they are marrying and what they are interested in with the other family life with children?...emotional support?... just their physical presence?... or a mixture of more than one of these?.....only after some time after marriage they realise, by then it is too late, and they accept to live like that or break-up legally or physically or mentally or socially. So, one needs to be clear as to what they want out of the marriage or family.
10. Every person and personality is different. Some personalities are fighters that they become politicians or activists or lawyers. Some are highly intelligent and introverts that they become scientists. So, job selection, course selection and marriage partner selection is based on personalities and their professions. If there is a mismatch then marriage will fail.
11. Applying force or tactics or strategies will only fail miserably. Some might appear to be a success but in overall reality they will turn up to be failures.
Peacefully yours...rams....

Monday, 12 December 2016

what drives us to live on this earth...pleasures or happiness??

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
All of us do some activity or the other from the time of getting up in the morning to going to bed in the night for sleep!...At home, at office, outside on the road, society etc.
We do all these activities for what?...We do chores at home and office because we feel they are basic necessities for survival and living, or responsibilities. We do many things for money, securities (wealth, money, skills, emotions, physical, social etc), pleasures and happiness.
IF WE DON'T PERCEIVE THIS THEN WE WILL ONLY GET MONEY, PLEASURES, WEALTH ETC WHICH MAY NOT GIVE CONTENTMENT AND FULFILLMENT TO GET PEACE IN MIND. AND A LIFE AND WHATEVER WE EARN OR GET WITHOUT PEACE IS A WASTE!!...They can only give 'urges' 'greed' 'want more and more' feeling, frustrations due to unfulfilled needs, sadness, fights, strained or broken relationships, loss of people etc...ALL NEGATIVES IN LIFE!!!
Peacefully yours...rams....
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enjoy what ever you like now...that interest might go off later and may not get it ever again...

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
What ever we are interested in, we may not be interested in after some time. What is priority may not be priority later. There are many who watch 3 or 4 films in a day during youth, does not like movies at all after some time. What we like to eat now, we may not like to eat after few years. The list goes on.
So, our interests keep changing. Wants and needs keep changing. What we like the most in life at every stage in life keeps changing.
So, enjoy what ever you like in that age and stage in life, provided it does not spoil the body and mind!!...You may not get that interest and liking later in life and you might miss out!!
Childhood, adolescence, youth and adult hood does not come again...once lost, always lost and life is only will not get it again!!
Peacefully yours...rams....

Which are the two most important things in life?

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
Everything we, wealth, fame, power etc goes off after some time...they are with us only for a short while...All of them leave certainly after the death...they are probably not useful even to increase the life time.
But BODY and MIND are with us till the end, each and every second of our life. They decide how healthy, rich, comfortable and peaceful we feel. They can probably increase our life time, but certainly the quality of our life and living!!...So, truly these are the two which make our life and all that we feel, PERCEIVE about EVERYTHING and every one in life!...So, these two matter the most in our lives than money, wealth, fame, power etc.
Then why we are insensitive about this fact and kill our BODY and MIND every second for the remaining list of things???????????????
Peacefully yours....rams....

Saturday, 10 December 2016

what is the need of the hour to live this precious single life on this beautiful earth?

Dear all...THIS IS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE AND PARENTS...India is a fantastic country...
from riches to poor...
from powerful to powerless...
even people supposed to live a simple sadhu life...
all and every one runs behind money and wealth!!...the single goal in life!!
Parents educate children to make them earn money and wealth!
All organisations from govt to private, product manufacturers to service providers, from profit oriented to religious and spiritual organisations......every one is behind money and wealth!!
ok, how much money and wealth?...No one knows!!!!!!!!...No one is able to answer!!!
News papers are fullll of corruption (greed), pleasures, and about people who live unethical, immoral, valueless life...Going behind bars after corruption with a smiling face is status symbol!!
Because money and wealth can fetch anything to any one in this country!!....power, status, promotion, authority, approvals, sanctions, deity darshan in temples, love, wife, daughter, son, husband, mother, father, sister, brother...evvverything!!
Eating medicine like food, eating food like medicine, diabetes, hypertension, heart ailments, obesity have become acceptable normal way of living.
Being immoral, unethical and valueless is a measure of smartness and such 'smart' people groom more 'smart' people!!
We are the best in breaking any strictest law in the world without the law knowing it, breaching best of the securities in the world without any best intelligence knowing it....the best crooked and wicked brains and minds that can create virus, antivirus in all domains of life!!
Can such people live in...1. Peace?....2. good physical, mental and social well-being?....3. can they be contented?....4. Can they see a sense of fulfillment in their life?.....4. Can they call their life a success?.....5. Can they call themselves to be good human beings and expect their offspring to be good human beings?.....
I think it is high time to switch over to life of vedic times!!...It does not mean go to jungles and sit in meditation. NOooooooooooooo!!
It only means pitch your life on unlimited knowledge, wisdom, multiple skills, ethics, human values, morals, good physical-mental and social health, happiness, pleasures that come out of happiness (giving, service) and not happiness that is perceived out of pleasures, self dependency, freedom, self reliance, goal setting for self and not in comparison etc.
It is highly needed now and in future to tackle and live peacefully in the uncertain unpredictable dynamics in society, culture, economy, business, relationships, organisational/individual survival...evverything!!
This way, we may not reach the top in one profession (i.e levels to reach which corruption or immoral and unethical acts need to be done)...but will reach near-top in many professions, become very strong in body and mind (like Bodhisattva) and outstanding in mental skills, make great life long relationships, will be liked and loved by all, will live long, will be contented, will be peaceful, will feel fulfilled, will feel self actualised at the end of the life cycle!!
If some one does not agree with the above can keep the grave ready, sleeping pills ready to sleep, continue living the false life cheating own-self and wasting the precious single life time chance to live and long on this beautiful garden called earth!!
Peacefully yours....rams....

Be is the best way of life and living!!

Dear all...i just found it on fb and shared...i think every one should follow this every year and all throughout life...for peace, health, growth, fulfillment and contentment...We need to be selfish that first we have to be healthy and happy to ensure happiness and good health of others around! It does not mean hit others' belly to get these two. It only means invest your precious life time in health, self improvement in all dimensions, don't waste time in gossips and negative perception of others, invest your life time in knowledge, becoming a better person, serving this knowledge and wisdom to others etc in the positive sense. Not that 'selfish' that our culture teaches about and you think about!!.....Peacefully yours....rams!!

Friday, 9 December 2016


If you marry a girl for good food, clean house, 'wear-ready' clothes, clean kitchen and toilet and other body needs, you will be disappointed!!...Instead you can marry a 'house maid'...she will give all these!!
Don't expect the girl of today to be like your mother...'an earning house maid'!!
We need to accept the fact that two tired minds and bodies can not do any house chore happily and always, and satisfy each other in body and mind!!...They will only fight out of frustration!!
Instead, if you look for a great friend, life long companionship, good motivator, encouragement, support, a (virtual) shoulder to lean-on, then you can go ahead marrying the girl of today!!
Offloading is the only way of life and living, both at home and office, and traditional Division of Labour is obsolete and no more applicable!!...If you believe in 'All are equal' at home, then your marriage and life can be successful, peaceful, happy and healthy!!
Peacefully yours...rams...


Dear all...THIS IS FOR LOVERS...
Today every one has many friendships which can turn into love any time. So, only way to retain your lover...your love...your peace...your through DEVOTIONAL LOVE!!...i.e caring for some one beyond the wants, needs, expectations, appearance, personality traits, age etc.
Peacefully yours...rams...

Dear all...THIS IS FOR LOVERS...
How to make parents to agree for love marriage?
very very simple!!
"Become positively powerful, rich and wealthy!!"
200% they will fall flat!!...parents of both sides will fall flat!!
One method is clearing CIVIL SERVICES!!
Indian parents are always INSECURE and SCARED!!
When they find their child or child's lover is powerful, rich and wealthy they will forget all sorts of caste, religion and other differences and fall flat!!
All the best!!
Peacefully yours...rams...

take happiness in giving....and take pleasure in taking...

true...takers are PLEASURE SEEKERS...and their needs, wants and expectations will be never ending and therefore, they will never be happy, always fight with their people without whom they can not survive, will be frustrated always...unhappy and without peace in life always!!
Whereas GIVERS are happy people....who are devotees....they enjoy pleasure too in the domain of happiness when available....

Saturday, 3 December 2016

BODY centric living gives only animal pleasure and living beyond that gives hours of happiness and peace in that pleasure!!

Dear all...all of us live animal life driven by urges and pleasures, hasty animal life on the name of responsibility, sedentary life with sedentary food, sedentary thinking, taught by our predecessors, assuming that 'this is life', people who live this life also make philosophies from the same shit, driven by animal needs and expectations from near and dear ones, get frustrated, fight on bed too, enjoy pleasures also like animals for 5 mts only with anxiety and rage....ONLY WHEN WE COME OUT OF THIS BODY BASED LIFE AND LIVING, WE CAN ENJOY AND APPRECIATE THE TRUE WAY OF HUMAN LIVING, with calm and cool, balanced and healthy, enjoy the health and wealth, wisdom and knowledge, acquire unlimited expanding skills and experience, enjoy the bed too for hours in happiness and ecstasy!!...So, let us learn yoga, mediation, healthy exercises for body, mind and socialisation...and teach this technique of true living for the children too!!

how to make people follow us...or how to attract people?...or what is correct Leadership??

Dear all...there are two types of Leadership (woff...if i type this word people will scroll, let me use a catchy word...THERE ARE TWO METHODS OF ATTRACTING OTHER PEOPLE!!)
1. Make people follow you i.e Leadership by exercising power and authority!!
2. Make people follow you i.e Leadership through love and affection!!
Of course, in our culture, in our country, people image and evaluate you and climb on the shoulders (saying 'ilichhavaayan!') if you use NO.2. If we use No.1 then the indiscipline Indians will fall in place and come in straight line. But is the first one completely correct?, we have to apply the DRDO rule...(Different Rule for Different Officers!!).
So, it is better to apply the mix of both so that the subordinates are groomed, mentored with love and affection and also taught how to use the power and authority in a positive way and lead the people!!
Peacefully yours...rams...

Monday, 28 November 2016

A bad boss can spoil a heaven into a hell!! A good boss can make us perceive a hell as a heaven!!

Dear all...THIS IS FOR TEACHERS, TEAM LEADS, ETC...when we get up in the morning, when we think 'what should i do now’ and if we think ‘Oh shit! I have to go to that hell called office (school/college)! I don’t want to go! I don’t want to meet that person! I hate my boss (teacher)! I don’t like the people there. I don’t like that environment!...I don't like the culture there!’ then it is a perfect example of a bad leadership or management.
Do you think we will be happy and performing (studying) throughout the day?
Do you think we will have peace and good health?
Is it not a precious life time wasted?
An organisation can be a heaven in all respects. But a bad boss/team lead can make it a hell!!...So, boss matters the most in any organisation!!
Peacefully yours...rams

COMMON SENSE and PRESENCE OF MIND are the weapons given by Nature to us!!

Dear all...if we exercise COMMON SENSE and PRESENCE OF MIND and think for a second before doing anything that the society or our social learning expects us to do, then we will land up doing the correct thing and the truth!!...This is where we get peace, happiness and health, as we will do Natural things which Nature has created us to do!!
These are the two basic things Nature has given to all of us to protect ourselves and do the right things. so, we need to exercise them and groom them. In most of the interviews they check for these two.
Do our parents or we, as parents...encourage these two from our children?...Do we groom these two?...Do we allow them to exercise these two?...Do the schools, our education system and teachers encourage or groom these two?...Many bosses groomed in this culture do they allow people to use these two?
Why?...What is the reason?...Our culture does not encourage or support this?
'I am the Head here. Boss here. Authority here. Teacher here. Father here. Mother here. I am born before you. I am right. I know better than you. Just do what i say!!'...This is what our society and people say!!'
And finally we blame the student/children for not getting the job!!
Grooming ego spoils everything in life!!
Peacefully yours...rams...

Sunday, 27 November 2016

"SUCCESS that is achieved by losing peace, happiness and physical-mental-social well-being is actually not a success in true sense"

Dear all...any SUCCESS that is achieved in one's perception by losing peace, happiness and physical-mental-social well-being is actually not a success in true sense. Most of the goals in life can be achieved without losing peace, happiness and health. Some can also say achieving these three in the present world itself is a success.

Peacefully yours...rams...

Who is a good Leader and Manager?

All of us are in organisations or social systems (e.g family) from the time of birth. At all these places we have at least one default role, status and associated responsibilities. We are supposed to perform some activities. The jobs we do are defined by the leader of the team or society...written or unwritten!
Sometimes we are not told what we are supposed to do but it is assumed that we know and we are supposed to know (e.g roles of husband, wife, father, brother, sister). At all these places we are associated with people to perform our activities. At any time we are members at some places and in some we are leaders or managers. Our status keeps changing in the same team/organisation at different times.
What is LEADERSHIP?...Who is a good MANAGER?
There are hundreds of definitions. Every individual defines these in his own way.
By looking at these two words, Leadership is all about dealing with People (other resources takes second place) and Manager is all about effective and efficient use of other resources (people take the second place), though people play the most important role at all organisations and social systems, more than the other resources!!
With Money, i.e Rs.100/- what we can do is defined. With Material i.e one sq foot of iron plate, what we can do is defined. But with people we can make an organisation or destroy an organisation. So, they are the most important element of home or office or society!
Initially, many years back every member of the family worked in agricultural farms together. Later when agro-industry manufacturing agro products or tools or providing services to farmers came up at nearby places outside the village the family members got separated when some went for jobs there. After some time government came up with government jobs with its job security and pension. So, many went to the nearby cities and joined government jobs. Everyone went for jobs for earning money so that they can bring more money to family for more comforts at home. So, family was their center of life and not the organisations. So, they were looking for organisations that can give more salary, less work, 9 to 5 or less than that, did not want promotions and transfers, wanted only more money through over time (not work!!).
Even today we have many who are in this frame of mind. Other day my daughter said ‘Dad, one of our professors named few government organisations and said ‘There is absolutely no job there. Total free time and cool. No one works there. You will get monthly salary, DA, secured job, promotions, pension etc without any tension. So, all of you should try to get government jobs!’. So, India has been a welfare state and the culture here is ‘I am entitled for my salary and it is my right, whether i work or not!’. Even in society everyone wants their rights, without knowing or not in a mood to accept that RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES go together and one cannot exist without the other!!...Everyone wants their rights and no one wants responsibility!...Though the youngsters are different but the oldies and the organisation culture set up by the oldies spoil or discourage them.
Karma principle of ‘Do your job. Don’t expect any outcomes. You will get what you deserve!’ is only in books. No one understood the real meaning and peace behind it. So, every one ridicules it and goes by their own definition and remain anxiety struck, get tons of curses, become lonely, get heart attack and die or get life style diseases before or just after getting their rewards!!
As in olden days everyone was poor and they needed only money to earn their living and bring in more comforts at home (for status too), it was PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT that was practiced which gave the strategies of ‘milking the cow’ with the salary and wages, rewards, perks, allowances etc. i.e keeping the people motivated with external factors.
Today everyone has the basic living and comfort needs met. So, it is more of internal factors that matter, i.e motivation has to come from within, though external factors form the bed rock motivator to join the organisation. There has to be a driving force inside the individual to work. So, PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT principles died their own death and HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT principles came up after thorough researches about the human psyche, changing needs and wants at different ages and stages in life, considering the overall resourcefulness of an individual, with career plans of periodic training for growth.
So, coming back to Who is a good Leader or Who is a good Manager?
One who creates an environment at home or office or any other organisation where in...
1. The members when they get up in the morning and think ‘what should i do now’ and if they think ‘Oh shit! I have to go to that hell called office! I don’t want to go! I don’t want to meet that person! I hate my boss! I don’t like the people there. I don’t like that environment!’ then it is a perfect example of a bad leadership or management.
2. If the same employee thinks, ‘Whavvvvvvvvv!! I want to go to my office. I want to meet my people. Today i want to spend more time with my boss. He is such a radiating personality that i feel more energised, enlightened, motivated when i spend even few minutes with him. I can’t think of my day without seeing him at least once! He is more than a boss in my life. He is my guide, mentor, guru and well-wisher. I love my organisation. I love my team. I love that environment!’ then the credits go to the LEADER AND THE CULTURE AND ENVIRONMENT HE HAS CREATED IN THE TEAM/ORGANISATION!’.
3. Everyone in the team should not feel like going home. They should feel that they get more peace, empowerment, happiness and great flourishing relationships at office than at home. They should say that they get lost in their jobs and do not know how the time goes and only feel refreshed and entertained as they work more and more in a day.
4. Any outsider looking at the team should not be able to find out who is the leader of the team, i.e the leader should merge with the members totally that he is the invisible force behind the total dynamics. The outsider should go back thinking that THE CULTURE IS THE LEADER IN THIS TEAM with a wonder in the mind ‘whavv...the individual who created this team and culture is the TRUE LEADER!!’
5. Everyone in the team should feel ‘Come what may, i can’t put down my leader. I can’t see him unhappy. I work for him. He is the source of my energy and inspiration to work and live on this earth!’. When one commits any mistake he or she should feel ‘Woff! What sort of a blunder i made. I should not have done it. It put my boss to shame in front of his bosses! I will never commit such mistakes again in my life and put him in unpleasant and uncomfortable situations!’
6. Organisations change. Policies change. People change. But the memories, legacies and cultures we leave, remain hard in the minds of people and organisations.
7. So, ideal definition i can think off of a good leadership or manager is ‘one who etches a special place in the hearts of people and organisations as the best leader, mentor, guru, guide who placed the people and their growth, as the center for the growth of the organisation, makes them work and enjoy 24x7x365 at their full potential with total involvement while they also self-actualise!...It is an ideal definition. How much close we are able to take the organisation and people depends upon our successful leadership or managerial skills!!
Peacefully yours...rams...

Saturday, 26 November 2016

"Sir, recession, Trump, demonetization, dynamic oil industry...How to cope up?"

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
Some years back recession all over the world hit the lives of people. Many lost their jobs. It affected the standard of living, education of children etc in a family.
Now the situation of petroleum industry across the world is making people to lose jobs. Demonetization is affecting the business and economy of families. I don't know what all will happen to the change in the Presidency at US and how a common family or man in India will get affected.
What do all these things teach us??
1. Job and Economy situation is going to be very highly dynamic in India and abroad now and in future, forever. Stable periods will be small/less.
2. We have no control on the factors outside us, even within our family or influential relatives. Changes in economy, policies of government, ruling party etc both in the state, country and in world can affect us badly. What will change and when, who will change and one knows!!
3. So, we have to protect ourselves with the following:-
(a) One has to be multi-skilled, with multiple educational qualifications in fields/industries, and ready to grow widely and wildly like a banyan tree and not grow in one direction only vertically like an Asoka tree, which can be easily cut in no time by competitors but banyan tree can't be cut as no one knows where the roots and branches are in to the ground!!...Qualifications and skills on things common to all industries can be useful. e.g inspection, quality assurance, standardization etc.
(b) Be flexible to go anywhere on earth for work, education and living. Rigidity will kill us!
(c) Understand and accept that both girls and boys are equal in a family, society and in organisations.
(d) Come out of various sensitivities that affects and isolates us through differentiation and integrate with all without differences of religion, caste, race etc and living together in organisations and societies.
(e) Understand that both husband and wife have to work to ease out the hardships during hard times. Stopping the work will reduce the opportunities of getting job again. So, girls also should work continuously and remain competitive in order to not to lose job.
(f) Remain connected with multiple, related industries for working, knowledge sharing, part time support, specialist support etc simultaneously so that when one falls other one will support.
(g) Need to change with the changes around in all dimensions. (e.g changing to e transactions or cash-less business)
(g) "I know only this. I don't know anything more. I can't study and learn anything new at this age and stage. I have lived like this and can't change now. My family will also be like this only!...We are traditional and so it be. We want to protect our culture and can not allow it to change!"....such people can construct their graves immediately!
(h) Accept that one will lose jobs often due to we resigning or the organisation throwing us out. So, we should have enough savings to spend and live through these tough times of No-Job!!...Hard-rock savings of about 80% and playing with the dynamic market with 20% may be ok.
(i) High spiritual skills,positive psychological skills of understanding life and living to keep mind cool-calm-balanced-stable and accept the life or destiny as it comes, keeping the life and living simple to avoid any effect of outside changes on us, defining life and living
Peacefully yours...rams...

'sir, some bosses act as if they are kind, 'looking after' etc as a good management it good?'

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...HUMILITY and HUMANISM are Natural...Infants and children exhibit humility and humanism...without any preaching by, these are Natural!!
With our so called grooming, preparing for future, preparing them to face the threats in life, culture, and all divisive methods like caste, religion, status, ego etc we turn them into unhappy, peace-less, in-human, unsocial people.
So, it is better to shred all those and again become Human beings faster to enjoy the freedom, happiness, peace, relationships and healthy mind!!
If some one manipulates (e.g bosses of organisations) for personal gains, then it can be sensed easily by others and such people will lose their value!...Some might get enlightened and change too in real life in this process which is a welcome change!! If it is the true nature of the person and comes from within Naturally, then it will be sensed, liked and loved by all in the organisation.

discussion on a video...

our culture and indian way of grooming, only teaches ego, negative-pride, wrong beliefs, status-consciousness in the negative sense...That is why our Heads of families, states, organisations and their wives, children etc are like what they are, and not like Obama and his family here!!....rams....

one comment: "We are supposed to be unparalleled civilisation on earth with the history of more than 5 thousand years!!! Now how it could be wrong. .Senior? May be others are wrong not we. !!?"

My comment: "hai boss...if you have noticed my posts they are focused on simple basic things required in life i.e peace, happiness, good physical-mental-social well-being, contentment, self actualization, self-transcending etc...the ways and means of achieving them...This, probably was in Ancient India...that 5000 years back that you are talking it there now in our life styles-families-social relationships-organisations etc?...In my opinion 'Comparative-Ego' i.e 'I am the head of the family, i am the father, i am the husband, i am the boss, every one should listen to me, i should behave like this only according to my ego-status, i should not behave like this, if i behave then i will lose my power, importance, image, authority, worth etc' is the one of the many things that brings distance between us and others, removes people, good relationships and the Vitals listed above...whereas if we think 'I am yet another human being, all are equal, all that i was given with will go one day i.e power, authority, status etc...they were only given to serve for others and organisations that gave me that...but it is keeping me away from others...what finally will remain with me is 'how good a human being i am, how much i am down-to-earth to reach to every one, how much people like me, how many would like to be with me in all dimensions of life'...this is my actual true wealth, authority, power, status...This thinking is true ancient Indian culture...we have lost it on the way somewhere in the sands of time...also comparative-ego only gives imaginary pleasures...'service' beyond all the ego gives 'happiness', 'satisfaction' 'fulfillment' 'enlightenment' 'contentment' 'meaning to life' 'calm, cool, peace and silence' to the mind...we actually get the true respect, power, status and authority only through this and not with the ego-status given by organisations/social systems!!....this is my opinion and personal experience..."

His comment: "Agreed senior but what is happening in reality I is contradictory. It is sad."

My comment: " that is what i have written in those four lines above the video this video Obama and his family members have that spirituality and enlightenment to be down to earth, reach out to every one throwing away the status given to them by the people of the country (in fact the people gave them that power only because they are true human beings?...who knows!)...we and our people in power, authority etc do not do it, think 'this behaviour is not respectable and not commensurate with their status and power'...even the men in families do that at their homes (and lose their wife and children in some domains) and lose out on the happy moments and true authority and power...many lose their friends and other relationships...Ancient Indian culture has many good things and many cultures in the world have those things even now...but we have lost it...Humility and Humanness is finally what is respected and loved and not which country or culture or caste or religion or faith or language or social/organisational status one, let us shred our ego and enjoy the true freedom and togetherness with others boss!!

Friday, 25 November 2016

we have too many things in our life which do not add any value to our life and living...if we remove them, our life will become too simple and easy....

emotional attachment and too much of sensitization to too many things irrelevant for life for a peaceful and healthy living...increased urges due to unhealthy life styles...these are the evils presently...all of them are not NATURAL, but LEARNT while growing, WHICH CAN BE UNLEARNT!!....rams...


Dear all....THIS IS FOR STUDENTS....
The biggest disease in the minds of students and the people around is 'I 'some how' want to get a job'!
The end result is...
1. They listen to and get guided or carried away by the words of seniors ('that subject is not required for IT job, so don't read'...'read only this, this is enough to get a job') and classmates who also have the same disease.
2. They don't listen to the teachers who are right and have more experience in providing all those necessary for job and beyond!!
3. Parents are the biggest virus in putting this disease in their minds.
4. They don't read many subjects.
5. Don't take interest in reading many topics, subjects in-depth, wide and deep and loose out many good things important for their profession.
6. 'If you run behind job, you will not get job or get only a temporary 'so-so' job!...You will always be sad, anxiety struck, fall in to relationships which might further aggravate the situation, not enjoy your hostel or college life.
7. Instead feel like 'I have been sent to a Treasure Island by God. 'He has told me 'You have lots of treasures here. Knowledge, experience, skills, fun, flourishing relationships, memories and people/places which can give all these!'...How much you take is your ability. If you don't take the treasures, waste time and go out, it is your problem!...You have only four / two/ three years for this oppurtunity. After that you can not come back to get them! Opportunity left is, wealth lost forever!...After spending lakhs through loans to open the gate of this Treasure, if you don't take as much as possible, then you are the biggest fool and losing the best and only oppurtunity of life time relevant for that age!...You can't again come back or get that age or environment again!'
8. The above thought will make you spend more time in labs, library, with professors, professionals and friends in discussions on subjects, skills development (arranging programmes, events, projects, researches, workshops, seminars, club/association activities, sports activities, social responsibility programmes, NCC, NSS, visual media programmes etc), projects, internships, conferences etc. You will spend more useful and value added time in classrooms, college and hostel.
9. No one knows which knowledge, experience, learning and skill will be useful, when and which moment in personal or professional or social life. So, it is wiser not to leave any learning moment anywhere in campus. All subjects, skills and experience will be certain useful in life.
10. We have paid and spending precious time period of our life in class rooms and labs. Why not take some usefulness out of it?
11. It is wiser to take as much knowledge and experience from the teachers as possible (i.e insert a 64 GB pendrive inside the brain of each professor, download all that they have in their brains and download all the data in your brain). Also transfer all the knowledge inside all the computers and facilities into your brain.
12. We must have fun too. Work, entertainment and rest need to be balanced. Anything we do without anxiety and looking for results but with involvement and being in the present, losing ourselves in it becomes entertainment, and not work!!...It could be studies or arranging events etc.
13. If our aim is "I am here to learn as much as possible. I will spend my every moment towards this and enjoy the process!...I am not here to just get a job!". Then you will get the best and many of the jobs!...Else you will be a mad, sad and a frustrated sweating dog in the campus with anxiety, arrears, relationship failures and go out with only bad memories and nothing in the hand!!
So, the crux is...
1. Don't listen to your friends and seniors...things that are negative to your common sense!
2. Listen to positive friends and teachers!
3. Make long term/life long flourishing relationships (that help you to grow) and not just fun and pleasure based short term relationships that can only waste your life-time, energy, money and give painful memories.
4. Add valuable, happy and learning memories of college life and not memories that will make you feel sad and put you in tears when you recollect later on in life!
5. Be wiser and not a loser!
6. If you run behind job then you will not get a job or a good job. If you run behind unlimited knowledge, abundant skills and overall/total personality development then you are sure to get many jobs, dream jobs and you can decide to choose one among many on your plate. Else you will be a beggar on the roads with a plate in your hand for a job!!
7. It is a one time unique oppurtunity and you will not get it ever again in you can't get that age and moments back in life!!
So, are you a wiser or a loser??
Peacefully yours...rams...

Thursday, 24 November 2016


Dear costing or quantifying the value of some people and relationships will only make us lose those people and relationships, not perceive abundant peace and happiness, as they are invaluable in our life!!
Peacefully yours...rams...

Most of the issues related to college students are related to RELATIONSHIPS...
So, thought give some facts and truths of relationships...
1. Any relationship that is based on pleasure, needs, wants etc will remain only for short time, even in marriage relationship!
2. In a marriage relationship at the most can get converted into relationship of commitment.
3. Any relationship that is based on improving the other person's life without any expectations will remain for life time. i.e UNCONDITIONAL FLOURISHING RELATIONSHIP.
4. A devotee relationship where one loves the other person beyond needs and wants, meets all the needs of the other, devotes the entire life for the other person, will also live for life time (there may not be the element of 'FLOURISHING' in this)
5. TIME and PATIENCE are the two things that can bring in love or patch up the strained or broken relationships. Because life is dynamic. Evverything changes!! Body, mind, needs, wants, internal body functioning, life situations, life events, family, people around, climate, place of living, job situations...NOTHING IS STATIC!!...So, we need to have lots of patience to use positive methods and wait giving the other person the TIME.
6. Relationships should be Natural and Love and Caring has to be Natural, from within. If manipulated to attract or keep a person in life, then it breaks.
7. Evvery relationship becomes a 'curd rice' after time, may not break, remain committed too, but it just remains there!!...Of course, spicing up is possible if both take interest.
8. Today every one has ocean of opportunities to make or break relationships and easily. Only those who want to make a meaning in their life and in others' life take efforts to retain relationships.
9. Many do not want life long relationships and look for only pleasure (they call it happiness!).
10. Lots of precious life-time, energy, money etc gets spent in forming relationships. So, people who make life time relationships are wise.
11. Those who make the best of the life-time relationships live longer with contentment and fulfillment without any diseases!!...Those who make short term relationships suffer with physical, mental and social illnesses and die early!
12. The beginning of every relationship is sparkling and it loses its sparkles when POSSESSIVENESS creeps in!
13. Level and endurance of adaptation will decide the happiness and peace and life-time of a relationship.
Keep rocking...Peacefully yours...Rams!!

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Cost and Value of People and Relationships!!

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...As long as we perceive the worth of a person or relationship by converting it into money value, we will not get happiness from that person or relationship. We will only get short lived pleasures and urges, frustrations, sadness, tears, and loneliness will follow!!...If we lose the person or relationship...if we have not enjoyed the person or relationship...if we are not satisfied with the person or relationship...if we lose a person or relationship...if we keep fighting with a person and feel the person is not right for us...It is all because we calculated the worth of the person or relationship in terms of directly or indirectly as money or wealth.
If we had perceived the VALUE OF THE PERSON AND RELATIONSHIP AS A WHOLE IN OUR LIFE, then we would have enjoyed the happiness, felt the treasure, would have never felt lonely, enjoyed the friendship, companionship, love and affection.
So, it is all because of us and our wrong cultural learning!!..Nothing to do with the other person!!
Peacefully yours...rams....

What is the purpose for which Nature has given this form or life to us?

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
Life is too simple. Nature felt we deserve a good holiday to learn, socialise and enjoy. So, it gave us a BODY and MIND and sent us to this earth saying 'Hai!!...Here is your bonanza holiday trip which you truly deserve!!...Go to earth, the garden which is all yours, and enjoy its beauty!!...Everything is free!!...Human beings like you have created some for which they charge money. They only will give you pleasure. But the true things which give you happiness are all yours and free. You can only use it and enjoy without destroying it. If you destroy, you will get destroyed.
I have given a body so that you can move around. I have given you a mind so that you can APPRECIATE AND PERCEIVE THE POSITIVES...i.e THE BEAUTY OF PEOPLE, ANIMALS, PLANTS...i.e NATURE!...I have given you the FEELINGS so that you can feel too and enjoy!!
If you spoil them with diseases then you will lose this oppurtunity to enjoy the earth!!...All in your hands!!...When and what will happen to you?...No one knows!!...So, enjoy to the chore without spoiling the body and mind.
Are we enjoying this life?
Are we enjoying the beauty of this earth?
Are we enjoying the things free in Nature?
Are we protecting our body and mind so that they are with us for a longer time?
Are we enjoying the people and the relationships we make?
When will Nature remove the life from our body?
These are the basics of life and all others are clutters!!
It is time to think!!...Also teach our children about this Fact of Life!!
It is only TIME that we have as OUR WEALTH. HEALTH is the only tool to increase this time!!
Peacefully yours....rams...