hai boss...nice that you gave a good dose of basics!

once two guys from a company based at chennai, our tamils, came to our engg college (where i was vice prinicipal) in suit and thought we guys are only left right variety and peeled of their stuff...i just took them to my HOD, another tamil from GCE, salem and PG from IISc, blore in aero space...he raped them nicely in high speed aerodynamics...when they came back the suit was missing and they were on mother earth...

especially guys abroad think we are only snake charmers!...we need to give the stuff nicely...that is why i gave a group of elite scientists my mouthful when i went abroad, which was liked by them too.

oberoi girls were not so beautiful because they did not have innocence in their face...whereas the athaadi paavadai girl has only innocence!...correct aa?

keep rocking boss...

thank you for your encouraging words!


From: Dr Jayakumar Singaram <jk@epigon.in>
To: M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN <mramasubramanian1@yahoo.co.in>
Sent: Wednesday, 20 February 2013 9:01 PM
Subject: Re: why multiple relationships?...what will happen to evolution?

dear Rams
after long day with European Business group ( EBG) in oberai hotel and i came to house to just crash down.  But i jsut want to check eamils before i go to crash mode even at  8.56 PM of day ( it is very early for me to sleep.). Imagine how time i would had with  European on " GNSS Applications Economy Driver".  This is research that i hda presented and many had given virtual awake during 3 00 PM ( where after lunch good sleep time)  and said taht i had doped them with too much physics .. this is because i want them to understand Bose Enientein condensation and Gaint phenamonina,.
tough day..
 but when i looked at your email and played that song ( your uncls taste).. all my stress dis-appered.. more over then i had played another song connected in that u -tube page http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90td2TnEj6Q&feature=endscreen&NR=1  .. 

Aathadi Paavadai Kaathada

Amazing... what a refershment...  even beautiful girls in Oberai not able to give such a refereshment and taste.. but thes loving tamil songs made me be awake and nJoy  life instead of sleeping.
Regards and keep me alive