Saturday, 9 February 2013

we...the inventors of all negativities in the world!

hai are you?

I agree that all of us are very pious. We do all that god tells us to do. We live as per the advice or the preaching of our guru. We are god fearing. We live as per the way told in our holy books. We know that god will punish us if we do wrong things. We know that we are good and should do only good things.

If this is true then which god or guru or holy book(s) has told us to smoke, booze, cheat, rape, torture children and women, feel greedy of everything (wealth) and everyone (people), feel jealousy, have urges for pleasure, kill other living organisms for pleasure and taste, use addictive chemicals, damage the environment, be a parasite on others eating their wealth, do robbery, tell lies in occasions where it will not do any good, amass wealth doing all wrong things, do all frauds, abuse our body and mind, exploit others, do / think negative and wrong things, have destructive attitude and have negative perceptions, feelings and emotions (anger, frustration, fear, sad)…woff…the list goes on and on like this…how did we invent sooooo many negative behaviours yaar!!!!!...ammmmaaazing!...

which god or guru has told us to have all these and live with all these behaviours?

Will god not punish us for all these?

The famous tamil saint and poet Thiruvalluvar says saints or gurus or rishis do not have all the above…those who free themselves from all the above will reach saint hood…it does not mean they cannot live a family life…all famous saints of the past have lived family life…it only means that you will live a happy, healthy and successful life. You will be blessed by god. You will be radiating happiness and peace.

Does your guru possess all these? he free from all these behaviours?

we have invented many negative behaviours and few positive behaviours. Nature has given us so many things in front of us to form positive we have time to observe and be with the nature to appreciate and form the positive behaviours?

keep rocking guys and gals!


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