hai guns are roses!
how are we?
thanks for all those who gave me the motivating tonic injection through your mails!
blog is more read by people in the countries where i don't know any one
and where the national language is not english!...amazing!!...is it
not?...why is it so?...is it because all posts of funnyrams are really
funny for them?
...and it is not funny for us?
we are busier than those people?...anyway...no wonder, all the indian
swamijis, sathgurus and gurujis have more followers outside india!
is my blog and if you find it interesting and useful you can tell about
this to others also. Some more fun is there on my face book wall
also...Manickarajan Ramasubramanian.
on the road i saw a long queue...it was for collecting the free mixie,
grinder and fan from the government...this reminded me of my school days
when i used to go to chinthamani super market (it is not there
now...ganapathy silks is standing in that place) at
gandhipuram and stand in the queue for ground nut oil (i have stood for
this one litre oil for three full days in late seventies!!!) and other
house hold items. Traumatic days of life!!!...anyway...those days made
me street smart and helped me to understand the living and life of poor
and lower middle class families. Once while standing in the queue they
played a instrumental music...i think shenoi...an instrument where air
is blown...the tune was so good, pleasing and soothing...then i started
enjoying the standing in queue as i could listen to this tune...i forgot
about it and after many years i heard a song...then i felt i have heard
this tune some time some where...then i could realise that it was in
chinthamani...then i started liking the song...but without knowing the
meaning, as it was a hindi movie song...after i spent some in north
india, when i learn hindi a bit, i could understand the lyrics of the
song a bit...then i started liking it
more...when i was posted on board a ship i used to listen to it very
often...when i left the ship, they gave me a present...when i opened up
the wrapper i found a video cassette...when played i found it had only
that song!!!...the link is here...check if you also like it
....http://youtu.be/hd_mMEQ77s8another version of this song which is also too good...is here...http://youtu.be/dLjvPShWkos
hmmm...what a situation for the girl...she loved some one and spending the first night with some one...most of the indian girls are put in to this situation!
coming back to the subject of the mail...hmmm...
dear friends...sorry for this
short mail!!!
there is a subject….
Which deals with knowledge on
human life, spirituality, human behaviours – overt and covert, happiness,
sorrows, health, superstitions, beliefs, meditation, yoga, or any damn thing
which is related to homo-sapiens, all that are said by gurus, swamijis, rishis,
god men, saints, sathgurus etc about every thing that concerns human beings that are understood,
experienced or felt by only them or by a few….
With the limited knowledge that I
have about psychology I am sure that every thing at para 1 above falls under
the ambit of psychology…partially or completely…the boundaries of psychology is
steadily increasing and I am sure even the uncovered will get covered by the
young aspiring psychologists in future.
There are people…..
related to the subject described above at para
1…the human beings…living throughout the world…
i think we can divide the world into three groups of people....
first group...
first group...
'those who have formal education
on these issues and use it for earning their livelihood' - they are
psychologists who learn, work, practice and research or think to only a limited
extent of keeping their profession ticking or keeping them and their patients
the second group…
the second group…
'those psychologists who learn, work, practice
and totally immerse themselves in pure research (not just towards getting a phd
or limited benefits) towards unraveling the truth… or experiencing the truths
which can only be felt or realised or experienced etc as said by great people and
cannot be validated by science...this is a small group!!!
the third group is 'who have not undergone any formal education on these issues'...
the third group is 'who have not undergone any formal education on these issues'...
this group includes
people…both educated and
uneducated…..who believe that they know a lot about human psychology and human
behaviours...even more than psychologists!!!...when i talk to them i find them
many times criticizing the psychologists that they don't know anything...or all
that they talk or do is not right...rubbish etc...They go to the extent of
saying ’they are psychos’… this is because these people do not know what
psychology books contain, what psychologists learn, their profession
etc...their definition of psychology is limited to judging people in front them
or doing a good negotiation or things of this sort...
some of them are ready(mostly educated) and
have the maturity to learn about psychologists and subjects related to
psychology, what is their knowledge or authority in this field etc...
some believe
that people other than the psychologists
and commoner s i.e the spiritual people or gurus, only know about the issues i
mentioned at para 1 and psychologists don't know or not qualified or not
authorities in talking about the above issues…they feel that they are sent by
god…they totally surrender to them and lead their life as per the advice of
them…they also believe that they are sacred, the books written by them are
sacred, they should not be questioned, they are equal to god, whatever they say
is god’s words, it should not be analysed, discussed etc…they also feel that
talking or analyzing or thinking about them and their advices etc are a sin…god
will curse…etc…
(these common
people expect the god men or gurus to live a bachelor life without wife and
children…but they have read and know that great rishis of epics lived a family
life…they can accept the gods having one or more than one wife….but can not accept
the god men doing that…
The commoner
has lots of regards for them but will not agree for his children to become
gurus or swamijis or saints even if the mutts select them for such positions…he
wants his children only to become educated and wealth earners!
they have got
an image of these people…i.e shaven head or a big beard or lots of hair on face
and head…though they have read and agree to thiruvalluvar (mazhithhalum neettalum
venda ulagam pazhithha thozhithhu vidin) i.e ‘there is no need to grow beard or
shave the head to be the god sent human being . It is enough if he lives a
clean noble life leaving those things which are treated as immoral, unethical or inhuman etc by the world
community’…note…not by a small community…he is very clear!...he says world
community…i.e he encourages creative thinking which may not be acceptable to
the local community…
will read 'karkka kasadara karpavai katrapin nirkka athakku thaga' of
thiruvalluvar (i.e learn, learn without doubts, learn only those which
are good and suitable to you and after every learning convert them in to
your personality traits and lead your life with that), but will not use
his brain, read it only to score marks in exam, and surrender to others
to decide his life...lack of self confidence?
will also read 'yepporul yaar yaar vaai ketpinum apporul meipporul
kaanpathu arivu' of thiruvalluvar (i.e you will listen to many things
from many people...but
the truth in that has to be analysed and understood by you, only then
you are considered as a knowledgeable person or a 'human being' with
'brain'!..otherwise you know what you are!)....but will not analyse
anything that he hears from his 'life guides'...he will simply follow
without thinking!!!
the common man
can live in poverty and accept his gurus or god men living an extravagant life
in great wealth, while he has read that ‘thuravaram’ or saint hood is living a
simple life leaving all wealth and worldly pleasures and human relationships
and emotions…
he does not get
emotionally attached to a doctor who has saved him from dangerous disease or
given eyes or stopped his heart, performed a surgery and made it again to
lub-tub….does not consider him as god…but considers some one who has given a
cognitive therapy i.e solved his mental problem …as god…he can do anything for
his god man…like he does anything for a politician to whom he is attached
emotionally….he goes unstable when he sees him…he feels some energy…we don’t
know whether he is going unstable or really he got some energy from the god
man…only felt…)
Most of them can not accept a person in normal
clothes and attire living a clean noble life as a swamiji or guru or saint!
there are some more people who belong to the third group above...the spiritual people who appear differently in different attires and called by the others in different names...like god, god men, spiritual gurus, swamijis etc etc...their talks or the books written by them can be classified in to two groups…
1. Those who
talk about things which can be understood by commoners…they discuss about the
thinking and feelings felt by the commoner in daily walk of life…it matches
with the life experiences of a common man…each sentence they speak or write
will convey the same meaning to any one who is listening or reading…so, while
listening to them or reading the written material the individual feels that he
is talking about reality, truth, immediately and directly applicable to life,
he can follow, he can change his behaviours easily, he feels ‘yes, he is
talking sense!’…’he is in line with the society…he is in line with my
beliefs…my definition of life’ etc……
2. Those who
talk about things which go above the head of any commoner or even highly
educated people…they can not realise or feel it…they can not understand it…they
feel that he is talking something great which is beyond their reach…he is
talking all these as he is god or sent by god…he has ‘realised’ these things
because he has the blessings of god…we are not able to feel or realise all
these as we are commeners…so I have to listen to him…I should not question him
as he is god…he is too great…he is above human beings…he is sacred…I should not
think or analyse his teaching…if I do then I am committing a sin…the sacredness
will go…I will be cursed….
the sentence
uttered or written by them give several meanings…many argue that ‘great people
talk or write like this because they want us to take the meaning that is
comfortable or acceptable to us (whereas they can understand wrongly and can
take a wrong path or land up with superstitions!!...some people come up as
intermediate people to explain these to the common people, and while doing it,
they give lots of examples or stories, which also can lead to wrong
understanding or superstitions, as it will have the influence of the
interpreter, might add self motives too!!!!)…what they say could be true or
untrue…if he is selfish then he may be following ‘convince or confuse’
strategy….any one other than him has to put in lots of efforts to attain the
happiness realization that he is talking about…it may be almost impossible to
realise for a common man…whether educated or not…
now the analysis…
I think out of
all these people the most important people are the commoners, as they form the major portion of the population.
does not know anything about
life…he only knows to eat, get educated, get a job, get married, produce
children, get some happiness in family life, may be get some
achievements as decided by him, get some diseases due to wrong ‘life
style’ learnt from his predecessors, wonder what a life he has lived,
to wrong selfish people, get probably some peace (confusion too!) and
die one day!
The person who is educated and
experienced in life matters is not given any damn!
So, I think we need to do the following:-
- Increase the awareness of the subject and profession of psychology to the commoners through programmes.
- Do the needful to ensure that the commoner does not surrender to any and uses his brain and wisdom to decide his destiny through the guidance of psychologists. Knows that psychologists are the ultimate people on earth and authorities to be consulted and not god men. Decides at least about 80% of his life issues based on reality, wisdom, science etc unlike now where he decides about 90% of the things based on the words of his gurus, horoscope, rings, precious stones, numerology, vasthu, nameology, life sacrifices of animals and a host of other superstitions
- First, the psychologists should be convinced that there is nothing outside the ambit of this subject and nothing or no one is sacred that it can not cover for research.
- More researches should be undertaken on the ‘misty ‘ areas of human life.
- May be psychology can be introduced from school level onwards so that the children know what is happening in them and what is going to happen in their lives and they know how to analyse behaviours and things at para 1. They can build moral science over this so that they can decide what is moral or immoral or right or wrong or good or bad for their life and mould themselves. At the moment, tell me, how many know about this subject and profession?...about which every human being is supposed to know!!!
What???...i have to list more or what?
...then what for you
people are there?
...i only narrated the scenario…that is all…now, think and
list down the things that you guys have to do!!!...and start doing it!...i hope
you have realized your importance, authority on human life, responsibilities
and the scope!!!
(don't kick me, ok!!
so, psychologists, We are everything!!!!
wofff...i have said what ever i have to say...what these guys will say now?
keep rocking...bye...
wofff...i have said what ever i have to say...what these guys will say now?
keep rocking...bye...
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