Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Let us bell the bells...ding daang bells!

hai are you?*:) happy

hope you enjoyed the previous mails!

here are some more...enjoy!*:) happy

as usual...first ding daang!*:) happy

Our lungs have three types of volumes. 
1. total volume which never gets filled 
2. normal breathing volume which is minimal when we are at rest or do less physical work. Air enters only to the top of lungs. That is all. Remaining part of the lungs are not filled. Think about the alveoli, which is the only place where the blood vessels open in our body for release of carbon-dioxide and acceptance of oxygen. So, any micro organism can live and suck the blood?...if it is left idle without functioning?
  3. the maximum breathing volume which gets filled when we do a fast run. Fast run rarely happens. 
So, our aim should be to make (2) as much as possible. If we don't 'breath' then it remains as low as possible and organs do not get enough oxygen to function at peak efficiency, leading to reduced life, reduced overall efficiency of the body, diseases etc. 
If we 'breath' through yoga (other exercises might take in oxygen but rate, rhythm etc are different) then slowly (2) will increase and even during rest or normal functioning while we are at work in office, our lungs will take sufficient oxygen and make our organs to work healthily. This is the secret of good performance at work or in studies, freshness, long life, less diseases of those who we do yoga. So, let us increase the (2) volume...shall we?*:) happy

(you know when and where i read this? 1986, during my mit days, in Bio medical instrumentation subject!!!!*:) happy)

well, now the second ding daang!*:) happy

when we are students in a college, if we think we are students, then without our conscious knowledge we are driven to dress like a student, create features on our body e.g boys with ear pin, to create an image of a student, to think like a student (only) and do all behaviours like a student e.g 'hai boss! shall we cut the class and go for a movie?'

But if we think we are scientists or engineers or born to do something or born to solve all problems in science or engg or mgmt then our dressing, reading, way of thinking, our behaviours, image formation....all align towards this cognition...

so, we do what we think...we become what we think!

(wofff...this is my personal experience paa...but i am yet to become what i thought and thinking...hmmmmm...hopefully one day!
*:) happy)

the third ding daaang!*:) happy (hey rams! too many smileys...regulate...regulate...!*:)) laughing)

I find many fat people running / jogging to reduce the weight. To burn the fat and convert to energy our body needs some time. When we run the body needs quick energy (high rate). There is no time for it to burn the fat and convert it into energy. So, it uses the energy derived from the previous meal which is readily available and not converted to fat...from the 'ready to use' store. As this becomes empty after the run, brain tells the stomach to ask for food and so we feel hungry after the run. We hog and put on weight. So, when we run mostly it is the ready to use energy that is burnt and not the fat. Fast walk is the right intervention to reduce weight.

The lesson is 'use the right intervention for the right problem of the body and mind'.

So, should we run or walk?*:) happy (of course, when we talk about weight reduction!)

the fourth ding daang!*:) happy

We have our neighbours around our house. We look at them every day. Share other near by common resources and boundary. They are the ones who will rush to help us in case we suffer heart attack or any health problem needing urgent help. But we pick up fights with them on silly issues making them our biggest enemies.

Our relatives stay far away. They will arrive only after we become dead. We see them once in a blue moon. But we are friendly with them.

What a funny people we are?...this does not mean we should develop enemity with our relatives. It only means we should be friendly with our neighbours, as they only can save our lives.

so, when shall we have party with our neighbours?
*:) happy

the fifth ding daang!*:) happy

When we provide required nutrition to our body and take out work it is known as 'body use'. When we don't provide the required nutrition or provide wrong food and take out work it is known as 'body abuse'. When we use drugs to correct the diseases it is known as 'drug use'. When we use drugs for pleasure it is known as 'drug abuse'. So, what do we do?...body use or abuse?

the sixth ding daang!*:) happy

let us see what happens at our house in the morning...the alarm rings. We press and sleep. Again rings. We get up. Feel tired. Feel down. We feel 'nothing is ok in life'. Whirl to get ready. Shout at every one. Moment we open the door and come out we feel energetic when we breath the fresh air. After some time we get alright. Why?...

the problem is we close all doors and windows for various reasons and breath mostly carbon-dioxide, smoke from mosquito repellents, left over of hot gases from kitchen and other 'gases', for nearly 08 hours (one third of time in a day). The vital organs of body, which square up all the abuses (taking work out of the body without providing sufficient oxygen and nutrition and providing wrong gases / food) we have done during day with the night metabolism do not get sufficient oxygen. They work with less efficiency.

Brain, in the absence of sufficient oxygen produces less neurotransmitter substances which are responsible for moods, freshness and depressive feeling. Toxic gases affect our body. Our ancestors lived long by just providing clean and sufficient oxygen, as it is the basic need. Basic in yoga is 'pranayam' which is to ensure more oxygen to organs and increase the normal breathing volume of lungs. We breath polluted air during day and carbon-dioxide during night and expect our vital organs like liver, kidney, heart, lungs, brain and glands to work with full efficiency, not to get diseases, and help us to be healthy, happy and successful???? So, let us take measures to allow air breeze to come inside our bedrooms to live long, healthy, happy and successful...of course, sweet dreams also!*:)) laughing

the seventh ding daang!

for science lovers...

one side i see computers made of 'silicon' doing many things which human beings can not do...speed of processing, volume of storage, speed of retrieval and storage and various other amazing things done by robots. We are proud that we have created these!!!

On the other side i find human beings made of 'bio-chemicals' with amazing traits like high intelligence, inventions, learning skills, a highly complicated closed loop control systems network and what not?

Why not we make computers made of biochemicals, smaller than cell or tissue size which will merge with our body so that we get the power of computers as hundreds (or lakhs?) of these computers can travel all over the body (in blood) with some remaining localized (for continuous organ status updates) that...

1. we get continuous update of efficiency of organs, any threats, status, virus / bacteria updates directly to brain.

2. Human beings become primitive and super human beings emerge. (advanced than cyborgs)...and we become monkeys in cages in zoos in front of the new species???
*:) happy...shit yaar!...they will throw ground nuts for us to catch!...can you imagine this???*:)) laughing

3. we don't die

and much more....any more???
*:) happy

the eighth ding daang!
*:) happy

every day many indian fisher men get killed by sri lankan navy personnel. Why?...they cross the borders and enter their waters. Why not some one design a GPS based nav and warning system so that they are warned by audio and video when they are nearing the border. This will ensure that our fisher men remain safe and sound in our waters.

my doc file has many more bells like it has become long i will kiss here (Kut It Short Subbu!)*:) happy

bye guys and gals...keep rocking!*:-h wave

rams!*:) happy

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