hai friends...how are we?
here are some topics...scrambled egg!
the first issue...
our philosophy of life regarding how we should live has only two things...those proven by science...those not proven and only believed, experienced and felt. It could be superstition also. Some also think 'it is better if certain things are not researched, analyzed and reasoned out!'. Science can never be able to prove anything and everything under the sky.
Every human being on earth will always have some 'belief' which is not proved. No debate on this issue can be conclusive ever.
So, ultimately what we should follow is that gives us happiness, good health and success while we allow others also to have these. Let it be proved or unproved or superstition!
the second issue...
whavvv! what a nice smell from the neighbour's kitchen! i feel hungry yaar!...neighbour's wife cooks nice dishes!' (hmmm...what she cooks at home!!!...hmmm...pathetic!!!)
'whavvv! what a nice garden the neighbour has! what a nice smell of flours! takes me to heaven yaar!' (look at our garden!...like a graveyard!!)
'what a nice agarbathhi smell! her taste of smell selection is too good!' (i don't what she lites!...smells like a rotton egg yaar!!)
'whavv! what a nice music coming from neighbour's house! she has a good taste for music!' (woff...the music at my home puts me to sleep!)
this is what people feel in general...the end result it neighbours wife becomes more beautiful and better than ours! (you never know...all the above may be due to the grandma at neighbour's home!!)
the corollary is the neighbour also thinks the same...about our wife, garden, kitchen smell, agarbathi smell etc. and gets frustrated!.
What we don't have is always better than what we have. The urge to possess what we don't have makes us to think like this. It also shows that we don't know the value of what we have and we take it for granted. We don't sensitize about things we have but get sensitized at things we don't have.
The reason for some of the miseries in life.
(by the way, neither me nor my neighbours have any garden. All my neighbours are above 60 years of age...ha...haa..haaa!)
the third issue...
some of the simple phenomenon used in the latest robotics research are...
1. when you try to touch a fish in tank, it bends its body like 'C' and throws the body away...this is used...
2. when a fire man drops the hose it moves in all directions due to the jet and the reaction force...this is used in robotic fishes to get more forward thrust...
plenty of interesting information available on net on robots...
here is the video of the fastest robot in the world...developed by MIT....boston dynamics...the cheetah robot...runs at 28.3 miles per hour
hold your breath and watch!!!
the World's most advanced and latest humanoid robot is ASIMO developed by HONDA...http://youtu.be/UpMM_N_8ozU...this is one link...there are more links available there to see its capabilities...
the fourth issue is...
the worst thing on earth that can happen to a mother is 'seeing her child lying dead in front of her'!...let us pray that no mother on earth should get this curse!
If we get any health problem in our body we eat medicines or nutritious food, our stomach digests it and we get well. If the stomach itself gets affected, then how to digest the medicine or nutritious food?...so, which part of the body needs to be kept in good health all the time?
keep rocking guys and gals...
thanks a lot for visiting my blog...may god bless you all with great lives.
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