hai friends...how are you?...
hope you are nicely laughing and enjoying the life!...the short life!...before you go to the furnace!!
about music...
at home there are people who like music...and who do not
like...actually those who do not like are not actually disliking or
hating music...it is just that they are not in a mood to listen to it
and enjoy...no romantic moods...they get it only when on bed for just
few seconds or two / three minutes and after that again get anxiety
is because our culture of always remaining in 'anxiety' (fear of
unknown), 'stress', mentally preoccupied, responsibility struck etc...in
our culture if we are singing and dancing we are marked as
irresponsible...if we are serious, sad, restless, thinking, in a spin
always, then we are marked as
responsible, good husband, good boy etc!!!...is this correct?...what a
bloody culture we have created!!!
had an uncle...my father's sister's husband...he never liked music...he
used to shout at me when i played any music...i used to think 'Bloody
mad guy!'...does not know how to be happy and enjoy!...
you like seeing sad faces?...No, is it not!!!...so,
if we put up a sad face who would like to see us or be with us?...so,
the best way to keep people with us is to put up a smiling face!...then
you will become a honey comb and all bees (both male and female) will be
lined up in front!
is not the youthful skin or colour of the skin or good face that brings
beauty but it is the smile that makes the face beautiful.
have gone out of the topic...where i was???...oh! yes!...that mad
uncle!...one day my father had borrowed an Akai two in one music
system...the state of the art latest system (i am talking about
I was extremely happy and listening to the songs throughout the night.
My bed was near a window. Other side of the window this mad uncle was
sleeping. So, he could hear the music. He was not getting sleep and was
shouting all the time. So, i kept the speaker cloooooose to my ears that
i only can hear. He kept quiet. I was enjoying. Time passed. At about 4
am i can hear the sound of he getting up from his bed, opening the door
and coming inside. I got scared and switched off. He quietly came and
said 'Mani! just play the previous song!...keep the volume little
high!...ok!'...he said this and went to his bed. Then what, i just
played that song many times, as i also liked it very much. Here is that
song...just check if you like it...if you don't like it then you are
worst than that uncle!
...or you are a true indian soaked in anxiety all the time...so, what are you?...mad mad person or true indian?
...here is the link...http://youtu.be/35MsK32jRgw
if you like that song, then here is a bonus melody song from the same movie
http://youtu.be/NLMI93Adt98ok...enough of jing bang
have a north pole and south pole...a magnet has two opposing ends...we
have people with just the opposite characteristics...but still there are
forces of attraction connecting them to show that world is round!...to
show that sparks can take place...to show that relationships can exist
between them...
yesterday, i had said in my mail that multiple relationships are unavoidable in the years to come and we only have
to look at how to look at it...or tackle it...the reason is here...
world will be increasingly competitive as years go...due to less
natural resources and more demand...so, to be successful and surviving
organisations have to be CREATIVE...i.e different from others...in their
products, services, processes, raw materials, technology used etc. To
bring in creativity, the people have to be creative...if they are not
they would be thrown out...in fact, only creative students will get
are highly creative...nature has produced us with creativity...but our
memory based education system kills this creativity...at the end of 16
years of education when we go for interview they want creativity!...what
a bloody sad state of affairs!!...so, let us groom creativity at
schools, colleges, if not, at least at homes!
are not machines...to work without using our brains...in most of the
jobs brain is required only during initial days of learning...after we
learn and get experienced, our hands and legs can
just do it without the need of brain...e.g bathing, shaving, cooking,
cleaning etc. So, we get bored with jobs fast and our quality and
productivity reduces.
is why in Job Design, we try to bring in the CREATIVITY element, i.e
thinking all the time on job and every time and every job
differently...out of box...this is a real challenge for the job
designers, as bringing in creativity in every job is exttttremely
difficult...e.g typist's job!
we want the job to be entertaining...so that we are able to be more
productive in quality and quantity...free from feeling
boredom...creativity itself reduces stress and refreshes...of course,
dead lines will not work in creativity...the idea can come in just one
minute and can even take hours...good environs are important...may be in
natural setting...that is why when we get bored or stressed during job
we can play golf and come back...golf ground is all green with grass and
trees...when trees are there birds are there...natural
sounds...silence...peace every where...and you are playing!!!...this is
the reason golf grounds or billiards are there in software companies or
modern companies...so, natural setting, stress free mind, cool thinking
is required for us to be creative...
when we are single and scratching the balls, we feel not that
good...when we are a team, group where cohesiveness exists...feel
friendly...no hierarchies...no distances...peer group...no competitive
feeling...the feeling or aim is to win as a team, and not as
individuals...fun...fun and fun...then creativity is at its
peak...specially when we have handsome guys
and good looking girls
(of course, brainy too!!) in the team!!!
unfolds in any art form...in
painting...drawing...sculpturing...singing...playing an
instrument...dancing...in fact, any thing that is done with creativity
and body parts is an art!!!
art eases the mind, makes us to feel like a
feather...lighter...relaxes...a feeling of ecstasy...a feeling of out of
the world...floating in space experience!!!
now a days there is no discrimination between boys and girls in
education and jobs...all are equals...so, equal or in fact more number
of girls are in to organisations...in intellect demanding jobs...
if we look at the environment in organisations...creativity...working
as a group...good natural environs...artistic form and feeling in
work...more girls...group entertainment...group games...fun..fun...and
fun...sparks can occur in the minds of the people...people tend to like
others in the groups and teams...they might like spending more time in
their jobs...as the whole environment is refreshing and soothing...full
happiness, happiness and only happiness!!!
me who will hate this job or company or environment or PEOPLE???...so,
we start liking and loving the job, company, environment and
people!!!...so, likes can mature to become loves...or both can
co-exist...here the like or love is not from the physical looks (even
not so beautiful group members can also get attracted between each
other) but from the radiating happiness from each member and the
'intellectual compatibility'...it might be from they might have lots of
differences in their likes, dislikes and personality traits...but they
unite in one particular aspect...being creative...being
happy loving...so, this is out of the ambit of 'physical attraction'
and 'personality traits'...because members might have many traits not
liked by the others...but the prominent trait of flexibility or
compatibility of the need on job can make them get attracted towards
each other...
tell me, will this not lead to multiple relationships?...of course,
most of the girls may be clear...might be able to clearly distinguish
and mark the limits, borders and comfort zones...might clearly identify
the type of relationship they have...but MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMen???? who
generally can feel only one relationship with all girls, we know what it
in such an environment 'possessiveness' and 'expectations' can lead to disasters!
the positive mental state which some people have...remember that
village girl?...in yesterday's mail...that is the type of mentality
which can keep us positive...
anyway...it is a never ending debatable topic...
we should remember one thing...culture is not defined by us...inside
the home...it is dictated by environment outside...which is not in our
hands...however much you restrict being inside the homes we have to come
out...even small societies can not remain closed groups...even the big
closed and heavily guarded soviet union broke out!!!...so, where are our
homes, caste groups, societies etc!!!...nothing!!!
is not defined by human beings, it is the technology which always
dictates the culture...our way of living...the way we perceive the life
to be!..e.g mobile phones and internet have changed the culture upside
There is no point in discussing what is right and what is wrong!...we can do sweat 'f' all about it!!!
have to only look at how to be happy, healthy and successful within the
envelope!!!...or try to find an orderliness or system within
disorderliness (may be perceived!)
change will have a transient phase where the system goes unstable and
depending upon the 'tow'...the time constant...the system settles faster
or slower...so, in the society, organisations and homes too we will
find all sorts of problems of divorce, break ups, tears, murders,
chathak chathaks...dumeel dumeels...frustration...depression...suicides
etc...but after many years it will settle
differences, discriminations, rules and regulations have been created
by us...nature has not created...so, in the evolution process we will
reach where we started with!...making it a perfect circle!!!...the
universal theory will hold good...nature always wins...and not the human
bye guys and gals...keep rocking...hope you enjoyed this
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