Thursday, 30 November 2017

Who is an Educated person?...Who is a grown up person??

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
Who is an educated person?
Who is a grown up person?
Who is a matured person?
A person who knows how to live in peace, how to have good physical health, how to have good mental health and how to make good happy-peaceful and healthy relationships and one who lives that way!!...and one who understands that others also need to have all these...and allows them to get and have all these!!
What is the use of that can any one be called as a grown up or matured person...if he does not know or can't live in peace...lives as a parasite dependent upon others for his peace, happiness and good health...can't maintain good physical health...can't possess good mental health...can't make healthy and happy relationships...????????????...and does not allow others to live peacefully, happily and healthily!!...
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!

Monday, 27 November 2017

Who am I?...What is the purpose of this life?...What i am supposed to do?

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
Qn: Who am I?...I am unable to find an answer for this. Can you tell me who i am?
Ans: I can only tell you how i define myself. I suppose it is applicable for all!!...Because it is generic!!
Any one can define it in their own way. As long as it gives them health enhancing thoughts, feelings and behaviours, peace, happiness, good physical-mental-social well-being, success as defined by them, self-actualisation, self transcendence, and allows all people in their life also to get all these, then their definition is right and correct for them!!
In general, i would define it like this!
1. All of us are just yet another living organisms amongst the several trillions of trillions and more...period!!
2. We are part of this vast Nature!...Nature means not just trees, plains, mountains, rivers etc. It includes all planets, earth, people, animals, insects and everything which is there in this universe.
3. We can see ourselves as superior, Human Being etc. Differentiate, categorize etc for better understanding. But Nature, to which are a part, sees us as yet another living organism only.
4. Any one can die any time. No guarantee of life. You might take another birth or one knows...every one's belief is different...But whether this sixth sense will be there or not...we don't know!...So, the present life is precious!!
5. Every one's destiny is different. Every one's journey is different. No one's life can be compared with any one else. Superior and inferior is a self perception. Every one is unique and has something special in them. Every one's life is fantastic.
6. We change continuously in our appearance, likes and dislikes, moods and interests, wants, needs and expectations.
7. The aim or goal of life is to be a good living organism.
8. A good living organism is one who/that is peaceful, happy, physically-mentally-socially healthy, self actualised, self transcended, has a self-regulating body, has a mind free from body, practices health enhancing thoughts-feelings-behaviours, allows and helps every other person on earth to get all these, caring for others unconditionally, keeps learning through out life from others, through self experiences, multiples disciplines of knowledge, wisdom, skills.
9. The purpose of life is to be a global person, to be adaptable to any place, any climate, any food habit, any culture, any belief system, any religion, any caste, any race, any region, go all over the world and earth...for a purpose of learning, fun and enjoyment. Keeping HUMANISM above everything in life.
10. Life is not a struggle or a battle field or full of sorrows. Life is all fun. Life is to be with the remaining part of Nature and enjoy them.
11. To live as long as possible on earth in the present form and enjoy the earth using the sixth sense.
12. Everything that we have learnt other than the above may not give Point, they are wrong and useless.
13. Read my other posts in my blog which will also add value to know 'who you are!'
So, just enjoyyyyyyyyyy!!
Peacefully yours....Rams...Psychologist!!


Qn. What is love?...Is it wrong?...Why people say ‘falling’ in love?
Ans: means...'caring unconditionally'...that is all...all other definitions of love are wrong...they are wrong because they cannot bring long term peace, happiness, good health and self actualisation to both the people concerned...few spells of pleasure here and there, now and then, is not permanent peace, happiness and good health!!
People who say 'love means both sadness and happiness' do not know the right definition or understanding of love!!
Word 'falling in love' is incorrect...where is falling in this?? can we say that 'caring unconditionally' is wrong and falling etc.
Filmy love of getting aroused and attracted towards a six pack youngster or shapy, curvy, fair, girl is not love... society defines 'love' they don't accept it...and therefore, they think it is 'falling' in life and therefore they say ‘falling in love’!!
Some people also say ‘falling’ means ‘falling of all negative things in us when we are in love with a person’...As long as a love relationship makes us ‘good living organisms’ then it is good and right only...(who is a good living organism? my blog posts!)
There is no living organism which cannot or does not love a source of unconditional love!...Period!!!!!
So any person will like and love the source of 'unconditional love'...who is showing the right definition of love, not through words, but by might also love that source of unconditional love conditionally or unconditionally...if you are conditional then you will suffer...if you are unconditional then you will not suffer...that is all!!
So, those who feel ‘no one loves me!’...’there is no lover for me!’...should know what is love...if they are ready to give ‘unconditional caring’ for someone for life time, then the whole earth of living organisms will love them!!
Lion, tiger and allllllllllllllllllll wild animals can be tamed....with unconditional love!!...because ..because...every living organism needs love and affection, caring, for living peacefully, happily and healthily....period!!
So, the crux is...
1. Love is in abundance on this earth...everyone on this earth can love you!!
2. If we don’t have a lover, it is not due to others, it is due to us.
3. If your love is a failure, then the fault is there in you, not with the other person.
4. If you go to a person for your ‘needs, wants and expectations’ ...feeling of goodness of pleasure...then it is not love, it is an emotional business...’i will give this, you give me that’, businesses can fail, collapse, go in loss or give gains or profits for some time etc...When we love a person...i.e caring unconditionally...for getting feeling of goodness of happiness or what we call as anandha...then it is not, it cannot fail to give that feeling of goodness!!
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!

Saturday, 25 November 2017

Our pains, agonies and spoiled relationships are due to our own wrong understanding of certain words...wrong perceptions...wrong learning from people and society around...

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
"My language is the best!!"
1. How many global languages you know?
2. How much qualified you are in your language?
3. What is your contribution for the growth or spread of the language?
4. Why don't you learn all the popular global languages, translate the best books of your language, so that people of other country also read and say that your language is the best?
5. We should not say 'i am beautiful...i am the best...'...others have to say...what have you done to make others say that your language is the best.
This holds good for many...
"our culture is the best!"
1. How many global cultures you have seen, experienced and lived with them?
2. How many countries you have visited as a TRAVELER? (not tourist)
3. How many people of your culture are living peacefully without diseases of the body and mind?
We need to understand the words clearly...our wrong perceptions of these words only is the major agony and pain in our lives...people who visit psychological counselors go inside with pain...come out free...has the counselor met their needs?...No!!...He or she only has defined things correctly and brought some clarity in their perceptions, beliefs, thoughts and feelings!!...If we understand the following correctly then no pain and no spending of money for psychiatrists and psychologists...
1. What is love?
2. What is a language?
3. What is a culture?
4. What are relationships?
5. What is priority in life?
6. What is marriage?
7. What is patriotism?
8. What is a family?
because we have defined them selfishly, male chauvinistically, pleasure based, body based, obsessionally...we suffer!! ...and do not allow others also to live peacefully!!
If your definition of the above keeps you peaceful, happy, physically-mentally and socially healthy, makes you radiate all these to others, allows you to leave others also to live with all these, does not make you hate others, makes you to love every one unconditionally ...then your definitions are right...otherwise they are wrong!!...Your own definitions and beliefs are going to kill you!!
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!

How to be peaceful, successful in love, marriage, profession and remain healthy and happy?

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...some answer....
1. How to be unconditional (e.g unconditional love) in life with others?
2. How to live without getting irritated with others?
3. How to be compassionate with everyone?
4. How to live without anxiety?
5. How to be a person of radiating peace?
We have only two things....1. Body...2. Mind...
Hmmmmmmmmm....all these questions you have asked are related to Mind.
If mind has to be without all the above, then the brain has to be healthy.
Brain has few things...
1. Hereditary software...which keeps coming out with its box full of personality traits from parents as we different ages, different things come out...that is why we resemble not only in appearance, but in certain personality traits too with our parents...If these personality traits have the quality of giving diseases then we have to protect ourselves by changing ourselves, our life style etc using various methods e.g anger gives heart attack and hyper tension...diabetes can come from parents...there are a big list of such, if these things which you have mentioned are from the parents then we have to change the life style...
2. Whatever we have learnt in our life...from others...from books...from our own experiences when we faced challenges in life...there are positive learning...there are negative learning...we have to unlearn all the negatives...first we have to list down all the negative learning that is causing us problems in life...
3. Nature’s software...this keeps changing the mind for various needs...e.g love and affection, feeling of acceptance from people at home, by organisations, by societies, relatives needs (financial, legal, social, emotional, social, occupational etc) means ‘i want to protect myself for entire life with all these needs’...
4. Biodrives...i.e body can not achieve all its needs by it drives the mind for the required thoughts, feelings and behaviours of body parts so that it achieves it’s need...
So, these are the things the brain has and forms the mind accordingly.
In general, if we have a healthy life style of healthy eating, enough rest (sleep), enough entertainment (entertainment is for brain and rest is for body..only rest cannot keep the brain healthy!) then mind formed is cool...of course, everything above should be 'health enhancing' and not 'health compromising'!
Body is controlled by hormones and brain by neurotransmitters.
Yoga asanas balances these two very nicely. But we have to do asanas correctly. Coordinating the breathe, body movement and mind (keeping it empty...or focusing on the movement of body parts during asanas).
1. Unconditional love....first of all why do we lay conditions on people who are close to us?...we have needs, wants and expectations!!..Needs are survival food, water, sex, air.
We should meet these needs from our own selves so that we don’t lay condition on others. We have to earn and make our own food. Similarly water and air. Everything else also. Wrong beliefs have made this country highest populated and still increasing. People have become demanding through all possible rights. When needs are not met from others then all the 05 questions arise!!
If we have vedic or blunt diet, eat fruits, vegetables, roots, stem, leaves etc in the natural way without too much of masala, tamarind, salt etc then automatically the bio drives will be less...this totally modifies who we are...because bio need creates lots of health (physical, mental and social) compromising beliefs, thoughts, feelings and behaviours, changes personality traits etc.
Asanas keep the body SELF REGULATING. I.e when we don’t have the partner, it will not ask for it. So, we don’t depend on others, don’t put controls and demands, no expectations from others...we can make others live their life happily...body needs are the main things that make one to pose lots of restrictions on others. Almost all the issues with couple are due to dissatisfaction in bio needs. Dissatisfaction in this, emanates in the form of various behaviours. Superficially the problem will appear to be something else. But the root cause is dissatisfaction in body needs....SELF REGULATING BODY, HEALTHY (blunt diet) EATING (the way vedic period yogis ate), ASANAS are the solution...
once we meet all our needs by our own selves then being conditional with others vanishes.
Possessiveness is another disease of the brain...when brain is healthy...when it perceives love and affection enough...then it does not generally become possessive or easy to remove possessiveness though various methods. When it perceives less, when it finds its needs through others, when it wants that for life time, when it fears that it will lose the source of love or other needs, then it becomes possessive and conditional.
If we can meet our needs by ourselves and do the following then possessiveness will not be there, in general...or even if it comes momentarily, we can manage by SELF TALKING the following. (i.e talking to our own selves and convincing us that this is how life is, this is how people are made, this is how the destiny is, this is what our karma is...etc)
1. We should have many sources of easy unconditional sources of love. E.g pets (dogs, cats, love birds, fishes, plants (flowery, vegetables, fruits), trees, Nature, birds etc around us. In reality or pictures or in fantasies.
2. We should spend more time with Nature, pets, kids, aged people who do not demand from us, people with terminal illness (aids, cancer etc). Not only with people at home. Such people and things are available plenty outside.
3. We should be like kids most of the time, playing, dancing, singing, enjoying life in all methods. We should dwell for less time in adult and parent ego. The responsibilities of these two roles we should do like a child without anxiety.
4. Understand that nothing and no one is keeps changing...needs, wants, expectations, definitions of life, life style, food habits, exercise habits, personality traits, moods, interests...evvvvvvvvvvvvverything keeps, we become different person continuously...throughout life..others also keep changing in the same way...if we understand this then we will not become conditional...
5. We should pursue at least one art form. More art forms is the best...i.e we should like and love doing something...some which we forget should involve creativeness...all the time every day...
6. We should perceive different relationships from different people...when we expect all types of relationships from one person then we become conditional...
7. We should educate our significant people (people to whom we are significant and we are significant to them...e.g family members) all these so that they exercise unconditional love with us.
8. We should travel a lot. Go to different places. Live amidst people of different languages, castes, religions, professions, etc. Different climate, different flora and fauna, different land scapes etc. This teaches many things. Keeps the mind occupied.
9. We should play some sports every day. Preferably group games... may be with family members....or friends.... Lots of physical activity is a must.
10. Mind needs lots of variety of things in life, every day, like the do...from morning to evening!!
11. We should do at least one performing arts for few minutes every day. E.g dance, singing, acting, etc.
12. It is preferable to have many friends WHO ARE ALSO UNCONDITIONAL!!
13. We need to laugh a lot every day.
14. We need to spend more time outside the home every day.
15. We need to fantasize a lot like children...create our own fantasy world...and enjoy
16. We need to learn to enjoy the happiness in small small watching and observing their life style. (once my father punished me by locking me inside a room. Whole day i was inside. He thought i will get angry, sad, change etc. But i was observing whole day the life of ants inside the room and enjoyed, learnt a lot!!)
17. We need to walk, run every day. As much as possible. Breathe fresh air a lot. During sleep in night we should have cross ventilation, so that brain gets enough oxygen in the night..for 7 hours!!!!
18. We should do everything with everyone with love, compassion, feelings. Not as rituals. Involvement and feelings bring compassion.
19. We need to accept that everyone is different and defective, including ourselves. Even within the family everyone is different, every one’s destiny is different, everyone’s karma is different, everyone’s past and future are different, needs-wants and expectations from their own selves and from others are different and it keeps changing. Nothing is constant. Nothing is permanent. Everything and everyone keeps changing. Everyone’s journey is different. If we understand this then we will not compel others, put rules and regulations on others etc. We will live a free life and allow others also live a free life.
20. We need to define life as a JOURNEY OF learn every day different things, and change continuously towards being a good human being, multi skilled, multi knowledgeable, with lots of wisdom etc. So, keep doing different jobs, different passions, different interests, different hobbies...have variety in, job, sports, arts, reading habits, challenges, entertainment, dress, evvvvvvvvverthing...but they should all be health enhancing...and not health compromising!!
21. Nothing is ours and we don’t belong to anyone. We came without anything and go from here without taking anything. We came alone and we will go alone. No one came with us and no one will come with us. Everything and everyone here is for us to enjoy. Everything and everyone come and go. Life is not a stagnant pond that stinks. Life is continuous river that keeps flowing. Allow it to flow. The whole world and universe is ours. Every tree, plant, river, mountain, clouds, sky, animal, insect, air, water, earth is alllllllllllllllll ours!! But we can only enjoy. We can’t possess or demand. Because they belong to others also for them to enjoy without affecting our enjoyment!
22. We hate people, places, climate etc only when we ‘expect’. When we do all the above, then we will not hate anyone, anything. We will only love all, love everything.
If we are like the above, do you think all the five things you listed will be there in our our mind????
Being like the above is the definition of GOOD HUMAN BEING!!..Not all the definitions that we think!!
Peacefully yours....rams....Psychologist!!

Sunday, 19 November 2017



Immediately after marriage, both the boy and girl should live together separately at least for about 2 to 3 years...without the intervention of both the know their routines, likes and dislikes, expectations from their own selves and others, social traits, positive, negative and neutral personality traits etc.

Only when they care for each other, support each other, face the challenges together, with only the physical, emotional and financial support of the other, learn from each this sooo many...only then they become husband and wife, good friends, good life mates....they will know each other better...just being married and living separately, or with the support of parents to face all the challenges, will not help them to make the bonding required, understanding required etc.

These create good memories, positive bonding which will make them look back when they are disturbed, the relationship is strained, and make them to get united inspite of the growing differences, likes and dislikes, interests, needs and expectations unfulfilled etc...

So, youngsters should not allow their parents to interfere in any manner and parents also should be matured enough not to disturb or advice or suggest or be any part of their life, without their request or intervention.

Peacefully yours....rams....Psychologist!!

Saturday, 18 November 2017


Every one is not same. Everyone is different. Every one's personality attributes are formed due to heredity and the challenges they face physically or mentally or socially during the process of growing up from childhood, at home, at schools, colleges or society...the way they tackled them...the lessons they learnt....the perceptions the formed about people, about our culture, about our society, about relationships etc...all these make what they are today and what they will be tomorrow!!
Some are calm people who do not get agitated by things that happen around them at home, at schools, colleges, organisations, media and society. Some get aroused, agitated, and define their life to fight against the social evils, wrongs, etc.
So, we have some parents, adults, elders who are social activists. Who fight for the people. Who want to reform the country, societies, social processes, change the culture etc. Their personalities have formed due to their growth processes and perceptions. This also makes their family life, social life, personal life, beliefs different. The people who join with them in marriage or relationships also have to understand this and adaptable.
They also make, groom their children either like them or make them the opposite or keep them somewhere in between these two extremes. There are parents who are soft and self centric but their children may be activists or society centric in their life, thoughts and feelings. All combinations possible.
Depending upon the personality traits formed, our body, mind and relationships will either suffer (with diseases, ailments, malfunctions, stresses and strains) or flourish or remain somewhere in between these two extremes. We have to accept it. Or put in efforts to change ourselves. It is possible because all these personality traits are learnt thoughts, feelings and behaviours which can be easily unlearnt, and new learning that gives us and others around, peace, happiness, good health and success in all domains of life. coming to the point...
Today all the TV channels belong to political parties or organisations which are biased, self centric and profit motivated. Even the channels based on investigative journalism also bias and direct their investigations towards specific self centric objectives. So, nothing can be believed 100%. Only percentage of truth and false varies.
If you want reforms, if you want to change the society, if you want to change the government machineries, if you want to do anything positive...don’t involve straightaway, affecting your will be put behind the bars. You will remain to be a ‘worker’ and fighting against the age old system as the worker at the bottom is difficult.
So, calm well...put in hard work, and get good job wherein you become a part of, policy making level, decision maker in governance of the state or country...Now you start working towards cleaning the system by way of your policies, with love and affection...this is the right and positive way....
By doing this you can live on your own, you can look after your family, your parents-teachers and relatives will be happy and proud of you. You will also get all your dreams fulfilled. You can also get a life mate of your choice. But if you agitate yourself by looking at the news channels, tv serials etc during adolescent innocent stage in life and go against the system around, you are likely to get penalised, likely to get used by these self centric people, parties and organisations. Because self centric people do not directly involve and do illegal things. They only use such agitated, weak people. The purpose of agitating and emotionalising people is only that.
So, the crux is...don’t get agitated by things around. What you see in tv or read in news media are not 100% correct, they are all manipulated news for self centric objectives, only %age differs. Make positive perceptions, put in hard work in studies, become a decision and policy maker, change the system. This is the right method in which everyone will be happy ultimately including you!!
Don't use your emotions...use your intelligence!!
Peacefully yours...rams...psychologist!!

Thursday, 16 November 2017


Many decades ago, when the society lived in combined families, the individual interests were not given importance. Everything was a family affair!...Festivals, all decisions, Marriages...all were a family affair. Every one was giving up and sacrificing for the other...ultimately who was happy?...Some of the sacrifices and compromises were meaningful, but certainly not all. There was some element of support from others, accepted, but the losses were many and they were the basic. As there was no other way out every body had to accept that kind of living and life. When the property belonged to father, and sons were not educated, girls were totally locked in all directions with total dependence on people at home and society, what is the way out??
Only when one or two got education and went out for studies, work etc they had the opportunity or compulsion to go for nuclear families. Even that was considered as a taboo for the family and therefore, all the oldies tried their best not to send them out of the combined family.
When they went out for nuclear family, they lacked the support of the oldies, but then, they could meet their individual desires, take decisions boldly as suited and desired for them, THE INDIVIDUAL INTERESTS took priority and could be met.
If the parents also matured and support the children and live an adaptable life, then even now combined families to an extent are possible. But certainly not living with the brothers and sisters without the total maturity of all, which is rare in our society with all the TV serials and jealousies and such other negatives around!
so, the crux is...
Peacefully yours...rams....psychologist!!

How to be successful in love? to get the best lover?..How to get the best wife?...How to get the best husband?..How to get the best friend?

Dear all....THIS IS FOR ALL...our culture, our parents...hmm...
Enough of running and being anxiety struck to make our life and the life of our children...SUCCESSFUL!!
When we groom the children to be SUCCESSFUL, then we are bull headed, push back the morals, ethics and values, make the children animals, in-human, 'anyhow-you have to win attitude', teach a wrong way of personal life, family life, marriage, not making them an adaptable loving human being which is the basic for making good relationships everywhere!!...End result is we create children who are not peaceful, not happy, not physically healthy, not mentally healthy, not socially healthy, not successful in marriages, not successful in family life, not successful in social life, not successful in organisations also...not contented, not fulfilled, not self actualised, not self transcending people!!
Instead, let us groom them to be GOOD HUMAN BEINGS WHO ARE "HEALTHY"..."PEACEFUL"..."PHYSICALLY STRONG"..."MENTALLY STRONG"..."SOCIALLY STRONG" that they are able to make good family, good relationships, become good parents, good brothers, good sisters, good friends, good subordinate, good boss, good citizen, good son, good daughter, good societies, good communities, good teams, good groups....OBVIOUSLY THEY WILL BECOME SUCCESSFUL TOO!!...Along with contentment, fulfillment, self actualisation and self transcending life!!
Otherwise the father and mother are likely to give injections to their children, run for cancer treatments, serve them plateful of tablets instead of food, have the great opportunity of seeing their son or daughter lonely on this earth with depression, suicidal attempts etc, and may be dead too!!
So, let us perceive life correctly and groom the children!!...Let the off-springs do not become half-springs!
So, the crux is...More than IQ, EQ and SQ are important in life...there are sooooo many successful people in life who have less IQ but hace achieved success through high EQ and SQ ...after all success if a relative term!!...It means different for different people!!...Of course, correct understanding of the word 'Spiritual Quotient' is very very important...i define it as the "intelligence that makes the person to keep himself calm, cool, focused, mentally strong, positive radiant, stable and able to make bold, strong and positive decisions even under the worst of the worst conditions and situations of life in all dimensions'...!! children not for success, but to be peaceful, happy and healthy!!....(not lazy, complacent...)
Peacefully yours...rams...Psychologist!!

Let us not teach the children 'how to be successful?'...let us teach the children 'How to be peaceful, happy and healthy'!...success is a subset of this!!

Dear all....THIS IS FOR ALL...our culture, our parents...hmm...
Enough of running and being anxiety struck to make our life and the life of our children...SUCCESSFUL!!
When we groom the children to be SUCCESSFUL, then we are bull headed, push back the morals, ethics and values, make the children animals, in-human, 'anyhow-you have to win attitude', teach a wrong way of personal life, family life, marriage, not making them an adaptable loving human being which is the basic for making good relationships everywhere!!...End result is we create children who are not peaceful, not happy, not physically healthy, not mentally healthy, not socially healthy, not successful in marriages, not successful in family life, not successful in social life, not successful in organisations also...not contented, not fulfilled, not self actualised, not self transcending people!!
Instead, let us groom them to be GOOD HUMAN BEINGS WHO ARE "HEALTHY"..."PEACEFUL"..."PHYSICALLY STRONG"..."MENTALLY STRONG"..."SOCIALLY STRONG" that they are able to make good family, good relationships, become good parents, good brothers, good sisters, good friends, good subordinate, good boss, good citizen, good son, good daughter, good societies, good communities, good teams, good groups....OBVIOUSLY THEY WILL BECOME SUCCESSFUL TOO!!...Along with contentment, fulfillment, self actualisation and self transcending life!!
Otherwise the father and mother are likely to give injections to their children, run for cancer treatments, serve them plateful of tablets instead of food, have the great opportunity of seeing their son or daughter lonely on this earth with depression, suicidal attempts etc, and may be dead too!!
So, let us perceive life correctly and groom the children!!...Let the off-springs do not become half-springs!
So, the crux is...More than IQ, EQ and SQ are important in life...there are sooooo many successful people in life who have less IQ but hace achieved success through high EQ and SQ ...after all success if a relative term!!...It means different for different people!!...Of course, correct understanding of the word 'Spiritual Quotient' is very very important...i define it as the "intelligence that makes the person to keep himself calm, cool, focused, mentally strong, positive radiant, stable and able to make bold, strong and positive decisions even under the worst of the worst conditions and situations of life in all dimensions'...!! children not for success, but to be peaceful, happy and healthy!!....(not lazy, complacent...)
Peacefully yours...rams...Psychologist!!

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

how to do meditation...sooooooooooo simple!!

1. All our emotions and behaviours emanate from our thought processes.
2. All body systems are controlled by hormones. If hormonal system is kept in balance and stable through foods, physical exercises, mental exercises, thoughts, right beliefs, positive learning, positive emotions, then all systems will function normal and body becomes self regulating. Yoga Asanas help a lot in achieving this.
3. We can't change others and our unavoidable life situations. So, it is better to wear a rain coat of right positive understanding. What i use is, when others get angry i start thinking 'why he is getting angry?'...without reacting to his negative i go to thinking mode...invariably i have noticed that his thoughts, environment etc come in front...then i only feel pity or bad for his state of thoughts, emotions and behaviours. So, i remain calm, go calm, then talk peacefully as to why he or she got angry, etc and if they continue to remain angry i just ignore and move away. And talk to that person when he or she is calm and cool. So, wear a raincoat of positive learning, accepting people as they are, understanding that we can't change others and we have no control on others and life situations that are unavoidable.
4. Meditation?...I feel that people don't have time to meditate...meditating only for few minutes and thereafter bursting for remaining time of the day is of no use. Also i feel, arousing the body with unhealthy food habits, unhealthy life style, arousing the thought processes, emotions etc can not lead to a successful meditation...
therefore, i feel 'meditative living' is the only and best way...i.e being in meditative state all throughout the day...
so, it all depends upon our understanding of the word 'meditation'...i define 'meditative living' as...'being in present, being cool, calm, involving in what we do, losing ourselves in what we do, doing things without any expectations, believing in karma (whether it is true or scientific or not), doing things for the purpose of learning, i.e for shaping ourselves in to a healthy, happy, peaceful, contented, fulfilled human being, towards self actualisation...defining life as a journey of learning...
How is it helpful?...
1. You are always in the present...which is the PRESENT by Nature to us (here again the definition of Nature can be different between us!!) ..losing that PRESENT moment in negatives is a wasted time in life, and wasted life!! (as life is only 'time'...i.e years...i.e days...i.e hours!!!)
2. You are always inquisitive to you are happy.
3. When you lose yourself in what you do, it becomes the best. So, you get appreciated and rewarded too!!
4. At the end of the day you feel contented, peaceful, self confident, happy and what not!!...You feel a learned person!!
5. You get everything positive!!..Your life becomes beautiful!!...Your relationships are great!!
so, the crux is...LIVE A MEDITATIVE LIFE!!
peacefully yours...rams....Psychologist!!

Monday, 13 November 2017


There are many parents who just give birth to children and the children grow with sunlight and air. As days pass by the cells multiply and therefore all parts get forced to grow and they also grow in appearance!!
There are some parents who spend time with their children for their own ....1. fun times...relaxation times...entertainment...2. to get a feeling of goodness by being with the children...children get some nourishing food too...Here again the children grow without any direction and carving!
There are some parents who are with their children with always anxiety of the future, responsibilities, shouting, controlling, demanding, their definition of love and affection is to buy and give whatever the children want...they give good nourishing food...but still they are narrow minded and groom the children for only the present!!
But the truth is a new born baby now is to be prepared for the society, organisations, type of living, relationships that will exist after about 20+ years!!...So, we need to have a vision of the future with respect to the societies, technologies, organisational climate etc and accordingly groom them, so that they become fit for those.
There are two methods of such a grooming...
1. Grooming them in such a way that they are easily flexible, adaptable, physically-mentally-socially strong, highly resilient to face the changes and challenges as and when they come in their lives and in the environment outside in societies, families and organisations.
2. Grooming them beyond all these, pitching at a high level of understanding of life, technologies, organisational dynamics in socialization, processes and technologies...while making them highly flexible and adaptable...exposing them to the latest always in all domains of life and living...all the changes that are happening around.
The point is...let them not grow with air and sunlight...let us not use them only for our fun, entertainment and relaxation...let us not get anxiety struck and become scared and confused parents and make the grooming hard, stressful and directed towards only the present with all rigidities and sensitivities...making them not-flexible.
Let us carve them for the future as designer babies!!
Peacefully yours...rams....Psychologist!!

How to make our life meaningful??...Where our happiness and peace lie?

We all want to be happy. We want to be physically, mentally and socially healthy. We all think and do many things from waking up in the morning to going to bed in the night. What all things give us a state of good well-being?...a feeling of complete life?...meaningful life?...fulfilled and contented life?...Meaning of success in life?...Life, and whatever we do in life have three elements…
1. Life of pleasure…everything to do with body…
2. Social life…everything related to getting a feeling of acceptance from people and society
3. Philosophical life…everything related to mind, sixth sense, a crystal clear understanding of everything that is happening around us at home, society, organizations, world, earth, universe, nature
Fulfillment and contentment in the body needs is a vital parameter for deriving a state of well-being. If there are voids in this, then (2) and (3) only cannot bring in well-being in life.
Fulfillment and contentment in all these three elements is important to perceive a feeling of good life or well-being in life. Fulfillment and contentment in only one or two is not enough. Such a life will always have emptiness, sorrow, hollow, void areas in life.
If (2) and (3) are fulfilled then urges and cravings for (1) will always be there. If (1) is fulfilled, then longing of the mind for (2) and (3) will always be there. If (1) and (2) are fulfilled, then longing for (3) will be there.
All these three are present always in our life from birth to death Everyday. But the priorities within these three keeps changing at different ages and stages in life and on different days depending upon the fulfillment of each element.
If we regulate our body and mind through a healthy positive life style, through right understanding of life, relationships etc, through a good exercise regime which includes all the elements of five types of exercises for the body (including yoga asanas, meditation, social exercises) then the urges, cravings and longing which create the sadness, frustration, depression and such other negative thoughts, feelings and activities, or such other ‘down’ state of mind, body and life can be avoided. So, how much of these three are required is defined within the limits and capabilities of that self-regulated body and mind.
Otherwise, how much of these three are required will be defined without any end by both body and mind, and beyond the limits and capabilities of body and mind. This will stress our body, mind and social relationships and put us in diseases and failures in body, mind and all domains of life.
Also we need to see that the way we define these three, the way and the extent we need these three do not cause short term and long term loss of peace, health, happiness of body, mind and our social relationships.
Well-being or happiness has long been viewed as requiring at least two crucial ingredients: positive affect or pleasure (hedonic) and a sense of meaningfulness or engagement in life (eudaimonia).
Science has recently made progress in relating hedonic pleasure to brain function, which has given new insights into how brain generates the hedonic ingredient of sustained or frequent pleasure.
Brain connects hedonia states of pleasure to eudaimonia assessments of meaningfulness, and so create balanced states of positive well-being. This is why a person who has attained fulfillment and contentment in pleasures perceives momentarily that balanced state of well-being in life is achieved. But after some time, the mind will look for the contentment and fulfillment in (2) and (3) also.
So, the crux is...
1. Achieve regulated body and mind so that they ask for within their limits without urges and cravings.
2. The regulated mind perceives social life also within the limits and in a way that is not stressful, brings peace, happiness and health. Simple method is 'perceive everything you do at home, society and organisations as a service, help, caring, love and affection rendered to others and humanity!!'
3. The mind is free to engulf in to philosophical life also in all domains.
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!

Saturday, 11 November 2017

Women are not living the way they are supposed to live here!!

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL STUDENTS AND PARENTS...specially the young students...
Don't get carried away from all the fb posts and the 'polambals' (blabbering) of middies and oldies at home who are above 30 years of age!!
They keep cribbing that technology has automated and robotized most of the processes of ladies at home, the old 'aattukkal', 'amikkal' etc (the old stone based mechanical items which helped ladies in making flour and pastes) have gone, and that is why our ladies have become fat, diabetic, hypertensive etc.
Let us not criticize their ignorance and male souvenistic living and life style!!
Truly ladies are not supposed to be doing all that they have been traditionally doing at home!!...All are monotonous non creative jobs which are within the ambit of automation and robotics, much lesser to the capabilities of human brain and therefore we have been wasting billions and billions of brains all these years and have been using only their bodies in kitchen, bed and toilets!!...It is saddd to note that the same trend is continuing due to ignorance and control, selfish attitude of men.
Then what are they supposed to do??
1. All that men are doing anywhere in any profession or social system!
2. All art ocean of art forms!
3. Exercising for body and mind!
4. Reproduction and grooming children to physically, mentally and socially strong human beings for future societies and technologically conquered future world!
5. Doing all sorts of philanthropic activities!
6. Any activity or profession which involves high levels of creativity, emotions or feelings and stress.
Probably i have missed many which you can add....
A human brain that does which our women do traditionally at home can not be peaceful, happy and healthy in the social system that we have conceptualized. So, no wonder they are in general sad, depressed, feel empty inside, no contentment and unfulfilled life!!...If only the sources of unconditional love like pets, domestic animals, music, fantasy, Nature and children are removed from their life, there is no wayyyyyy that any women can be alive here!!
So, let us understand, grow, mature, learn and create a world where women can live like any other human being!!
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!

Friday, 10 November 2017

when will these political parties truly work for welfare of people?

Dear all....THIS IS FOR ALL....both at the state level politics and center politics...politicians giving talks or speeches in all the tv channels in talk-shows etc...
we have always seen they comprise of people from ruling parties and opposition parties...
we have always seen the opposition parties criticizing the policies and actions taken by the ruling party demanding the resignation of the person in authority or power...
these people interested only in power to make wealth for their own selves always look for the seat-of-power and criticizing every one and every policy...
If they are really interested in welfare of people, then they should truly bring out the negatives and also recommend the corrective measures in the policies and method of implementation so that the ruling party can correct for the complete benefit for the people in the new policies...
Is there any opposition party doing this anywhere in the country?
If there is an opposition party like this, then the ruling party should consider these recommendations critically with positive attitude and implement, again for the welfare of the people...
Hope we get such political parties...
Peacefully yours....rams...Psychologist!!

How to make your children love you the to bring harmony inside homes...what is right parenting??

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL PARENTS...the complaint of most of the parents is "These days children do not listen to their parents! During our times our parents were terrors and we were scared to tell anything to them!". At every house parents keep shouting and children keep giving them back. End result is what parents wanted to achieve is not achieved!...Both of them fight to the core, abuse each other, lose peace and happiness. The harmony is lost at home!!
Parents use only the traditional method of showing their frustration and anger by shouting to correct children. I.e negative method of motivation!!...This might yield or might not yield positive results...but a bad taste, a bad memory, hate is certainly created in the minds of the children about parents and their parenting methods.
Taking the rod, shouting, controlling, monitoring, sniffing, policing is not right parenting. We are only wasting our precious life in doing all these. How long we can do this? when they leave home we can't monitor!!
Positive methods through love and affection is the right method. What Gandhiji followed is a right method. The children should feel 'How nice my parents are!...Hmmm...I have hurt them through my behaviours and habits. I should not repeat those behaviours. I should not make them sad!..This thinking should be the result of whatever method the parents use to correct the children.
But unfortunately parents never sit and think 'Why my correcting methods have not worked out?...Why they have not yielded the desired results?...How can i correct and improve myself?...How can i make them understand me, my anguish, my selfless expectations? to make the children to hear me patiently, how to make them change?...How i can do these in a positive manner without fights, frustration and anger?
They think they are right, they are following what their parents have followed, what others are following...without realizing that they all yielded only positive or negative results, but with memories of bad-taste which affects the personality of children, their growth, adaptability and their relationship with their parents at a later stage.
1. Spare the rod, spoil the a wrong one. You might or might not create a disciplined child. But it certainly affects the relationship between the parents and children. There are many positive methods of achieving this. Negative motivational methods like achieving through inducing fear, exercising social authority of a parent etc are wrong!...The children might listen during childhood, but might leave the parents high and dry after they become financially and socially independent.
Such parents might face loneliness and crib in old age homes to their neighbours as to how lovingly(!!) they grew up their children etc. WRONG PARENTING, WRONG BELIEFS ABOUT THE SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS ARE THE REASONS FOR INCREASING NUMBER OF OLD AGE HOMES AND CHILDREN LEAVING THEIR PARENTS IN OLD AGE HOMES.
Children accept tortures of parents when they are weak and dependent, but certainly not when they become adult, strong and independent!!...
Right method of showing love and affection in a manner that does not spoil them, but makes them confident, physically and mentally strong, capable of taking their own decisions in life, self-responsible, do not need monitoring and sniffing, become good human beings, can live and adapt to any environment of food, climate, culture, language and people is the positive parenting method.
2. Creating self responsible children, positively motivated children from childhood is the right way. They should be trained and made capable of taking decisions in life, capable of making their choices, capable of being responsible for their decisions...this is the right method of parenting.
3. Creating a social environment in which the child feels, 'My parents are my best friends, ultimate lovers and soulmates. They have grown me with only LOVE. Yes, they have punished me when i committed mistakes, but in a way that i feel guilty of hurting them and not to make such mistakes again and not to make them feel sad and hurt. They have trained me to take decisions. They have given me full freedom to decide my life and live. I can talk to them anything under the sky without any inhibitions, hesitation, shyness and reluctance. They don't direct me, force me and give solutions. They help me to take the solutions!!
I have learnt all the health enhancing behaviours, thinking and feelings by observing their life style. I have learnt to be a good human being, to pitch my life beyond all religions, beliefs, divisive cultural factors.
They have given me a chance to go all over the country and world, experience all sorts of challenges in life, to learn about life, to learn the value of people, to learn the value of relationships, to learn the value of human beings, to learn the value of money, to learn the value of knowledge and wisdom, to learn the meaning and value of love, to learn the method of giving and teaching unconditional and divine love, to learn the value of this body, to learn the value and power of the mind, to learn the meaning and value of the sixth sense, how to be a good positive leader, how to be a good positive manager, how to be a role-model for others etc.
They have taught me how to make the wealth, money, fame, authority, power through knowledge, strong human values, morals and ethics and positive methods of empowering others. They have taught me how to live peacefully, happily, healthily, successfully without hurting others, but changing others to attain these through positive methods.
So, let us learn the positive methods of parenting and come out of the negative-motivational methods of parenting of the past!
Let us bring peace and harmony inside homes!
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!

Thursday, 9 November 2017

a fantastic short movie...good movie to watch....

Dear all...THIS IS AGAIN FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO FALL IN LOVE...a fantastic short love story..good acting...good story...everything is good here...congrats to the team!!
"We all have a a beautiful north east corner in our heart. A place where we store our unfulfilled desires, hurts and unrequited love. That's our special place where none can enter. This short film is a journey to that beautiful north east corner of our hearts."
Cast: Aneesha Ummer, Bibin Mathai, Roshan Anand, Vishnu Vidyhyadaharan, Manoj M B, Sangeeth Soman.
Written & Directed by: Anup Narayanan
Music: Joel Johns, Cinematography: Prasad Yhogi, Editing & Colouring: Anup Narayanan, Guitar Motif: Simon CJ, Performed by Adelene Simon, Humming: Angel Mary, Dubbing & Sound Effects: Jibin George, Audio Mixing & Mastering: Happy Jose (Woodpecker Studios, Kochi)"

എന്റെ ഹൃദയത്തിൻറെ വടക്ക് കിഴക്കേ അറ്റത്ത് (...At the North East Corner of my Heart) - Eng Subtitles

Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!

Is brain our enemy?...No, we don't know how to keep it Natural, to be our best friend and best lover!!

It is extremely easy to get unconditional and devotional love from animals!! It is much easier for them to give to us!! But it is extremely difficult to give and get for human beings!!...(Is it because of their complex brain?...Or is it because of the complicated society??...It is easy for the animals because they don't have such complex brain??...complicated life??...conflicting society??)
If some one can give...both the people concerned are the luckiest!!
If some one can get it...again both the people concerned are the luckiest!!
Let us groom the children to be like that...and create a community and a world with only unconditional and devotional love!!
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!


I watched the movie 'Poo!!'.... a tamil movie...wherein a simple, innocent and cute village girl character 'mari' portrays what is love...what is pure love...what is true one should love any one...lives a role model of a good lover...there may be some ifs and buts in carving her character...but she simply defines love as....
something unconditional...something devotional...something which is a feeling created out of our own understanding of our relationship...our thought processes...our perceptions...our obsessions...our emotions...our butterflies in our heart...our feelings in our has nothing to do with the thought processes, feelings, emotions and behaviours of the other person...once you love a person truly and purely, beyond the needs, wants and expectations, you can never never hate that person...once loved is for ever loved! can never think of harming or doing anything bad for that person...every moment your love only increases in abundance towards that will never demand, control and threaten that will never curtail their freedom of thoughts, feelings or emotions, expressions, will only think good for will only support them to get peace, happiness, pleasures, good physical-mental and social well-being, success, self actualisation, self transcendence...
Hats off to the story writer...script/dialogue director...the Actress...superb acting!!
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!