Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
Qn: Who am I?...I am unable to find an answer for this. Can you tell me who i am?
Ans: I can only tell you how i define myself. I suppose it is applicable for all!!...Because it is generic!!
Any one can define it in their own way. As long as it gives them health enhancing thoughts, feelings and behaviours, peace, happiness, good physical-mental-social well-being, success as defined by them, self-actualisation, self transcendence, and allows all people in their life also to get all these, then their definition is right and correct for them!!
In general, i would define it like this!
1. All of us are just yet another living organisms amongst the several trillions of trillions and more...period!!
2. We are part of this vast Nature!...Nature means not just trees, plains, mountains, rivers etc. It includes all planets, earth, people, animals, insects and everything which is there in this universe.
3. We can see ourselves as superior, Human Being etc. Differentiate, categorize etc for better understanding. But Nature, to which are a part, sees us as yet another living organism only.
4. Any one can die any time. No guarantee of life. You might take another birth or one knows...every one's belief is different...But whether this sixth sense will be there or not...we don't know!...So, the present life is precious!!
5. Every one's destiny is different. Every one's journey is different. No one's life can be compared with any one else. Superior and inferior is a self perception. Every one is unique and has something special in them. Every one's life is fantastic.
6. We change continuously in our appearance, likes and dislikes, moods and interests, wants, needs and expectations.
7. The aim or goal of life is to be a good living organism.
8. A good living organism is one who/that is peaceful, happy, physically-mentally-socially healthy, self actualised, self transcended, has a self-regulating body, has a mind free from body, practices health enhancing thoughts-feelings-behaviours, allows and helps every other person on earth to get all these, caring for others unconditionally, keeps learning through out life from others, through self experiences, multiples disciplines of knowledge, wisdom, skills.
9. The purpose of life is to be a global person, to be adaptable to any place, any climate, any food habit, any culture, any belief system, any religion, any caste, any race, any region, go all over the world and earth...for a purpose of learning, fun and enjoyment. Keeping HUMANISM above everything in life.
10. Life is not a struggle or a battle field or full of sorrows. Life is all fun. Life is to be with the remaining part of Nature and enjoy them.
11. To live as long as possible on earth in the present form and enjoy the earth using the sixth sense.
12. Everything that we have learnt other than the above may not give Point, they are wrong and useless.
13. Read my other posts in my blog which will also add value to know 'who you are!'
So, just enjoyyyyyyyyyy!!
Peacefully yours....Rams...Psychologist!!
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