Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Soo much of things around us, so many people to advice us, tell us to do...what to follow..which one to follow??

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...Everything that is written or spoken or painted or carved or shown or represented by any means on this earth are the feelings, observations, thoughts, conclusions, discoveries or inventions of the individuals concerned at that time. All of them are PERCEPTIONS as truth, right, correct, wrong, false, incorrect etc of that person.
Whether it is science or engg or management or philosophy or astronomy or astrology or mahabhratha or ramayana or any other vedic or story or religious belief...caste concepts...life and living methods...culture....or any damnnnnn thing!!
Every thing gets disproved some time later...when technology advances...new methods, new equipment, new processes, new technologies, new inventions, new discoveries...all these lead to new information and revelations. So, whatever is existing becomes old and redundant, untrue, false, wrong, incorrect etc.
So, therefore, what is important is, what is the take-away?...what is the learning out of the thing that is useful to us?...is to be looked into...whatever is our obsession, will become a laughing issue by our own selves when we come out of the obsession-cage and enter into the open space of wisdom, freedom of thoughts, expressions, knowledge and wisdom...
So, what is important out of all these wisdom or knowledge that is available on this earth in any form is...How i can PERCEIVE it to get peace...happiness...good physical, mental and social well-being...contentment...fulfillment...success...self-actualization...self-transcendence...being united with all my people around and form good happy, healthy and peaceful relationships...
If we can't perceive it then all these are of no use for us...
All these truths or rights may be not be applicable for us, our place of living, our professional life, our life style...
Therefore, what ever we read, hear, see, from people, from books, from all the TV channels, hear from teachers, friends, parents and other gurus or anyone...let us apply our commonsense...presence of mind...wisdom...intelligence...connect it with our life...our place..our environment...our people around..and accordingly perceive in a way that is useful to us to get positives!!
Blindly following without our own thinking and positive perceptions, is of no use, it will only spoil our life, relationships and health!!
Peacefully yours...rams...Psychologist!!

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