Monday, 28 March 2016


This is a turbulent, unstable stage in life where lots of changes take place inside and outside the body and in the mind. We feel we are grown up but child too. All decisions and choices are based on fantasies and limited exposure to oppurtunities.
Many things take place in our life during this stage. One among them is SOCIALISATION.
Today with internet, social networks etc being available in abundance we are able to find new friends at the touch of the screen.
So, we get attracted to many people, talking to new people, even across many seas and oceans in a far off lands.This new feeling makes us to get addicted to. We call it friendship initially and later becomes LOVE!!
We get attracted to the people of opposite sex in our own classroom in the school and college. Very few are adaptable, understand the value of people and relationships while they give equal importance to their studies, work, passion and are able to be together by getting job at the same organisation/place.
Many people do not know what is happening in that 'honey-moon' phase of relationship, do many things, and in the final year tell...1. My parents are against because we belong to different religions/caste/language....2. I have got admission at US and that is important to me!....3. It was only a friendship. It was never a committed relationship to marry....There are hundreds of such reasons given and the relationship breaks. One feels the other person has ditched!!
Some times the girl/boy some how gets the job in the same organisation where the friend also has got job. But after few months/one year one person goes to a far off place for job or studies and the relationship breaks!!
In most of the cases no one can be blamed and it is not a planned act. In some the boy or girl makes the relationship only for fun and breaks up later.
In almost all the cases they keep fighting all the time, sad, frustrated and feel miserable but still unable to leave the relationship. Because of too much of expectations, wants and needs which no one can fulfill!!!!
So, students....
1. Interact with all equally. Enjoy being friends with all while anchoring all activities in STUDIES and SKILL DEVELOPMENT.
2. Don't fall in love and you are sure to get your biggest pain for life!!
3. Some get arrears, break in studies, leave college, suffer depression, jobless, suicide too, land up with criminal offence...AND ALL THE HARD WORK OF 15 YEARS IN THE DRAIN!!...FUTURE LIFE OF 50+ YEARS GONE!!
4. Study well, get a job, get stable in life...your thousands of friendships will come down to few when you reach mid twenties. All those who can not endure you till this time, understand the value of you, your relationship with them, get better people than you, will leave. Only those few gems will remain. You and your friend also will be out of the fantasy life and come down to realities of life to take the right decision suitable for both of you.
5. Then it would be easy and correct to select the diamond who will stay with you for life time.
6. May be you will feel your decision during the teens is right and go ahead. But then consequences are yours!!
peacefully yours...rams!!

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