hai all...
we, as students feel too sleepy at times...here are some reasons and avoiding methods....
keep rocking, and not sleeping!
we, as students feel too sleepy at times...here are some reasons and avoiding methods....
1.check your Hb...blood test....the hemoglobin may be less...some
time back i told you eat one dates in the morning and one in the
night...are you eating that...looking at your body i can make out that
your Hb is likely to be low...Hb should be between 12 to 14...if it is
less then cells will not get adequate nutrition, so organs will not
function at optimum efficiency, especially brain...so, when it gets less
nutrition it will put you to sleep...
eat lots of green leaf vegetables like keerai, cabbage, etc (when at
home), at hostel eat dates or any other dry fruit...like dry grapes...
we eat hostel food where vegetables and fruits are less which are
protective food. So, supplement that with buying from outside.
are so many less costly fruits like papaya, banana (anti depressent),
nellikka, lemon, saathhukkudi (mosambi or sweet lime)...you can buy and
eat these...
2. take bath in cold water...if you take bath in hot water you will feel sleepy and horny.
3. check if you feel more sleepy during menstrual cycles (first 10 days) or ovulation times (next 10 days) or post ovulation period (next 10 days)...this will give you a clue as to why you feel sleepy...
menstrual cycles go for a evening slow walk...in a natural
setting...where trees, birds are there...play soothing songs...keep
yourself happy...
ovulation times, take as many cold baths as possible...during day time
and night time...during these times you might feel horny or anxiety or
'para para nnu irukkarathu' i.e feeling unstable but don't know the
reason 'why?'....during such times sit idle...in a calm, breezy
place...preferably in padmasana position (legs one over the other...see
google pic)...take 10 deep breathes...you will calm down, sleep will go
and will be able to concentrate on studies...
sedentary life styles also can cause sleepy feeling through out the
day....i.e no exercise, missing meals, late meals, junk food etc. As i
told you earlier, go for atleast 20 mts brisk walk (45 mts best) during
any time of the day convenient to you...or just walk in your hostel room or corridor...or just do the exercises we learnt in school in your hostel room...for 15 mts...
check if your room where you are studying or sleeping in the night has
ventilation...fresh air should come in and go out...cross
ventilation....mostly our rooms remain closed and filled with our own
carbondioxide...so, less oxygen to our body leads to sleep....also less
lighting can put you to sleep (tiring of eyes)
6. when ever you feel sleepy take few deep breaths or get up and walk for few minutes...
right Hb levels, frequent cold water baths in a day, deep long
breathes, walks when ever feeling sleepy, balanced diet, no missing and
late meals, no sedentary life style, good ventilation and lighting...
there is no way that you will feel sleepy if you do all these...
still if you feel sleepy, please tell me....
...i will come and stand next to you with a hammer so that whenever you doze off, i will give 'tong' on your head!
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