Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Will you ever think about having a high IQ husband or wife?

Hai all...how are we?

Thank you for all those who like and share my posts...and thank you for those who read and move on...

we all want our children to possess high IQ and we put in all efforts towards that...

we want them to study and work at the world's best of the institutions and organisations

Here is an interesting information about highly intelligent people...high IQ guys...

You look at or analyse the life most of these high IQ guys...IITians, IIMians, stanfordians, caltechians, mitians, successful politicians, bureaucrats, scientists, economists etc...their ‘emotional relationships’ like love life, married life or family life with wife and children, parents and siblings would be a ‘screwed up’ or messed up life.

Their friendships where emotions are involved also will be so so only.

This is because when IQ is high, the EQ goes low. This is how nature has generally been producing the organisms. This has been proven statistically. Theoretical and experimental proofs also may be there.

So, if our IQ is very high then we need to consciously put in efforts to improve the EQ.

It does not come by being pious or going to temples or chanting mantras or performing rituals.

It can be improved by applying appropriate interventions and by improving the spiritual quotient (SQ)...ie the ability to perceive things positively, to take everything cool, keep the mind calm, cool, quiet and peaceful...

If some of the high IQ guys have been successful, it is because of their life style designed by them or by their parents with high EQ and SQ forming behaviours...Yoga, meditation, satvic food, moral value classes, spiritual speeches, lessons, association with spiritual organisations / forums, associating with nature, understanding that the life is combination of everything etc.

If high IQ guys are not successful then it may because of their high ego and low EQ and SQ which strains their relationships with others or stresses them heavily that their high IQ is unable to perform.

If our children are having high IQ then we need to take measures to improve their EQ and SQ through proper life style changes, coaching, counselling, etc.

If your lover or would be husband or wife is a high IQ guy or girl, you now know how much will be his or her EQ and how you should manage by containing their emotional imbalances. Understanding this will help you not to lose your cool on him or her.

Now, are you ready to marry a high IQ guy or girl. Yes, please rush to your parents to tell that what or which type you want...high IQ or Low IQ or with high IQ and high EQ.

If your would be husband or wife is a scientist, then it is worth reading my post in my blog on ‘Is your would be a scientist?’

If you have been experiencing low EQ states, or you feel your EQ is likely to be low, you can be happy that your IQ probably is high (winking)!!!...but need not be also. Anyway, the converse of the theory above is not true...i.e all high EQ guys have low IQ.

Those who have average IQ will have an average EQ. Thank god, i am in this category! (laughing)...less problems in life...less issues for solving!

Can you imagine a guy or a girl of high IQ low EQ marrying a guy or girl of same type...they will have ego clashes...this will be fueled by their low EQ...so, should they marry?

both boy and girl marrying should have emotional and intellectual compatibility...or else, there is a likely hood of extramarital affairs or dissatisfaction or disconnection at emotional or intellectual levels between the two...or divorce...depending upon how seriously they take the incompatibilities or how much initiative they take to resolve the issue...
We match horoscopes...may be they bring out these personality traits too for matching...who knows?...but if we use psychological methods of measuring these abstract concepts, probably we will be able to arrive at conclusions little scientifically with validation.

If one has low IQ then his or her EQ may be better. Then, only IQ needs to be increased to the level of EQ or after reaching equality, both can be increased together. If the IQ is high, then the EQ may be required to be increased to match the IQ and then both can be increased together.

Both IQ and EQ can be increased through proper methods. Thank god!!!

So, what shall we do now? (don't tell me right now i am scratching my balls!)

keep rocking!


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