All wives feel ' husband does not understand me always!!'
Boys who have not grown learning about girls, being with girls, understanding girls, feeling the girls, taught about girls, groomed about girls, can not ever make a good relationship with girls, can not live with girls as wife or lover in peace. So, they can not give peace, happiness and good health to any girl!...So, they can not make a peaceful, happy and healthy family and family life!!
How can boys who think worse about girls, can have a good relationships with girls?...Only when we think positive, good and feel love and affection towards them can create a good relationship, give peace, happiness and good health through their thinking, emotions, feelings and behaviours / activities!
how can you have a good relationship with a person whom you do not consider to be equal?...If a boy or a man is not considering his lover or wife or sister or friend as his equal, considers low / less etc, then it is not possible for him to treat that person nicely.
So, the crux is...
1. It is very important for the parents to make their boys mingle, live, learn in classrooms and grow amidst girls all the time from 2 years of age to entire life. (The age when they understand sexual differences!)
2. It is extremely important for the mothers to ensure the above and teach their sons about girls, their behaviours, their thinking, emotions, their needs, wants, expectations etc, make 'On the Job Training' (!!) possible by exposing them to girls, and be a good mentor, trainer, teacher and guide in this.
3. So, a boy's success in love, success in married life, success in being a good friend-lover-husband to a girl, depends upon how he has been groomed by his mother in this issue!!...(Why not father?...because however much he knows, he can't be equal to his wife in teaching this!!)
4. If a mother does not teach this, or if he does not get a 'out of the world' understanding girl friend who can teach him all these like a mother, he will never learn it by himself without spoiling his love life or married life. Because he will learn by making mistakes, by many break-ups when he reaches middle or end of his life, when it is too late!!
so, so, so, all girlssssssssssssss, pull up and teach your sons!!
Peacefully yours....rams!!
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