Tuesday, 19 April 2016

What makes us to kill our 'life-line' people and our life for our religion or caste or language or race or community?

Dear all...What makes?...What makes?...What makes??...
Men kill their own wives, children etc for their emotional attachment (??...or 'veri') to their own language, caste, religion, race, community etc.
Can they be happy, live peacefully, live healthily (in body, mind and social relationships) after this killing?...
Will they not lose their job, lose their friendships and everything they considered to get out of their religion, or race or caste or community and spend their life in jail?.. .
Knowing that after the murder their life is gone, why do they do that?...
What makes the men to kill them, who are their life line, who have given and will give him his life, memories, happiness, pleasures, support in all domains like physical, mental, social, legal, financial etc just because they are supporting inter-caste or inter-religion marriage?
After this killing will his religion or caste or language or race or community will protect him from legal issues?...Can they give all that his wife or daughter has given or will give?...Can his wife and daughter be replaced by any one in his life?
What makes these men to do this killing?????
 could be momentary. But what makes them to get that momentary?...How that language or caste or religion went inside them so deep to kill their own people/lives?...Who or what is the cause for such a strong LEARNING and what happened inside their brain?...some realise their mistake after that and some do not!

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