this is the statement of people around us who mould our thinking to suit their needs from us and make us live as per that, who do not want us to be successful, who do not want us to set some goals in life, to be achievers etc. They feel we will go away from them and they will lose us. If they want us why not they be with us in our journey? So, they define what is satisfaction for us. Why not we define what is satisfaction for us?...Why not we live our life the way Nature has defined it for us?....
We define our life. We define our goals. We set targets. All these should be 'like'able by us. Enjoyable by us. The journey should be enjoyable. Not just the end or the result or the product or the fruit we get at the end. If we are struggling, feeling pain, not happy, anxiety struck in the process or journey to get the end result or to achieve the goal then it is a waste. We will get only diseases and frustration. The goals should be SOURCES OF HAPPINESS and not SOURCES OF PLEASURE WHICH ARE SHORT LIVED AND BECOME MEANINGLESS AFTER SOMETIME OF ACHIEVING THEM. So, if we do what we like, set our goal, define our success and reach it, then we feel LIFE AS SUCCESSFUL AND SATISFIED, CONTENTED, HAPPY, PEACEFUL ETC.
Let us live for others while we live for ourselves too, as per the way Nature has told us to live. When we lose ourselves, our life, our passion, our goal, the basic definition of life as defined by Nature, for the selfishness of others, and they saying 'this is what is satisfaction' then we are being fooled!!
Peacefully yours....rams....
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