Monday, 31 July 2017


One who is peaceful, happy, healthy and self satisfied person while being alone. He does not feel lonely. He does not need anything from any one. His brain secretes just sufficient neurotransmitters which creates a healthy mind to make him perceive that he has everything which a human being needs to be balanced, stable, happy and healthy.
All others go to others for some form or some sort of need or want or expectation fulfillment related to the body or mind knowingly or unknowingly. When they have a conscious or subconscious need, they will not allow the other person to be peaceful. They will keep nagging the other person to satisfy their needs directly or indirectly. So, they will get irritated, shout and throw us away from the relationship and we keep going to another and another like beggars of love and affection and caring.
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!

where we spend more money...for sources of happiness or frustration??

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
If you take a paper and write down your expenditures to buy the basics for keeping the body healthy, you will that you need less money for this.
You land up spending more money only for luxuries of life!!
So, to be simple, happy, healthy and peaceful, you need only less money. Only for not to be peaceful, unhealthy and unhappy by being in luxury you need lots and lots of money!!
In fact most of the sources of peace and happiness like birds, nature, greenery, tree, leaves, drizzles, rains, water bodies, air, sky, earth, space in between sky and earth are all free!!
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!



1. All those who have opted for full time spiritual life are high IQ people.

2. In general, no average IQ person opts for full time spiritual life.

3. To become a famous spiritual guru, and survive amidst 'political gurus'😀 is not an average IQ person's cup of tea!

4. High IQ people are like a bullet bike fitted with a rocket engine!...In general, with our life style, their body is weak to support their engine, the high IQ!...So, they face fast and easy depression, relationship break-ups. E.g the love, personal and family life of most of the celebrities are with lots of turmoils and failures. Whereas many commoners with average IQ live their love and family life without turmoil and successfully.

5. High IQ people dwell in extremes of emotions...either too calm or too violent and aggressive. If one is average and the other is of high IQ in a relationship, the average person pulls it through. But if both are of high IQ, then the relationships suffer a lot and mostly breaks. Unfortunately high IQ people get attracted to high IQ people, in general!!

6. High IQ people have in general, low EQ.

7. So, know all the above and groom them with high EQ and philosophies of life and relationships from childhood itself.

Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist.

how and when did we lose peace and happiness during evolution??

Dear all....THIS IS FOR ALL....
Several thousand years back there we were food gatherers...there was no politicians!!
People just lived in nature as per Nature....they just lived in groups...every one belonged to every one...every thing belonged to every one....there was no societies...there were no relatives...there were no customs, traditions and culture...there were no holy books....there were no scripted languages...there were no sensitivities and emotional attachments!!
There were no borders and countries.... no one did any destruction....there was no concept of life and living....there was no leader and manager....there was no government, governance....there was no planning for anything....there were no educational institutions...there was no science...there was no technology!!
When something happened to anyone, every one came running to help....there was nothing in their agenda for any one other than to save that person....may be you can say they lived liked animals, but they lived peacefully and happily!!
When all these were not there, there was peace and happiness!!
Today when we have all these we have lost the most precious of the two in life....peace and happiness!!...This has resulted in loss of health too!!...All these have resulted in loss of actual living in life!!
So, what is the solution??...Run away??...Who created all these chaos??...Power mongers and those who were greed of wealth??...It it not possible to eradicate all these evils of human life. They will only increase!!
Just live amongst all these but isolated, protected, in an envelope of your own where nothing of the above can enter!!
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!

how to be peaceful and happy?

"People want their basics, security and identity...They lost it to power mongers and wealth-greedy people!!...So they get attached to all these religions, castes, political groups etc...In search of basics they lost their peace. Are they getting their basics easily??..If all these types of rulers vanish, this earth will become beautiful and peaceful...all people will be happy!!...They will get back their lost life!!"
If you want peace, live beyond or above all these!!
Peacefully yours...Rams....Psychologist!!

when do u think a person should marry in today's world?

Qn. So when do u think a person should marry in today's world? Approximate age of marriage for man and woman?
Ans: It varies from person to person. Only when you feel that you are stable in profession and can find time and energy to spare for your spouse relationship, demands and expectations of a family living, reproduction and all such associated stuff, then you are ready and can get married...also you should be sure that you can spend at least 02 years of living together, even if you were lovers earlier, because being and lover and being spouse are two different ball games...If you are not ready for these things, then you are not ready for a marriage!!...Everything depends on 'what is priority for our life!'...and the priorities should be same, of same level, and agreeable for both the boy and girl.
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!


Before attaining age, the attraction we get towards opposite sex results in a good friendship. There is only a longing and no urge.
After we attain age, after the gynaec system matures, or when it starts maturing, all living organisms fly away from their nest in search of their mate!!
So, moment we get attracted we start following that person for getting to know more and getting closer. That moment of attraction depends upon how low our body is for the needs and how strong the other person's aura is to pull us towards them!....attractions may be due to several looks...personality attributes...fame...image...or a sum total!...or the reason we got attracted also could be for many
Once we know about that person, we try to make the other person to know about us. The other person also gets attracted, or comes to know that some one is behind that person. Let us assume that both get attracted. Then the next level comes depending upon their needs and whether they allow it to move ahead or not. If they decide to move ahead only after marriage then they start looking at how to get married faster. They indulge in all related activities. If they don't think about this then indulge in satisfying their needs depending upon their comfort zones, values, freedom, oppurtunities, how much of exchange they can do to each other, etc.
There are many possibilities after this. If they are bored after some time, which is most probable, then they will break up. If one is bored and other is not bored then 'not bored' person feels cheated. If one of them is a devotee kind, then that person also gets affected but survives and starts living in fantasy world. If both are interested in making a family then they will get married and produce children and find happiness and contentment in child rearing and grooming. Family life goes on. May be after this is over they might lose the charm and still live in a committed relationship as good friends for life time provided they have a common platform to share time, emotions, thoughts, feelings and remain bonded, accept each other's change in definition of life, living and relationship, needs and wants etc. Here also extramarital relationships are possible to get what they lack or variety, while being committed and loving.
Human beings are the name given by us, not by nature, which has produced all organisms to be same, as polygamous. So, everything variation is possible. For some the urges and needs are low, so id (instinctual) drive is low, ego (moral) and superego (reality) are high and therefore their sixth sense keeps them out of polygamy. For some, e.g who eat lot of stuff that stimulates instinctual is high and ego and superego are comparatively low, so they become polygamous. For some whose creative intelligence is high, spiritual intelligence is high, id is average, they become tantric polygamous, and more and more people get attracted towards them!!...They can remain in this while being committed in a relationship.
So, we have all kinds of relationships, and every person makes a difference and uniqueness in this!!
In an arranged marriage, all the phases described above...i.e attraction, getting to know each other, need exchanges...all happen after each of these phases will take some time and so obsessional phase of relationship lasts for long. If one of them is bored before reaching reproduction stage then the marriage breaks at least emotionally and physically. If both keep going ahead then child birth can take place. If both are interested in rearing and grooming children then life goes on for some more years. If one is not interested in anything then accordingly that domain breaks or goes lose. Extramarital relationships are possible. But generally animalistic and not tantric. So, they get bored there also after some time and the search and journey goes on till their systems weaken or their interests, wants and needs change. Again if there is a common platform to share thoughts, feelings and actions exist, then that relationship goes on with ifs and buts in other domains.
so, we tend to think that love marriages fail and arranged marriages win due to the above reason that some levels of need satiation is achieved before marriage in love marriage but all phases of interpersonal exchanges happen after marriage in an arranged marriage. So, it appears that arranged marriages lost for a longer time than love marriages. But as explained above, it all depends upon the individual interests, needs, wants and their levels in each of these and how long it lasts!!
1. Agreed that in love marriages attractions can reduce in a shorter time, before or after marriage.
2. But we have not considered a lot many variables in the above which also play a key role...e.g maturity, social stigma, social compulsions, unconditional love or devotee love, oppurtunities for affairs, even oppurtunity/ conducive environment for divorce/no-divorce etc.
3. We are basically like other living organisms, polygamous. But sixth sense is there. Whether dormant or active varies from person to person, time to time. Fantasy is the gift of nature to human beings to live polygamous while being not!!
4. If a person wants to make a family with children and enjoys happiness in this then marriage lasts longer.
5. Whether it fails legally or not, it can fail in many domains without the notice of others, known only to the two.
6. While being committed to one, polygamous is possible.
7. We have as many variations in all the above, as we have the number of human beings. Every one is unique and special!
8. There is no surety in any. Love marriages can last a life time and arranged marriages can fail immediately. Vice versa is also possible with same probability. Depends on the two and their environment.
9. There has to be at least one common platform to share thoughts, feelings and actions for entire life time (where it keeps changing too). If it is related to creativity then too good.
10. So, the crux keep a relationship going for life time, to experience peace, happiness, health, contentment and fulfillment in a relationship, whether love or arranged, one has to experience unconditional love or devotee love with the other. If both experience this, then that is the ultimate and ideal which is rare!!

11. Finally, it is not the 'love' or 'arranged' that it makes a marriage survive or fail, but the people involved make it either to last a life time or not.

12. We can't consider only legal failures as failures, even failures in other domains within a legally safe and committed marriage relationship also should be considered as a failure of marriage only.

13. In love marriages the chances to break legally is more, but in arranged it is less due to social fear, social pressure, stigma, pressure from various directions etc. But once a heart it broken, how does it matter whether it is legally protected or not!!...What is the meaning in marriage, whether love or arranged, once the relationship is broken??...Many live as singe within four walls for many many years...for the sake of children, may be. Is it a successful marriage??...So, truly a marriage is considered broken when one throws the other from the heart!!

There are about 1300+ articles on love, marriages, relationships at 'funnyrams' blog...type this in google...and click the top most are there in an ocean of knowledge and wisdom on these issues!!
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist.


Right from the time of birth we are born with default relationships and we keep growing our relationships and have been living our life with these people around!!
One who 'learns' (from books or speeches but most importantly by experience / realisation) and understands the philosophy of life and philosophy of relationships during childhood itself and lives by that will be contented, happy, healthy and peaceful and will not be scared about death.
One who does not understand the philosophy of life and relationships, and lives a life with out contentment and fulfillment will only be scared about death and would ask for more time at the time of death!!
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!


P: "sir, this girl is refusing to marry, please advise her to marry!"
G: "I am extremely happy and contented with my present life. Only when i feel i will be more happier and more contented than my present life, i will get married!...Till such time i don't need marriage!"
P: "She is young. She does not know how difficult it is to get a match after she crosses 30. Who will look after her when she grows old?"
G: "Please make them understand that i am not ready for marriage yet! I am happy and busy at my work. I am happy with my team mates and friends. I leave home early and come home late. I don't have time for anything and anyone else. So, i will not be able to spare time for my husband and family life. Also i don't believe in their match making and marriage. They are living in their olden days. Given freedom, today every one wants to get married late after they settle down (stabilize) in their profession. When i don't know how long i will live and when i will die, let me enjoy my work and live my present moments happily and not bother about my life after 50 years from now!!...Who said i don't have a family? I have my parents, they can be with me always. I am happy with this arrangement. I don't want to complicate my life with more commitments like husband, children and associated rut!!"
P: "How long her team mates and friends will remain. They will all get married off and leave. She will be alone that time...They will not have any time to spare for her!!...How long we can take care of her?...What will happen to her after our death?...Who will look after her?...Relatives are eating our head!...we want to complete our responsibilities before i retire!"
G: "My job will take away all my time and i will have no time for others and i don't need anyone!!...I will always have some team mates!...They are only bothered about finishing their responsibilities and hear from all relatives "look at them, they educated their daughter and nicely married her off, finished their responsibilities and enjoying their life". They are not bothered about my happiness!"
P: "We are bothered about her happiness that is why we want her to get married soon. This is the age to enjoy the married life!"
G: "Where will i enjoy when i don't have time and energy!...Their times are different. Now it is not possible to concentrate simultaneously on work, husband, family and social life!...Why should i add up more burden when i can't withstand?"
Anyway...this type of discussion is parents are not able to understand her mental, physical and social world and that the future the parents think about is not going to be the same as their past or their present.
1. It is not wise to arrange for marriage when they are not ready.
2. We can't live in the past. Past is not present and present is not going to be the future. So, certainly future is not going to be like the past!!...So, all the fears of the parents are questionable when the families and relationships, life of individuals and spouses, of the present and future, are not going to be like that of the past!!
3. In the past every one was cut off from their old friendships after marriage. Husband, wife and children were the world for each other after marriage. Social life means only relatives circles and functions like marriage, death, age-attaining ceremony. Now, and in future, no one will get cut off from their relationships, and relationships only will only increase, so, social life will form a major part demanding more time and energy. Friends will be relatives and relatives will only be the friends taking away maximum of our attention, time and energy.
4. Earlier it was 9 to 5 job where the person was not involved much and went for earning salary to get money for family living. So, it was family centric life. Today getting job is difficult. Retaining job is more difficult. Living just a family life without a job is also difficult. The demands of job are too high. So, facing the challenges of new job, new team, new work environment, new spouse, the army of family and relatives of the spouse, conceiving-delivering and grooming a child...meeting the high expectations from all these fronts at the same time...without losing health, happiness and peace...without compromises and not possible!!...So, giving spaces between them is not a bad idea!!...i.e first stabilize in job... then stabilize in the married life...then produce and rear children in a stabilised environment.
The old concept of 'Today marriage-Tonight first night-Child after 09 months' is not possible without a cost on peace, happiness and health!!
In fact, living together for at least 02 years immediately after marriage is a MUST to understand each other, each others' world!!...Else it is remote that they will have a life long understanding in their relationship!!...Such a requirement did not exist in olden days when the girl had no choice to escape when she was totally locked up in all freedom to talk or express...combined family to monitor her...can't run away from family and way of any stigma etc!!..She had no other way to surrender and be a slave!!...She hugged and kissed her children, goats, hens, dogs, cats and cows more than her husband!!..She found freedom and happiness in her fantasies!!
5. Many tell me, 'i don't know why i got married!...I was happy, peaceful and free before marriage!'...So, it is time to take a re-look at the concept of marriage, family living and relationships!
6. Combined families are not possible any more. Living together is also not possible without compromises and sacrifices. Living together once in a while may be possible. Who will look after the child till it becomes independent?...How to groom the child under parental care?...Single parent families would be maximum.
7. Commitments in marriages and relationships would be remote possibility. So, when there is no guarantee of not taking care at the young age, where is the question of taking care at the old age, when there is no guarantee of that relationship existing till that period!
8. Every one has to look after his or her own requirements, needs, wants and expectations in life. No one will be there to take care of them. Only those who are friends at that time nearby will be there to take care of them if they also have time and energy or look forward for the reciprocation from you.
9. The society will change with involvement of government where old people will live together with people of their own age with mutual support to each other. This is the right method because no two people dwelling in different age and stage in life can understand each other correctly, adapt, and live in peace and harmony!!
10. Colonies will come up where people will select their societies based on their economical affordability and suitability of the society to them and live together. So, talking about one spouse supporting the other in old age is not going to be there after 50 years!!
11. Only those who perceive devotee kind of relationships or devoted to each other will live together against all the odds, supporting each other in their endeavours, seeing success in all dimensions of life. All other marriages or relationships are sure to break-up!!
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!

Sunday, 30 July 2017


Many parents think that their wards should start working immediately from the next month they finish the course!!...
Even after +2 they think they should get college admission in the following year.
They think taking one year for preparations for competitive exams or waiting for the call letter to join a job etc is a time loss...they see every first of the month as loss of few tens of thousand of rupees!!
They always compare their wards with their friends, classmates, relatives, neighbours and keep shouting at them...keep counting the losses!!
No one lives here for 100 years!...No one gets the same salary!!...Every one does not remain healthy!!...Every one does not get a balanced life in family, work and social life!!
What if the first ranker dies at 50 of heart attack and your ward lives healthy and earns till 70!!...What if your ward gets double the salary, after one year??...What if your ward gets faster promotions or field work abroad etc...What if your ward jumps many steps in the starting itself by that one year preparation or leaps like a leopard to a higher starting pedestal?
It is better to allow him/her to move forward instead of pushing down in to depression and suicide attempts!!
So, don't count the initial months and years of life as losses. They are long term investments!!
No one can be compared with anyone!!
Every day of life can't be counted as money loss or money gain!!
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!

Saturday, 29 July 2017

How to change people easily??

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
We have a habit of trying to change others. Don't try to change them. It is difficult, stressful and you might lose them!!
Instead, tell them to come to your side of the table and look at the pencil in front from your angle. They will see a different perspective of the same issue. They will change on their own!!
So, you don't have to change them, just you have to request or make them to come to your chair and see the pencil!!
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!

Don't get obsessed with your Role Models....

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...

Don't get obsessed with your Role Models. Don't follow them. With this you can't become like them. Just do all that they say and make those as your every day activities, habits, culture and what you are!!....Only by doing all these you will become like them or get the benefits what they say!!

Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!


1. From today, this moment on wards, talk to all your friends only in English!!...You will speak good English in 03 months!!
2. Make a good CV expanding your internships and projects giving details of what you did, what you learnt, what are the deliverables you delivered etc. If you have not done these, take 3 or 6 months or one year and do them. Join any firm nearby. Do this activity. Add in your CV. Don't write about anything, any certificate etc about which you don't know. They will call you for interview and ask questions only from what you write in your CV or produce in an interview. Don't dig your own grave!!
3. Go to website of all engineering/science/management colleges in your state and the country. Every state has nearly 1000+ colleges. Go to their placement page. You will find hundreds of corporate organisations. Upload your CV at the website (HR page) of all these corporate organisations. Or send by post/email!!
4. In google, search for all the public sector (e.g BHEL, BEL, BEML etc) and government (e.g ISRO, BARC, DRDO etc) organisations. Make a list. You will get about 300+ organisations. Read about their recruitment process in their website. Upload your CV at their website or apply when they advertise. Take your time of one year and prepare well for GATE and add your GATE score also where they ask for.
5. Out of these 1000+ organisations you applied, you will certainly get placed in few tens of organisations. Now you can select your employer!!...But be ready to go anywhere in the world to work and learn!!...Otherwise you will become like your parents only..."world is full of boys, but i am unable to get a boy for my girl" they have many restrictions imposed by, don't close your doors by putting restrictions.
Let us assume you don't get a job inspite of all the above...which is rarest of the rare...!!
6. Once you have a good GATE score you can even join for PG and with the stipend you can finish your higher studies too without the financial support of your parents. You can make use of these two years to improve your English, domain knowledge, application knowledge, CV with more projects, interns, journal papers etc. Do all the steps above and you can easily get many jobs.
7. If you don't get a job still, which again is rarest of the rare, you can take up a teaching job by which you will improve your English, domain knowledge and application knowledge while teaching, gain confidence of public speaking. Then do all the steps listed above. You will surely get a job.
(Don't ask me, 'what if i don't get a job then also?'....then what for PhD is there!! ðŸ˜‚😂😂)
So, wipe out your tears!!..Get into action, as explained above!!...There are lakhs and lakhs of colleges, universities, institutions, corporate organisations, research establishments all over the world waiting for you to join them!!
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!

Two simple things can solve most of your problems in life...

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
Two simple things can solve most of your problems in life...
1. Sleep at 10 pm and get up at 5 am.
2. Take bath in cold water in the morning.
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!


During childhood i had lots of oppurtunities to grow all sorts of plants, trees, animals, insects, be with them, observe them, grow with them, learn a lot about Nature and philosophies of life and living.
If you observe Neem, Peepal, banyan tree etc, they can't be destroyed. They grow even with out water. They are the ones with lush green in the hottest summer too. They send their roots far and deep inside the ground in search of water. In this process their root system becomes very strong, thick, deep, wide and wild. Their shoot system may be small giving us a feeling that it is a small plant, but the roots are very deep and thick. If you cut their shoot system, they don't die. Instead they give out many branches and grow more vigorously wide and wild, thick and strong.
They grow tall. But after some time of their growth they give out many branches. They make their base trunk strong. Their strong trunk and deep and wide root system does not allow them to fall due to storms. They also avoid soil erosion and soil erosion nearby can't make them fall. They give out dense branches, leaves, fruits, good breeze, lots of oxygen, coolness, lots of shade, attract lots of birds for fruits, nesting, lots of small birds...lots of children play under them and enjoy...even oldies too...give cool nights!!...They also give out roots from their branches which go to ground and create large number of thick and strong trunks and far and wide roots.
While doing tree plantation we don't have time, patience and money to make deep pits so that the trees send their roots far and deep and become strong, so that they don't fall during heavy winds and due to soil erosion. We tend to plant them on the surface of the soil, make a banner, make quick-thousand pits, plant 1000 saplings, take a video and photos, post them here and there...all these are good...they have many positive effects every where....i am not saying 'no' or 'bad'...these are good, holy efforts...but some one has to water them for many years, take care of them nicely which is hard, otherwise they die...who can do this?...These fast growing trees spread their roots on the surface only and fall down due to heavy winds. So, What is the use??
So, plant more of these neem, peepal and banyan trees during tree plantation!!...They will live, live long, strong, forever and give you great memories in later years!!...Imagine, if you plant one of these trees once in a week during child hood week end, four trees in a month, 48 trees in a year...when you become 50 years old, you would have created a big forest!!...Can you imagine the beauty of it!!...The best is you don't have to water them and no need to take care!!..They take care of themselves!!
ok...what are the lessons of life from these plants...?????
1. Take your time but go deep, far, wide and wild like these trees, in your journey of acquiring knowledge, skills, positive personality traits, adapting to all kinds of variables in the surroundings with people, climate, dividing stuff etc. Remember, these are the things that will get you job, good name, growth in job, health, happiness, contentment, fulfillment, peace and self actualization.
2. If you have arrears, don't worry. No one lives here for 100 years. First ranker might lose peace, happiness and health, burn out and die early and you might live long. Being a 9 pointer helps to get only the first job. It is not going to ensure full life success. Being a hard worker and committed in the job only brings success. Grow like these trees...slow, steady but strong everywhere!!....When you are cut with arrears, give out many branches and grow with more vigour and fire like these trees. Don't fall down, dry up and die like other trees!!
3. Take time, but grow a strong base (like these trees) with your strong fundamental concepts of science, engineering or philosophies of life, beliefs, value systems etc. Let these be generic and does not bring in you hate to anything and anyone.
4. When your root system is strong you can not be uprooted due to all the wild storms or dynamics/ups and downs in policies, industry, economics, change in politics, politicians (Trump or Modi) etc. You will not fall down like these trees.
5. After you grow your trunk (i.e basics) strong, after few years, give out branches and grow in many other interdisciplinary and allied fields too. So that you become big, tall and strong. You can never be cut and killed by those who want to cut your growth.
6. These trees don't compare themselves with others. They don't compete with others. They don't look at others. They don't waste their time and get distracted. They only focus on they becoming strong, deep, tall, broad, with strong trunk, branches and roots. And they become monsters of goodness to all living organisms on/under them!!...All other trees will die in the times of change, but they will remain strong forever!!
So, plant more neem, peepal and banyan trees and live like these trees!!
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!


Recently one middle aged couple and their son came to me...the couple said "sir, we are a lower middle class family from andhra. He is our son. He is highly intelligent and did MBBS through govt quota under govt fees. He has been good, attending to his patients in clinic and going to his hospital work also. He has no bad habits and is a real good boy!!...Some time back he went with his friend to himalayas. After coming back he has changed a lot. He does not go to his clinic and hospital properly. He keeps going for some satsung. He is refusing for marriage. People say with out an MD it is useless. But he is refusing to go for higher studies. He says he will go for spiritual studies. He has become like a sanyasi. Whatever we do or say, he says all wrong. We are sad and worried if he is going mad! We have another son and daughter to get married! He says he will one day go and join with his guru in himalayas!...Please do something to change his mind so that he becomes a normal person!!"
I turned at the 30 year old boy. He was calm, cool and smiling. He said, "sir, my parents have lots of expectations from me as a son and a doctor. That is why they are shattered and unhappy when they heard about my future plans. They want me to work hard and earn a lot. They have big plans of making big wealth out of me. They want to use my money to settle the other two children. Through my marriage they want to get lots of dowry to become rich. I don't like all these. I don't like the way people live here. I am not happy and peaceful being like them. I have been blessed by my guru at himalayas (he showed me a youtube video!!🤔) and i am peaceful and happy while being with him. So, i am going to go. No one can stop me. Of course, i don't want my parents and siblings to be unhappy. So, i will work and earn for some time. Then i will go!!"
I gave a smile at both the parents and the boy. Asked the boy "what is your ultimate aim?"....He answered "To become a member of the mutt and do service!!"
"do service to whom?"
"to poor people?"
"at my guru's place near himalayas!"
I stood up, gave a pat at his back, said "well done!! I am happy to hear that!!..I am extremely happy to hear that you want to do service for the poor!!"....i could see the boy feeling happy that i accepted his views and concept of life and living. The parents were looking at me wondering 'what is happening here!!...We came for changing his mind but he has changed the mind of the counselor!!...and the counselor also appears to be a cracked nut!!'
I sat back on my chair and said...
"Hai brother. You are highly intelligent. People like you are required for this society and country to do 'service'. Let us assume your 'service' is a product. If you want to give your product free or sell your product, you need to carry out a market research or survey to find out the potential customers or deserving customers, the place they live in more concentration etc. Is it not??...So that you can serve for more people and many will get benefited. Tell me where you have more concentration of customers for your spiritual service?"
He thought for a second and said "Here in villages, towns and cities!".
"Do you have more customers at himalayas?"
"No! but many come there and i want to be with my guru always!!"
"How many in our community go to himalayas? How many have the time and are rich to go there?..Poor people remain here. Only rich or upper middle class go there, that too only few!...Also, you seem to be selfish and insecure when you say i want to be with my guru always! Why don't you take his blessings and start an ashram here, a branch of the mutt here, may be later after getting experience of working under him, so that many come to you, those who are not able to go there come to you and you can do spiritual service to them!!"
I could see the boy thinking!!...Parents were wondering what is happening here and were observing the things quietly with worries on their face.
"I can see you thinking if the people will accept you as their guru?"
The boy was nodding his head with a smile saying 'yes...'.
"You said your guru has blessed you. It appears that he knows you by face and identified you as a potential disciple! Then what is the problem. You work hard. Earn lots of money. Buy a big land. Build an ashram near the village side or hill side where you get plenty of pure air, cool climate, lots of trees and gardens. Like this why don't you create a heaven here, do all your spiritual service amidst the people who need them the most, You yourself are saying that they are not living correctly, their way of thinking and living is wrong etc. Then this is the place where you need to do your service not at himalayas where no one is there!...So, live here, change these people, make them live peacefully and happily and make them spread this culture every where. If possible create more disciples and spread them all over this country, make them create more ashrams and mutts, make them live amidst the common people, so that every one here lives peacefully and happily like the vedic times while they work amidst technology!!"
I could see some glow in his eyes but still i could see some hesitation!!...But there was no light in the eyes of the parents!!
"Are you wondering if people will accept you?"
i could see him immediately answering 'yes sir!'
"Good that you said it. First of all, know that no one is a guru from his birth!!...Every one has become a guru some time in their life while growing. Some during childhood and some during mid life. Did you ever wonder as to why there are not many lady gurus in this country?? This is because of our conservative society. You see, your parents are not allowing you to become spiritualistic and become a guru or disciple. They feel spiritual knowledge is not required for family and social living which is wrong...they don't know that spiritual knowledge is the first and foremost required for a family or social or organisational living/working. They feel spiritual people are sanyasis who remain unmarried and live far away from society and people in forests, hills and mountains. They feel they are unfit for family life and should not get married to remain pure or holy. But your parents will go to them saying 'swamiji' with lots of bhakthi and respect, to seek their blessings, and counselling of their marital issues (from an unmarried!!). But if i ask your father 'what about your son becoming a spiritual guru?' they will not agree for that. They might give a reason that 'gurus are born and not made, so every one can not become a guru!'"
The boy was silently listening. Parents had no option but to remain silent and watch, as they have come inside, and probably wanted to see the end result or probably had confidence in me!!
"So, you think people will listen to your guru and not you. You are just a doctor. Not a guru!!"
He said 'yes...'
"People will listen to you if you are highly educated. May be in spiritual sciences or philosophy too! They will listen to you if they feel cool, calm, peaceful, happy, are able to live in harmony without problem at home and society, feel divine in your presence. They all know that you keep going to himalayas, so they know that you are blessed by some one divine!!...So, they will accept you!!...May be you can change your attire also like a sanyasi if you wish to be. Otherwise, let them think what ever you are. How does it matter?...Your aim is to do service...Let that be as a doctor or a counselor or a spiritual person or a guru or a leader as per the image or identity or name they give does it matter, when you are not bothered about your image, ego, identity, fame etc?... if your aim is to spread peace, good health and happiness how does it matter what they think about you, who you are etc?"
He seemed to be convinced and said 'yes sir!'
"All gurus or spiritual leaders are highly intelligent people. They are like you. If allowed by their parents they also would have joined IITs or IIMs, become CEOs or famous doctors, engineers, lawers etc. But they turned their life to spiritual side to do full time service. So they are what they are!!...Why don't you be different?...You do MD or MS!! I know you may not be interested and agree to my suggestion (he nodded saying 'yes'!) will say that they will teach surgery etc which you are not interested...i agree with you...but you read them only to complete the course, as you are not going to do any surgery etc, but spend that time usefully for reading about the fundamental element of living oranisms...THE CELL!!...You might get more and more knowledge about the reasons for all the agony, diseases, aging issues and death, inside this cell. So, you go inwards and find the solutions for all problems of humanity while others go outside in the universe to find solutions for the problems of human beings. As you are listening to the gurus also, you will have knowledge of both, inwards and outwards!!"
"But sir, i will get only a structured thinking by doing all these studies. I will not have an expansive and free thinking!"
"What is presently happening?...Your brain is empty with respect to this knowledge. So, it is getting filled with what others say. You will again get obsessed thinking...unidirectional going to one guru, you will get only one way of thinking...all other directions are shut it is a structured thinking only! get cocooned!!...You become like a horse whose vision is kept in only one direction. Instead you read all types of spiritual books...listen to all spiritual all holy all science books...don't get obsessed with any one or any only you are expanding into the vast...expanding in to the universe of knowledge and spiritual wisdom and freedom... you will learn a lot...your eyes and mind will get opened in all will get will yourself understand what is the will get will get blessings of all gurus. Gurus may be talking science or philosophy or both. But when you read and go deep into the cell you will unravel many myths of human life and its creation!!...So, what about doing an MD or MS in Neuro Sciences?...Most of the problems of people are with their brain, mind, thinking etc. So, studies in this direction will add value to your understanding of human beings, their minds, their feelings, thoughts and behaviours. Or may be Psychiatry which again will add to your service to humanity!...What is your opinion?"
He said 'you seem to be right sir!'
I felt happy. 'Yaa...when you are highly educated, people will believe you. They will agree what you say may be right. More qualifications you add, more accreditation you get, more people will accept what you say is right!...While practicing as a doctor, prescribing medicines, you also do your spiritual and philosophical service to your patients to make them feel healed, peaceful and happy!'
"So, go for higher studies. Work hard as a doctor. Your profession itself is a service to humanity. With the money you earn, make an ashram or mutt or whatever you call as, but a beautiful and peaceful place to be, do your service with the blessings of all gurus a doctor or a disciple of your guru or a guru by yourself or a what ever name or attire...keep visiting your gurus all over the world on hills, mountains and forests...but be anchored at the place where people live amidst diseases of body and mind!..Spread your ashrams or mutt all over the country. Don't look at fame or wealth. Don't get attracted or feel threatened by the power mongers from all walks of life. Just do your service in silence!!"
The boy felt happy. He said 'thank you sooo much sir. Now i have clarity. Yes, i will go for higher studies and move ahead in life the way you said. Thank you soo much again sir'
I shook hands with him and requested him to be outside.
I told the parents "Be with him. Don't try to change him or fight with him. Then he will run away and you will lose him for ever permanently!! Now he has agreed to do higher studies. Let him move ahead in his life. As time passes, as he grows, some more clarity and maturity will come. Most of the high IQ people end up like this in search of meaning of life, purpose of life etc after some time or even at a young age. Some live both organisational and spiritual family life. Some leave the family before or after marriage and join with the gurus, ashrams or mutts. So, every one is not alike. Every one can not become a politician...every one can not become a lawyer...every one can not become a doctor or an engineer...Every one can not live the same married life...their profession, definitions of life and every day living may not match with the needs and demands of a traditional family they may not opt for it...(olden day life was different from what is there now!)...So, every one is different. So, please keep yourself calm, maintain peace at home, be loving towards him, let him prepare for his MS or MD, complete his course and then we will see how things shape up and move. Being patient, showing love and care, supporting the dreams and giving the children the time to mature and grow are the solutions for most of the issues in life with any one and anything. So, wait and watch!! But one thing is sure, you have given birth to a good human being, he will make big in life, will bring the fame and wealth that you are dreaming about, but in a different way!! So, your dreams will get fulfilled, don't worry!!"
The parents were not so convinced. But they felt it is better to cooperate rather than losing him permanently. Also their other two children are not good in studies and their horoscopes are not soo bright and good. So, they can't lose their only ray of hope by being impatient!!
In this case parents will feel happy, contented, fulfilled, when he does higher studies, starts practicing and earning, fulfilling the money needs of the home (he initially said he will work and earn for some time to meet the needs of his family) and starts becoming famous, when people praise him and his parents for giving birth to such a boy!!
Aim of counselling was to motivate him to do higher studies, to practice his profession as a doctor, to live with his parents, to contribute for uplifting of his family, to support his parents, to make him live amidst the people and society and uplift them... and not to allow him to run away to mountains permanently!!...This has been achieved!!
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!

Thursday, 27 July 2017

Why to marry such boys?...think girls!!

Any boy who is living a sedentary life with out any exercise, eats madly, smokes, drinks, lives a stressful sure to die prematurely at an early age!!
Why to marry this guy, whether love or arranged marriage, as he will leave you early or mid way of your life, leaving you alone on this earth, giving all the wounds, images and identities, may be with responsibilities of children too!!
Think....why to marry this guy???
Peacefully yours...Rams....Psychologist!!


'Any system that exists in transient state exhibits unstable characteristics. Transient state is a short lived stage in which a system exists when it gets a sudden input!'....This is an Engineering principle!!
"Adolescence is a transient state or stage in life. It occurs when the gyneac system matures and causes a tsunami of hormonal and growth changes inside and outside the body which produces unstable thoughts, feelings and resultant behaviours. Any promise given during this stage is not true. It is not possible to keep up these promises without major sacrifices and compromises in life which will not yield to peace, happiness, contentment and fulfillment in later life"....This is a principle of life!!
Being a good friend, good healthy friendships are the right way of living during this stage in life!!
Peacefully yours...rams...Psychologist!!


Scientists have studied the behaviours of human beings and classified them as 'Health Enhancing' behaviours...and....'Health Compromising' behaviours...
They have classified the personalities as Type A and Type B
Type A personalities are outgoing, ambitious, rigidly organized, highly status-conscious, sensitive, impatient, anxious, proactive, short-fused, competitive driven, high achievement drive, time urgency, irritated and exasperated and free-floating hostility triggered even by minor incidents. They are often high-achieving "workaholics." They push themselves with deadlines, and hate both delays and ambivalence.
They have a greater chance of developing coronary heart disease and all vascular diseases (high BP, heart attacks etc).
We need to combine health enhancing life style with thinking and management and leadership styles so that we can be successful and healthy too!!
Type A people may be successful, but may not live longer, or just exist or survive after they are affected with health disorders. They may not enjoy the life, peace, happiness. They might aim for promotion or some 'carrots' but after getting them also, they will not be contented or fulfilled or satisfied...they may not even enjoy that success...and continue to be egoistic and running more faster towards the next promotion or 'carrot'.
Why they are like this?
Some times by heredity. Some times by the challenges they faced during developmental / growth process which gave them some learning lessons of life to be like this. Probably they are groomed by their mentors who are also like this and believe in this!!
These people work 'for' promotion and 'carrots'. If they don't get they will get depression and get affected severely. They will be ready to compromise and sacrifice ANYTHING or ANY ONE for achieving their carrots. They are bloody minded. They believe that they are the right and healthiest people, their thinking-emotions and behaviours are right and they term others as lazy and unsuccessful people. They term deviating from ethics and values of human beings as 'white behaviours' i.e positive, acceptable and correct behaviours!...They will term this as 'chanakya' strategy or smartness!!..
They generally do not believe their subordinates as they believe that their subordinates are not like them, not as brainy as they are, they also believe that their subordinates are slow performers not matching with their speeds and intelligence. The subordinates also do not believe them, they do not trust their bosses, as they know that their bosses are 'carrot' centric, do not trust their subordinates and not subordinate or human centric!!...The subordinates know that their bosses can ditch them anytime for their selfish motives. They also know that the relationship, love and affection of their bosses are not from heart but from brain and short lived. They also know that their bosses are acting, not true to themselves, not true human beings, they are wearing masks, they talk something-think something and do something!!
So, the end result is they create an organisation in which the boss does not know whom to believe...he is alone...feels lonely...but strongly believes in becomes a one-man army...he gets screwed in his own the same culture he created...that he does not know who is right and who is wrong...does not know if his subordinate is talking the truth or not. He is unable to see or check everything and everyone by his own self. In the process of doing this he spends his entire day and night in the organisation, screws up his family life, if wife is a GODDESS he gets saved to an extent.
Some of these bosses use 'divide and rule' policy...create spies in their own organisation...they think they are smart and strategic...but in the long run the organisation or culture suffers. They might get their 'carrots' but leave a spoiled image which travels faster than them to their next unit and spreads like a virus in the entire system!!...They end up with more health compromising behaviours or coping skills or defence mechanisms that are ruining...e.g heavy drinking, smoking, tea-coffee etc.
These people always 'paint' a good rosy fantasy picture which appears to be real, to their bosses, and their bosses are also like them to their bosses, painting the same rosy and grey (not white or black) picture to their that they can slip between the cup and the achieve their, no one knows what is right, who is correct corrective actions can be taken, every one takes a decision that is beneficial to them, but paint as if it is useful to the organisation!!
Both the boss and the subordinate know that they are acting to each other and it is not a realistic, true, long lasting relationship. So, it is stressful. There is no inner satisfaction in any domain to any one.
But the truth and correct strategy or behaviours is 'working "TOWARDS" carrots!!...Here the Type B personality is not competitive and comparative. He aims his goal within his abilities and stretchable boundaries. He grooms his knowledge, skills, personality attributes, life style to reach the goals in a life time, he lives within the values and ethics of human life, he enjoys every moment, he nurtures good relationships, lives at lower stress levels, there is no winning or losing for him as he is not competing with any one and comparing his life or skills or knowledge or abilities with any one, he defines his destiny-goals-passions-life path, he is philosophical, knows the values of everything in life and on this earth, he is slowly, steadily and progressively growing in his own evaluation, while enjoying every present moment, while being creative by indulging in all sorts of art forms, they explore concepts, ideas, they accept people as they are and destiny as it is, they are reflective and think of the 'outer and inner' world...they know the art of living and loving people, nature, job, relationships and every bit of this earth, world and work!!...
They make and create self actualizing, inspiring, radiating, happy atmosphere in the work environment, peaceful surroundings and leave a long lasting humane culture in the organisations. They are remembered positively by all for a long time.
The subordinates wake up in the morning to go happily to their organisations...they like seeing their bosses, they like spending more time with their bosses as they feel it is a value added time...they feel spiritual, heaven and divine in the aura of their bosses!!
Whereas if Type A is the boss, then the subordinate wakes up with frustration, he does not want to go to the department, he feels suffocating in the organisation, he hates seeing his boss, he hates going to work, he is not happy, he is not peaceful, he is not sure of his future and feels it is not going to be bright under the Type A, he avoids meeting his boss, he lives in a hell!!
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!