Wednesday, 5 July 2017


Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...ESPECIALLY PARENTS AND CHILDREN...(hihihi...on this earth every one is either a parent or a child or both!!)
one question and one answer...
Qn: "I am fed up boss!!...I am telling sooo many things to my daughter. She is not at all listening. I don't know why these girls don't listen to their fathers and husbands. We only tell those things which are good for them. Why don't they understand?"
Ans: " the time of birth, as a baby, we are only produced by Nature with basic instincts of survival...eating...sleeping...defecating...fight against death. There is nothing known as Mind for this baby. It does not have any mind. It does not think. It does not analyse. It's brain is totally empty. This is the best state to be in. If we are left like this in Nature probably we understand things rightly and live rightly in alignment with Nature. Nature will form the right kind of body and mind. Because we will eat only those things produced by Nature without any spicy cooking and additives. We will eat only those available in Nature in the raw form. There is no beliefs, social norms, 'this is right and that is wrong' things..."this is what you should do, this is what you should not do" etc...there is no identities like sun, dog, lion etc...there are no references like tamil nadu, india, hill etc...we will understand everything universal without any name, classification and differences...the point here is "we will be peaceful and happy"!!!!!
To understand the truth of Nature (Nature means not just trees, lawns, hills, sky includes EVERYTHING...including all living and non living...entire universe and beyond!!) be peaceful and happy...may be beyond the definition of these two words...we have to be without this 'Mind'...this conditioned mind...the mind that is conditioned with the Man-Made norms, rules, social systems, beliefs, and all kinds of things we have created which in the eyes of Nature, does not exist!!
The biggest problem is we started with social systems and norms which are against Nature...we started classifications, groups, identities...we started with identities of differences of rich, poor, higher case, lower caste, upper religion, lower religion, 'my god is best, your god is bad'...higher status, lower status...we started comparing...
The beautiful child which got formed as a part of Nature, in the raw learn everything on its own from Nature...It has only love and love for does not gets attracted to loves is like is is beautiful...every one feels happy when they look at babies...all their stress vanishes by the sight of a baby...
But we pollute it with all kinds of rights and wrongs...rules and regulations...thinking that we are grooming it correctly...saddddddddddddd!!...We teach the child something which we 'believe' (may not be right in the eyes of Nature) as right...e.g 'this is our caste...this is our religion...this is our god...this is our belief system...we are not supposed to think and live outside this belief system...all other beliefs are wrong...all other religions are wrong...all other holy books are wrong...our religion, holy book our belief system only are right and correct...this is what we are supposed to eat...this is how we should dress...this is how we should think...this is how we should behave...this means 'good'...this means 'right'...this means 'bad'...this means 'wrong'...this means 'you are rich'...this means 'you are powerful'...this means 'you have higher status'...if you earn this 'people will get scared of you'...if you have this power and status 'people will not harm you'...if you have this you are safe...if you live like this, this is life..."life is full of sorrows"..."life is full of struggles"...
so, we teach all such things to the raw-brain of the child...All these gets stored in the brain as 'information'...'learning experience' starts thinking with these...when it thinks, it forms a MIND with the mind is conditioned... corrupted... polluted... compares... possessive...rigid...inflexible...unadaptable...highly possessive about the obsessions and beliefs...too sensitive...destructive...hating all and everything...demanding...controlling...expecting...strategic...threatening...without love...believes in conditional love (caring) that is destructive as love...considers what its corrupted mind says is right and all others are wrong...believes on its corrupted mind.....all these does not allow the baby to live in harmony...this conditioned mind only spoils the peace and happiness...we don't know the difference between 'pleasure' and 'happiness' and therefore perceive all same...the unconditioned free, natural mind when gets conditioned or poisoned or polluted with this Man-made crap it looses does not know how to live does not know how to live in does not know what it wants...because what Nature wants is different...
the minds of the parents were corrupted with the wrong teaching of their parents...they teach the same to their children...and it goes on and on...end result is we only see the world, the nature around us, the people with this wrong, untrue, non existent, negative, suspective, unrealistic perceptions...(in fact, we think the man made, society created reality as reality...actually it is is untrue...but the truth is...Nature made reality is what is the true reality which we are not able to see with out eyes in the city or towns or society...amongst human beings....Nature's reality is spoiled by us with our own rules and regulations...!!)
If the new born baby lived Naturally without these TEACHINGS... would have eaten all raw, natural stuff...only when the need was there for hunger and thirst...not would have had less cravings and urges of the body...i.e less need for the mind would have been all free to think about the part of Nature around and beyond...may be understand the creation or the creator...origin of life etc...may be the science would have developed the way it is growing and developing now...but without the POLLUTION OF MAN MADE SOCIAL CUSTOMS, DIFFERENCES, COMPARISONS, IDENTITIES AND REFERENCES...
Of course, the POSSESSIVENESS, which is the cause of all agonies of the mind, also would not have arisen, because, when the baby perceives everything as universal, created for all, available for life long, all securities ensured by nature, then where is the question of possessiveness!!
Now what is happening?...we were born without we have a mind full of unwanted crap...most of it got and acquired from our parents and grand parents...till the age of 10...and we believe that it is right...and we start looking at everything and judging to be right or wrong with this actual wrong and corrupted mind...
for every one their learning is right...others are wrong...they teach only what they have learnt to their children and others around...again a wrong thing...and produce wrong-minded wrong children to live a wrong life with full of sorrows and struggles...and we define life as 'Life is full of sorrows and struggles!!'...Obviously!!...if our learning is wrong, if our mind produced out of this learning is wrong, we will perceive life as struggles and sorrows and finally want to SURRENDER to some thing which can remove this mind from us and take us back to the original empty state of brain, without all these crappy wrong learning of social living, so that we perceive peace and happiness or aanandaa!!...and we call it god or spirituality etc. Certainly religions the way we have formed or perceived did not give peace, health and happiness, because, again we are taught to 'perceive peace and happiness through this corrupted, wrongly learnt mind' only!!...If religions, the way they are, have given peace and happiness, to live beyond this mind i am talking about, then we would have all been gods, happy, healthy, peaceful, without psychiatrists, doctors and psychologists!!
so...the crux is...the answer to the question is...
1. We, as individuals, can't remove all these crap around us. But we can isolate ourselves from this crap while we are connected to the people by understanding their corrupted minds, through caring for these poor people, the undeclared patients, who think they are healthy or think 'being unhealthy is part of life'...who live in 'learned-helplessness'...not knowing what to do...what is happening to them...what has happened to them...believe that everything around is reality...who believe they are right and this is what life is and no escape etc!!
2. Parents need to understand all these, stop teaching what is right and what is not right etc, may be teach them universal love and affection, caring and to be a good human being...and allow their children to grow by Natural way, but exposing them more to nature, allow them to understand the world, life and living on their asking more questions and making them to think...may be tell them 'this is what i have been taught, this is what i have learnt, this is what i know, may be true or untrue...i am ready to be with you to learn something new'....allow them to face the challenges around and make their own learning...their own a natural way...shredding the differences...learn and pursue what they like and are interested in...surely nature will drive them to excel in that!!...Believe in that...believe in drives all human beings to see the divine through excelling in it...through research related to the variables in that domain of their does not allow them to remain as amateurs...they might start as amateurs but finally land up in researching...this is what the sixth sense is all about and it that they at least live in peace, happiness and good health....this way they will make great wealth and family and social life too!!
3. Children may detach themselves from this network of crap, but live amidst them radiating the truth and Nature, isolated and enveloping themselves with a shield of protection, while radiating peace, calm, cool, love and affection, caring, happiness and good health.
4. Some children, from childhood, can identify what their parents teach is right or wrong as per Nature, teach their parents, but parents shout, control, threaten, torture saying 'align with and live in reality' (to live without peace, happiness and health). Some children are not driven by opposite sex attraction, their mind is free to think beyond all that taught by their parents using their sixth sense, identify them to be of no use to live in peace and happiness, and try to grow Natural way, but parents think they are wrong, bring them to psychiatrists and psychologists for treatment, whereas it is the parents who need counselling and treatment!!...In some cases children are not clear about the demands of a profession and get attracted to a profession looking at only one side of it without knowing the nuances of it, not matching with their personality...and personality is formed from the teachings of parents and their own self experiences and realisation!!
5. Remain with science and technology...but nurture and grow the creativity to think beyond equations, rules, theories, discoveries and inventions of science, to think out of this frame work and conclusions, findings formed by science till that your boundaries and borders of thinking goes beyond what is existing to find out the solutions for problems and mysteries unresolved!!
6. It is very easy to remain away from society while living amidst it, within the legal framework, within social norms too, without getting affected, while we remain connected to science and Nature, while we study Nature within the classifications, structured form of researching but at the same time question the proven so called truths and prove them to be untrue!!
7. Some say, 'Go by what your mind says!'...don't go by what this corrupted mind says!!...Go by what the Nature says!!...To know what Nature says, we need to come out of this corrupted mind..socially corrupted mind...and Observe the Nature, think from the empty brain, with the Natural understanding of life and living, using science and beyond its theories and boundaries...!!...Beware, don't do illegal things and land up in jail!!
Peacefully yours....rams...Psychologist!!

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