1. From today, this moment on wards, talk to all your friends only in English!!...You will speak good English in 03 months!!
2. Make a good CV expanding your internships and projects giving details of what you did, what you learnt, what are the deliverables you delivered etc. If you have not done these, take 3 or 6 months or one year and do them. Join any firm nearby. Do this activity. Add in your CV. Don't write about anything, any certificate etc about which you don't know. They will call you for interview and ask questions only from what you write in your CV or produce in an interview. Don't dig your own grave!!
3. Go to website of all engineering/science/management colleges in your state and the country. Every state has nearly 1000+ colleges. Go to their placement page. You will find hundreds of corporate organisations. Upload your CV at the website (HR page) of all these corporate organisations. Or send by post/email!!
4. In google, search for all the public sector (e.g BHEL, BEL, BEML etc) and government (e.g ISRO, BARC, DRDO etc) organisations. Make a list. You will get about 300+ organisations. Read about their recruitment process in their website. Upload your CV at their website or apply when they advertise. Take your time of one year and prepare well for GATE and add your GATE score also where they ask for.
5. Out of these 1000+ organisations you applied, you will certainly get placed in few tens of organisations. Now you can select your employer!!...But be ready to go anywhere in the world to work and learn!!...Otherwise you will become like your parents only..."world is full of boys, but i am unable to get a boy for my girl" they have many restrictions imposed by, don't close your doors by putting restrictions.
Let us assume you don't get a job inspite of all the above...which is rarest of the rare...!!
6. Once you have a good GATE score you can even join for PG and with the stipend you can finish your higher studies too without the financial support of your parents. You can make use of these two years to improve your English, domain knowledge, application knowledge, CV with more projects, interns, journal papers etc. Do all the steps above and you can easily get many jobs.
7. If you don't get a job still, which again is rarest of the rare, you can take up a teaching job by which you will improve your English, domain knowledge and application knowledge while teaching, gain confidence of public speaking. Then do all the steps listed above. You will surely get a job.
(Don't ask me, 'what if i don't get a job then also?'....then what for PhD is there!!

So, wipe out your tears!!..Get into action, as explained above!!...There are lakhs and lakhs of colleges, universities, institutions, corporate organisations, research establishments all over the world waiting for you to join them!!
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!
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