my views...we have two entities...'body' and 'mind'...'love' is related to 'mind'...'lust or like' is related to the body...'when we 'feel' happy, peaceful, contentment, silence...a divine' feel'ing...moment we think about a person...' there may not be a feeling to see him/her, to be with, to talk to, to possess etc'...this is what is called love...love is a feeling...it is to do with the mind.....now about the other part....i.e body...if we observe some changes inside or outside (or both) our body when we think or see or be with or talk to a person then it is lust or like...it is not love!!!...we can never feel contented and peaceful in this relationship...we can never achieve divine state or ultimate of spirituality in this relationship!!!...it will create craving, possessiveness, jealousy and all related negative thinking, emotions and behaviours...our life will be totally screwed!!...Where love is there, lust also can be present, but here too there can never be peace, contentment and silence of the mind...what we will get is spells of pleasure...but we think that is happiness which is not true...if we have our life based on cravings then we can never be peaceful, happy, healthy, contented and achieve the real success in life...(cravings = things with which we can never feel contented...i.e body needs (water, food, protection for body, sex, physical intimacy) money, wealth, fame, status etc....if our life is based on needs of five senses (ainthu pulangal) then we can never have peace...we will only have spells of pleasures....if we base our life on sixth sense...i.e 'life is a process of learning'...'wild and wide reading, experiencing, travelling to 'learn' everything and anything on earth...mostly related to Nature...then we can achieve everything, including all the materialistic things...'life is a study of cause and effect relationships'....
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