Wednesday, 14 October 2015

'Painful Pleasures!!'...what are these?...should we encourage this within us?

Hai all…today’s knowledge on body and mind!!!...haa.haa.haa…
When the body and mind are in perfect balance, i.e stable state of equilibrium of the organism…i.e body secretions and organ functioning are balanced and mind is still or empty…then the organism feels aanandaa…or mukthi…even when it experiences stimulation of the body or mind and experiences pleasures through the stimulation. The source of stimulation could be anything (person, place, life event, animal or in-animate) through the five senses.
When the body and mind are not in perfect balance, which is the case most of the times, we cannot experience this ananda or mukthi states…we can only experience pleasures…they arouse and stimulate body and mind for some time… therefore, most of the times we experience only short spells of pleasures in life with people, animals, life events and relationships…we think it is the state of happiness or anandaa…
So, the corollary is that ‘to experience pleasures we need to come down to near- unstable state’!!!...i.e the need states of body and mind...the craving states...need or dire-need states...
Also if people say ‘I am stable only!’ when they experience pleasures then it is not correct…it is their perception!!...they feel comfortable, happy, stable and cozy in the pleasure they experience…they don’t want to miss that pleasure also…as the pleasure gives them an illusion of security…mostly emotional security and life security…
When they experience only pain, sadness, frustration, loneliness, anger…i.e all negative feelings…i.e when the pleasure component is removed from their life, then they accept that they have got a problem and they need help to come out of it…this is the time they accept, go to their ‘dependents’ and express their need for help…it could be in words or behaviours…we, the ‘significant’ people in their lives need to identify and understand this and help them to come out…
Experiencing intense love with heightened emotions, sometimes extremes and swings of emotions in a short span of time, filled with anxiety and possessiveness (‘painful pleasure’) is also a state of instability of the organism…they feel crying is a relief, a coping skill for the situation…sometimes the person might also report experiencing of divine feelings, ananda, moksha or mukthi or stability etc…but it is not so…it is not a stable state of equilibrium…
All human beings experience these states in their life sometimes…but they are not permanent…they come and go…like passing showers…
Generally such people fall for people and relationships which give them love and affection…solace…secured and safe feeling…
Mostly such feelings are experienced when the person feels ‘insecurity’ with respect to some basic needs of life…i.e needs of the body and mind…i.e food, water, clothing, shelter, physical and mental intimacy, love, sex, physical security, intellectual security, the feeling of ‘I am not alone, I need not be scared, I have everything, someone is there for me!’…such situations arise in the life of everyone…i.e states of brief depression…states of instability…
In such situations of feeling insecurity the person longs for and searches for some support who can give all these…some people just fall like a potato and remain idle in a corner at home…
This is the time when people can be taken for a ride, cheated, taken for granted, taken charge-off, exploited etc…so they need to be careful…and their significant people need to ensure this…
The experiences of each individual is different in such situations…some experience intense mind and body arousals…some do not…some experience mild ones…but something common is that this state is not a permanent one…it is a temporary state of life, living, state etc…
This is what we express as the wanting of the heart, the feelings of heart, the voice of the heart etc…the mind produced during these times are also soft and weak that they fall for the heart…ie the id needs mask the ego and super ego states of mind…the brain becomes defunct or the consciousness is blurred…it works in the lines of the heart…and therefore the mind produced by it is also like that…as you know, the id drive does not think about after effects, legal issues, social issues, shame, loss of job-fame-status etc…(e.g. person committing rape and such other social crimes)
Whether this state is ok or not ok? depends upon how the organism perceives…if the perceptions are positive and this state is only for a short time...without disturbing the peace and happiness of others, then it is ok…there is no need of any medication or help…
If the person goes to a state of hurting self and others, physically or mentally or socially, then the person needs medication, counseling etc.
Also if the person indulges in health compromising behaviours as coping skill, for short or long times with immediate or prolonged implications in physical-mental-social health of self and others, then also it is not right…
So…so…so…the crux is…
2. Accept life situations, events or destiny as they are.
3. Do physical, mental and social exercises every day to get positive perceptions
4. Identify and understand depressed states of mind, i.e passing clouds, by observing thoughts, needs of body and mind, keep cool, seek help of reliable, trust worthy and dependable friends/experts…don’t remain in that ‘painful-pleasurable’ well for a long time and start enjoying that…come out and enjoy the freedom, fresh air, the actual divineness, aanandaa…
peacefully psychologist...

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