Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
Psychology is not about learning to be crooked, learning how to cheat people, how to be strategic etc.
It is not about probing the mind to exploit a person.
All these are negatives which are stealing away our peace, happiness, physical well-being, mental well-being and social well-being, it has made us to be mad animals, it has made us to perceive that life is a hell, it has always kept us in anxiety, stress, depressed, frustrated, angry, sad etc. We have learnt all these negatives from our parents, society, people around at home and outside, schools, colleges and organisations. Everyone is adding more and more of such negative things in our life every second. So, our life is becoming miserable every second. We are losing the precious life time of just few thousand days on this earth. We can not get this birth again. You might say it is the run towards being successful, but actually not, what is the point in gaining anything when the happiness you get out of that achievement goes off in no time, you get all diseases on body and mind, and lose all that you have earnt in being this mad animal in no time and realise at the end of life that you have not lived properly!!
This is what is making us to believe that life is a battle, life is miserable, life is a struggle etc, become depressed, become mentally weak, lose self confidence, lose self esteem, feel insecure and take asylum under caste groups, religious groups etc for food security, social security etc, who exploit us further.
Learning psychology for understanding the human behaviours (not for earning money, getting a job or getting promotions, or getting fame, authority, power etc) is for unlearning all these negatives, coming out of all these crookedness, coming out of this negative strategic thinking, exploiting and cheating people and relationships, learning about sooooo many things including how to respect people, how to be unconditional, how to value relationships, how to be devotional on job and in social relationships, how people and our socialisation are precious, what is the real meaning of life, how to make this earth beautiful with people and relationships, how to live peacefully, how to live happily, how to enjoy this world and life, how to be physically healthy, how to be mentally healthy, how to be a good human being, how to be a radiating personality, how to be successful in profession, life, relationships etc using positive methods etc.
So, psychologists who have learnt this subject for understanding the human behaviours for above positive purposes will not be having all the negatives listed above!!
All of us think that we know psychology or behaviour of every one, all at home, all our friends, peers, subordinates and bosses, we are experts in psychology, mind reading, probing personalities etc. But truly we know only crooked things and negatives. Not positives, positive side of people and life.
In fact, psychology should be taught in schools and every one should learn this to make their life peaceful, healthy, happy, successful using positive methods and meaningful!!
Peacefully yours...rams...Psychologist!!