Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
All of us are in RELATIONSHIPS!
Relationships are where emotions are involved. Acquaintances can't be defined as relationships.
Relationships are of two types...1. Committed relationships....2. Uncommitted relationships. 'Committed' means, in general, through socially accepted relationships where the Roles (responsibilities) and Statuses are clearly defined socially or legally.
All of us think, feel and define that relationships are for meant for and meeting our needs, wants and expectations. Therefore, we demand, control, order and suffer. Do not get all the basics in life. No point in saying 'This is how the world is working, operating and people are living in societies!'. They are not living. They are just existing!!...If we understand the true meaning of RELATIONSHIPS , then we will not suffer in relationships, lose people from our lives, do not lose relationships and cry!!...We don't know how to be unconditional and devotional...Hmmmm...We need to learn this from lower organisms like dogs, trees etc!!...Nothing wrong in learning from them if we don't know how to use the higher form of sense, the sixth sense, for getting the basics, to live on this earth, !!...If we say, 'they don't have mind, and so they are able to be unconditional and devotional' then the answer is there in front, that we don't know how to use our mind, how to use our sixth sense... and if we say 'those with mind can't live with all basics all throughout life' then we don't need that mind, we don't deserve to have that mind...i.e we deserve to be only that we can get all those basics!!
People might say 'Being devotional or unconditional in committed relationships' is impossible or ideal or useless or foolishness or waste etc. The truth is being devotional or unconditional in committed relationships is not so great because there is always some underlying, subconscious, unexplainable, social, physical, economical, legal, mental, long term motive behind which is covert, not known, not observed.
Being devotional, loyal, truthful and unconditional in an uncommitted relationship is the godly, ideal and best relationship!...This is what is the actual True Love. Pure Love. Godly love!!
I am sure every one wants to have such a lover...but is there any one to be such a lover??
😀...You might say 'If i am able to get one such, then i will also remain one such!'...First we have to be one such, only then we will get one such, is it not?...And even if we get one who is normal, we can probably make one such ideal one with our true, pure and godly love!!

Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!
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