Tuesday, 26 September 2017

All that we do at home are not meant for us...they are meant for automated machines and robots!!

We have many oldies at home who are in their 50+ who feel that in olden days all ladies did all house hold hard-works and therefore they were healthy (truth is they were mentally not healthy with negative aspects of combined family and no food for their sixth sense!)...ie those presently done by kitchen machine, mixie or wet grinders or those which make all kinds of dry or wet flours or washing machines or gas stove or other house hold or cooking appliances that reduced the hard work of women at home!!
In olden days industrial engineering principles or automation or robotics or software engineering had not developed. Social and family living has been agrarian and family centric. So, they lived like that. But certainly was not fulfilling and completing the contentment and fulfillment domains as they only did reproduction and rearing against all the shackles of family and social living created by our culture. All these house hold works are elements of rearing only.
If some one thinks the above is correct, right, true, best etc then ....sorry...actually these are not meant for ladies or even human beings!!!!!...they are meant to be done by robots and automated machines!!
Human beings are not meant for doing monotonous and repetitive jobs that does not have the element of creativity or thinking or thinking out of the box...in each movement, each time you do it and each and every activity of the work and entire job!!..Such jobs are for machines!!
Human beings are supposed to do...1. physical work that is not having the element of anxiety, postures that do not yield aches, pains, ailments, diseases etc....2. those activities which make them think every second (let me not use the word 'job or work' which have the tone of without involvement, doing them only to earn money for family centric living, doing without interest, liking and desire etc).
This is the crux of Job Design!!...So, what are the ladies at home supposed to do??
They are supposed to all that have creativity!!...Cooking, washing, cleaning etc at home involve thinking element only during initial learning or initial days of marriage or child birth or during the rearing cycle of life. After that it requires very minimal thinking, becomes boring, torturous, monotonous etc. We lose interest and liking for doing them. We only force ourselves to do them for serving husband or children or parents or in-laws or our own selves!!
But the point is we should know how to do all these chores so that we can do them and look after ourselves when the need arises or when we have interest, time and energy to do all these or when survival life situations arise with challenges.
Some men will say 'These were the jobs which kept the ladies fit. These were the jobs which we could also share and show them love and affection. These were the jobs where we enjoyed watching their beauty. Where will we go for food or washed clothes or clean home if they don't do all these?...These were the jobs which helped us to share with them as foreplay to bring them to the mood of reproduction or turn them on. If these things are removed then all these fun, pleasure, elements of love and affection get removed from life!'...
Let us not criticize or blame them for not knowing the true, other elements which will not make them tired, will refresh them, will relieve them from stress of whole day's work, will make them unite like human beings at a higher domain or tantric level and not like animals which is what they know. Whereas house chores only make them tired, get frustrated, keep shouting on each other, lose cool, lose the mood for reproductive acts, lose the relationship, lose interest in family living, marriage, reproduction, child rearing and finally lose the happiness, peace and all domains of health.
These are some reasons why few boys and girls do not want to marry or produce children or live the traditional family life.
So, the best thing is...
1. We need to have a social system wherein few ladies use automated and robotic machines which do all these house chores of every area for many who live there...or something similar to house keeping contracts or like in hotels. You only come home to socialise with other family members whom you don't meet during the day time as they are at schools or colleges or office or at work somewhere and come home only in the evening or night. So we, our minds, should not be and our life should not be bugging with all these mundane, house chores. We only should enjoy living, life, socialization at home with fun, plays, games, arts, supporting each other for all the activities that involve sixth sense...e.g art forms etc.
2. Ladies at home are supposed to learn and teach various art forms, dance, sing, paint, may be architecture etc. They are supposed to do all those five kinds of exercises which works-up their entire body and mind. Like yoga asanas, meditative-living etc. It does not mean they should not do engg or medicine or other professions. It only means all those involving CREATIVITY. Reproduction, rearing etc are only elements of life and not in its entirety. Social life, family life, professional life and personal life are all elements of life and living, but one should not affect the other. We need to modify everything to suit this requirement.
3. This brings exercise to their body, mind, sixth sense. TV serial type of social and family living we have created is not the correct way of living for health, happiness and peace.
4. Till such time we create such a modified and reformed social system which every one can afford to, let us eat only healthy foods that require minimum time, energy and interest to make them and create less utensils to wash. So, that we don't get tired in doing house chores only and get more time to play, enjoy, recreate, spend on creative things.
the crux is all that ladies do at home are not to be done by them, but to be done by machines. They are only supposed to do asanas, art forms and live a creative personal, family, social and organisational life!!
Men are not different from the above!!
Otherwise diabetes, hypertension and other cardiac and life style diseases will quickly kill us and keep us only surviving or existing!!
Peacefully yours....Rams....Psychologist!!

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