
Some of us are highly talkative!!...They can't remain quiet even for a second. They always want some one to hear them. Otherwise they go mad. Life becomes miserable for them. So, they are members of many social networking groups. They will keep blabbering. Some such people may not bother if the other person is listening or interested or sleeping. They will go on talking!!
But some are sensitive. Egoistic. They want every one to listen to them carefully. To remain focused on their talks. They will mostly talk about them. They might talk about the social issues too. They feel they are right and every one should agree to them. Some go one step above and expect and demand that they should also behave as per their likes. They will be active members in social networking sites and expect every one to agree to them and fight and argue with every one that they are only right and others are absolutely wrong. They will get angry, upset and keep jumping inside the house and at office disturbing the peace of every one. Even on road sides and shops they will pick up fights.
They can't keep quiet. They can't keep others quiet. They can't be peaceful. They will ensure that others around them are not peaceful!!
Obviously they will end up with all sorts of physical, mental and social health problems. They will be sidelined, will live lonely and die.
In olden days the girls who married such men sacrificed their entire life in hell on earth. Men who married such women are no different.
Today it is sure of a divorce or break-up, unless the other person is a Nobel Peace Prize or Tolerance awardee!!
Therefore...the crux is...
1. Never marry an extrovert who is egoistic.
2. If you are an extrovert ensure you remove your ego.
3. Retaining ego and trying to become introvert is not possible and no use!

4. So, ask yourself, Are you an extrovert?....Are you egoistic?
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!
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