Saturday, 20 January 2018

It is better to keep a distance from people with least or no expectations to keep them a source of learning and for ever in our life!!

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
When we define our life as 'A JOURNEY OF LEARNING' and look at others, keeping a distance, without any needs, wants and expectations, then we only learn from them. We mostly see only their positives. We don't see their negatives. Even if we see, we only learn not to have those within us. There is no hurt. We never lose them. They become a continuous source of positive energy and learning.
When we have ulterior motives, hidden agenda, vested interests and approach a person, then also we don't see their negatives, as our focus is on their 'wealth' or 'assets' that we have perceived and want to grab!!...Consciously or subconsciously our mind plans the strategies to gain close proximity and achieve the interests and leave them once the aim or goal or target is achieved.
When we get attracted towards others, when we don't define our life as 'A Journey of Learning', when we go inside their envelope with a list of needs, wants and expectations, then...
(i) we feel happy only some times when needs are met.
(ii) we mostly don't see the positives of that person and only observe negatives of that person. Positives go out of sight. Even positives are perceived as negative.
(iii) when we become possessive that is the starting point of misery for both and straining and breakage of that relationship.
Peacefully yours...rams...Psychologist!!

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