Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
All of us face challenges from the first cell inside the womb till death. Nature has given us an advanced brain and skills to face the challenges or find out some space or method by which we can find peace amidst the battle.
But due to many reasons the brain is not healthy, not strong enough, does not have all the resources to face the challenge. So, we suffer.
Some of the professions like lawyer, doctor, police, politics etc have the elements of stressors and negative energy to deal with (negative people (like thieves, decoits, murderers, terrorists), duties and responsibilities that make us to work at places (mortuary, grave yard, drainage/sewage lines etc), with policies and procedures, with tools and equipment which are not health enhancing and with negativity!!)...So, our perceptions can lead to health compromises in these professions. They can cause loss of peace, happiness, good health, social well-being etc. Unfortunately we can't change to different professions, if we are interested, skilled and destined to choose these professions which involve negative energies!!
Some of our traits, though they will appear good and positive, but can result in spoiled peace, happiness, physical-mental and social well-being...e.g too much of intelligence associated with low Emotional Quotient and Spiritual Quotient, Type - A personalities who are generally goal and achievements oriented, Hyper Active people.
Psychologists pitch in at these places and guide people as to...
1. How to tackle the irritants in normal day to day living to find peace at home, organisations and social life.
2. How to tackle people? (significant people at home, peers-subordinates and bosses in organisations and rest others in society)
3. How to identify the health compromising issues in professions and personality traits, how to over come their negative effects and while we retain the positives and continue with those traits?
All of us have the ability to some extent to tackle the above issues, but psychologists are professionals who learn the theories and techniques, tools, therapies to deal with the issues professionally!!
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!
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