Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL MEN...
"kanavane kan kanda theivam"
(Husband is the God for a girl!!)
"Manaalaney mangaiyin Bhagyam"
(Husband is the World or Blessing or Luck for a girl!!)
"Purushan pulla varam kodukkura saami!!"
(Husband is the God who gives you the boon or gift of having a child!!)
"Mun thoongi pin yezhuvaal pathhini!!"
(a good wife or virgin or pathi vratha is one who sleeps after her husband sleeps and gets up before her husband gets up!!)
There are hundreds of such old sayings or Bible for indian or tamil girls written by "Men" of yesteryear, and many men still believe in this, and create such beliefs to be true in the minds of their sons and daughters too!!
Is there any saying or Bible for men as to how they should behave as good husbands or lovers or good friends or how they should treat a girl??
There is a bigggggggggggg list of expectations, needs, wants, demands and controls of girls as to how they should dress, how they should speak, how they should behave, how they should think, etc etc....a biggggggggggg universe of writings on these...with the basic concept that "she is born to SERVE men!!...She is born to give all the pleasures (feeling of goodness through urges and cravings that never comes to an end and which never gives permanent satisfaction!!...the one which creates demands, expectations, possessiveness and all such negative thoughts, emotions and behaviours that strain the relationship with a girl!!)...She is born to give birth to off-springs for the family...for the man...and rear them with the sensitization of the hard core belief systems of the father's family or culture or caste or religion"!!...Nothhhing more than this!!)...If she wants or aspires to do anything more, she is most welcome to do, but without compromising on the services to her God, Her Husband!! (not even children are considered here!!).
All these are primitive thoughts which have been framed by pervert, selfish, male chauvinist, bossy, egoistic, animal like men who only USED girls for their needs, wants and expectations.
They sadly did not consider all her mental faculties which are more powerful than that of men. They probably wanted to rule, keep her submissive, as a slave, to be used only for meeting their body needs, social needs, procreative and recreational needs!!...Therefore, they are always kept in a state of "Learned Helplessness" in the name of Love and affection, duties and responsibilities, giving an image or equivalence of God etc to make her feel better, happy, cool, calm in side the home only, to get washed away in the toilets and sinks!!
Therefore, the crux is...
1. All these are wrong
2. They can not give content and fulfillment to her life.
3. A girl kept this way can not be peaceful and happy.
4. It is grossly under utilization of the potential or resources of a human being.
5. Both men and women are differently and equally capable in all the personality traits, freedom to think-feel-express-behave-organise-lead etc.
6. A man who believes in all these can not keep his wife happy and peaceful. His love and married life will be a miserable failure only.
7. All these are not the verses of the Nature who has produced both men and women.
8. Nature has produced both to be capable of everything under the sky.
9. Both are independently dependent on each other.
10. One who respects her creation in the way Nature has created her, only will live in her heart, all others will only keep her body inside the four walls and enjoy it!!...One can decide what is important "whether to live in her heart or keep the body alive inside four walls for pleasures!!"
11. All these primitive beliefs and definitions have been made when Division of Labour was laid down by MEN during the initial days of formation of civilization and social systems which are redundant and no more relevant in an industrial society of oppurtunities and equivalence. So, don't be primitive and screw up your family, love and emotional life, which is important for a peaceful living.
2. They can not give content and fulfillment to her life.
3. A girl kept this way can not be peaceful and happy.
4. It is grossly under utilization of the potential or resources of a human being.
5. Both men and women are differently and equally capable in all the personality traits, freedom to think-feel-express-behave-organise-lead etc.
6. A man who believes in all these can not keep his wife happy and peaceful. His love and married life will be a miserable failure only.
7. All these are not the verses of the Nature who has produced both men and women.
8. Nature has produced both to be capable of everything under the sky.
9. Both are independently dependent on each other.
10. One who respects her creation in the way Nature has created her, only will live in her heart, all others will only keep her body inside the four walls and enjoy it!!...One can decide what is important "whether to live in her heart or keep the body alive inside four walls for pleasures!!"
11. All these primitive beliefs and definitions have been made when Division of Labour was laid down by MEN during the initial days of formation of civilization and social systems which are redundant and no more relevant in an industrial society of oppurtunities and equivalence. So, don't be primitive and screw up your family, love and emotional life, which is important for a peaceful living.
12. Love means not demanding, wanting, needing, only looking at selfish needs by quoting all the old sayings or verses or Bibles of Life and Living made by irresponsible, selfish, dictator men who said 'what she should need' without thinking 'what she actually needs!'...'whom she should be' and not 'who she is'.
LOVE IS CARING AND SUPPORTING UNCONDITIONALLY AND DEVOTIONALLY!!....Any one who lives as per this definition will have a happy married and peaceful life, will get everything that he wants from his wife, will live in the heart of his wife, all others will suffer and die without getting anything from her!!
LOVE IS CARING AND SUPPORTING UNCONDITIONALLY AND DEVOTIONALLY!!....Any one who lives as per this definition will have a happy married and peaceful life, will get everything that he wants from his wife, will live in the heart of his wife, all others will suffer and die without getting anything from her!!
Peacefully yours...rams...Psychologist!!
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