You have a problem!! (It could be even a family issue or relationship issue too!!

The problematic issue may involve a transmitter, a receiver and an environment or medium. Or a process. Or reactants. Or a discomfort. Whatever it may be, list down the variables (factors) and constants. List down the causes and effects of the variables. Separate the variables into dependent and independent variables. Decide which all variables you want to measure and their ranges. Carry out a survey of sensors or transducers available. Decide the sensors required.
Next comes selection of transmission medium. Depending upon the output of the transducer, decide whether it is wires, or RF cables or optical fibers or any other transmission medium. You will have work out the related parameters.
Now you list down the processing methods possible. Sensor fusion techniques etc.
Next is the suitable display method or actuating mechanism.
Any problem appears difficult, complicated and impossible. But they all contain some small steps and elements. Once we list down them and deal issue by issue we will find the way, clarity, and the path will be clearly visible.
Most of the issues require only three...1. sensors...2. processors...3. actuators or displays....whether it is a measurement system or control system.
Some of the problems also deal with selection of materials and processes.
Anything is possible if we are determined, dedicated and ready to get lost in the act till we reach the goal!!
People will laugh at you when you define the problem or when you say you are determined to find a solution.
But several great discoveries or inventions have come out of only crazy ideas, thoughts and creative/out of box thinking and observing the Nature, the variables in it and their inter-dependencies.
150 years before, did any one think that a machine like aeroplane will fly. Rockets will go to space or objects will go to interstellar objects/space/places?...They would have laughed saying "Anything thrown up has to fall down, that is Nature's law!!..Birds are naturally meant for flying, but not other objects!"
But this has become possible by observing a simple common phenomenon which you see in canals in villages...I.e in a canal when the water flows to paddy fields, where there is narrow path, the water flows at greater velocity. All of us have played by sending paper boats or flowers or leaves or a paper and observing it going fast at the narrow path and again becoming slow after it leaves that narrow path. Can you believe that this is the basis of an aeroplane flying??
So, solutions for many issues are hidden inside Nature...whether it is related to mind or relationship or philosophy of living or scientific inventions and discoveries!!
All the best!!
Peacefully yours...Rams!!
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