Saturday, 28 October 2017


Our films portray obsessions of heroes behind beautiful, fleshy, curved, shaped girls. They also discuss with their friends in movies as to how to make that girl 'fall' for them!!..Something similar to catching birds using a net or a trap!!...Probably the old black and white films portrayed family living. And innocence as the main characteristic of a girl behind which the hero ran!!..Probably the old films did not portray running behind flesh as love!!..They portrayed sharing of emotions in family living as love!!
All male animals also run behind the opposite sex, and do all possible stunts to make her fall for his urge!!...After the act they just go away giving a look 'who are you?...did we meet ever?...i don't seem to be knowing you!!''
The porn movies or videos portray only the climax acts as the art of love if that is all about love with a girl and girls are satisfied with it. They also use drugs to show unnatural animal behaviours which in reality may not be possible. So, our poor boys assume that it is real and start feeling down when they are not like them. They are anxiety struck. If they also use drugs, then they are sure to land up with nervous disorders and other physiological and psychological health issues!!
So, our youth watching the present movies and porn videos think that ...1. doing stunts of caring, saving them, praising them, and all bla bla is the way of making a girl fall for them and that is what is the definition of love!!...Love means huggs, kisses and sex. This is their definition....2. Marriage is for all these and love making means whatever they have seen in porn videos!!...They don't seem to be knowing the wants, needs and expectations of girls and their definition of love!!...Obviously break-ups before marriage and divorces after marriage!!
They are just like animals...spending hours and days and months to make a girl fall for them and finish off everything in 2 minutes and show thumbs up to their own selves and walk off or turn to the other side!!
Do you think they will have a successful family life and will be able to satisfy their wives in love and affection and physical intimacies and related behaviours??
They land up with all sorts of biological gynaec disorders and mental disorders!!...Marriage becomes a failure!!
No wonder all girls in this country are not satisfied with their life mates in this aspect!!...While they are happy pulling on with their family life as they have produced children and have to rear them and look after them...This state appears to only become worse!!
The superficial reasons given for marital discard when digged deeper and deeper, dis-satisfaction in love and affection needs and physical intimacy and related behavioral needs emerge prominently as the underlying reason!!...Who is to be blamed?...Parents who have not taught?...Society which has taught wrong things?
So, who will teach them??...Who will groom them to be good husbands in life?...NOT THEIR FATHERS CERTAINLY WHO ARE ALSO IN THE SAME HERD!!..YESSSSSSSSS..THEIR MOTHERS!!...They have to pitch in and teach them all those thousands of circuit breakers, nano switches, micro switches which need to be turned on, not on bed, but by totally changing their perceptions about girls, the relationships with them, definition of love (beyond the needs, wants and expectations and being devotional) their needs, wants and expectations beyond body also, by totally changing the life style of boys, teaching them about family life, the sacrifices and compromises involved, etc. All these do not come automatically. Just because their in-laws thought like that, they have got half-cooked one in their life!!
They only can do this...and no one else can!!
I wish they do this so that the future generations of girls in this country are happy with their husband in these vital issues of life!!..The concept of family remains intact in this country!!...Break-ups reduce at colleges and schools!!...and divorces in marriage reduces!!

There are only three kinds of men...1. Who do not know the above...2. who know all the things but do not have or not ready to put in the time, energy and efforts required to do all these...may be they did earlier days when something unknown and thrill was they say, 'who has the time mannnn!! just bloody shag it off and get on with the jobs!!'....3. the other kind is they know, they want to do, but unable to do due to many physiological, psychological issues...but they want to show their love and affection to, they look after the family nicely, support her in all her endeavours of running the family, in her passions, in her goals and achievement motives etc!!
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!


"Just a thought. Whilst basic sexual or animal instincts of human beings may not change over the years, it some how seems that social acceptance of polygamy or even consensual sex is cyclically changing. We are in an era where there is a stigma attached to polygamy and is also illegal. But look behind in each one of our families. Our great grandfathers had two wives!! This was practised across communities and casts. Now slowly we are beginning to hear about Polyamouriousists (who have more than one sexual partners other than a primary partner and with mutual consent). The world social behaviour is continuously changing."

"As it turns out, would it be appropriate to say that monogamy is unnatural? Think of it, human beings are the only mammals who are forced to be monogamous. It is a societal norm that is reinforced on us. Then, is marriage an institution which is overrated? Some points to ponder."

my answer....

"ha.haa.haa..this issue has been pondered over in many posts in my blog sir...Nature has created this biochemical body whom we call as 'human beings' is like any other has every thing that an animal has...but it has one thing that other animals do not have...the sixth sense...if we can use it, disengage the body from mind, keep both body and mind self regulating, use the sixth sense to come out of the sexth sense, liberate the mind from POSSESSIVENESS, which is nature created along with VARIETY SEEKING BEHAVIOURS...conflicting behaviours which can cause loss of peace, happiness and health (physical, mental and social), understand that this gamy and game which you mentioned only will result in psychological issues, this was understood by the vedic time wizards...and therefore they created some social systems, norms etc like marriage, family, etc etc...of course, it took various turns and has been used nicely by the self motive separatists called politicians and religious leaders...and has lead to a situation where it has become we just need to redefine, within the ambit of vedic time, that the social systems called marriage, family etc flourish...!!"

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