take the best from all such books and many more such books, that is suitable to you to follow in life...define your new book...and live that....or don't read any of these, like me, and live your life beyond all these....but after reading all these if you are not peaceful, happy, healthy, successful, contented, fulfilled, self actualised and self transcending, then your perceptions are wrong...reading them is a waste...
Peacefully yours...rams....psychologist...
"I don't think the original version of Bible and Quran doesn't tell that. It is only the converts that have altered the Bible and Quran to suit them. I ( preferably we ) still have very good friends from both religion "
"agree with you ...the prophets would not have said anything in correct...our people interpret words and letters to their comfort zone and spread it to others also...what is important is not the religion identity people wear...whether they follow what that religion says, truly in their life style, what they are, human qualities, life style, definition of life etc is what matters...there are many who know Thirukural by heart and can tell the couplets upside down...they get fame, may be job or money or whatever...but the true gain or benefit of such books come by following what is said in them!!...How many such people follow at least what is said in one of the 1330 couplets?...So, their interest or aim of knowing kurals is something else. When people follow a religion or a leader or a prophet or a guru or a holy book for food, shelter, security, social life, relationships, 'good person' image and identity ('god fearing person' identity!!) then they don't really gain the true, actual advantage of following that religion...gaining this is the main purpose and reason in following a religion or the list above...but our people lose this and follow people and the list above blindly...they are ready to die for religion, the holy book and their prophets, gurus and leaders, but not interested in living as per what that book or religion or guru truly says!!...Many adore Kalam, but do they follow at least one habit or one life philosophy of what he said?...What is the use??...If a person has not learnt how to live peacefully, happily, healthily, contented, and allow others also to live like that, after reading such books or being in a religion, then what is the use?...It only means that person's aim of following that religion or person or being obsessed to those books is different...may be that person is not knowing this consciously. The subconscious vested interests are different...This is what i mean!!...Identities of such nature is a waste!!...Identity of 'Good, peaceful, happy, healthy (physical-mental-social), self actualised, self transcending Human being' is the right identity people should wear!!...All other identities are waste and will not give the true advantage to them!!"
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