Wednesday, 25 October 2017

what do we gain when we feel 'responsible' (adult and parent ego) and 'child' like...

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
When we think and behave like a 'child', we get 'happiness' and the moments are memorable.
When we feel 'responsibility' and do the things in life, by dwelling in 'adult' or 'parent' ego, then we get 'contentment' and 'fulfillment'. When we fulfill our responsibilities in life, we might get a feeling of goodness. That is contentment.
Happiness, contentment and fulfillment...all the three are important in life.
So, when we meet all our responsibilities thinking like a child (but doing the things with our intelligence, experience, wisdom, knowledge, skills etc)...while being in the child ego state, then we get happiness, contentment and fulfillment...the moments become memorable too!!
So, be like a child always!!
Peacefull yours....Rams...Psychologist!!

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