Wednesday, 2 October 2013

an interesting coversation about 'karma'...

read this conversation in facebook...
Q: Guruji, people sin in one life, why does God punish them in the next lives. Wouldn’t it be better to know the reason while you’re being punished.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: There are many different types of karma. Some things if you do today, it gives you result immediately. Suppose there is fire, and you keep your hand... in it, will it burn today or tomorrow? It will burn now. But if you sow a mango seed, for it to grow and give fruit, how many years it will take? Six years. Six years later you get the fruit. And if you sow a jackfruit tree, it takes 10 years to give fruit. A gentleman puts an iron ore factory, it takes so many years to start giving profit. The real profit is enjoyed by his children. The one who struggled and toiled all his life to make the factory run does not enjoy the fruits. When the profit starts coming it is the next generation who enjoys it. In the Bhagavat Gita it is said, 'Gahana karmano gatih', the ways of karma are unfathomable. There are many different karmas, individual karma, collective karma; there is a karma for time. For every place there is a karma.A tsunami comes and so many people in one area die. Why only that area? It is the karma of that place .

So the more you go deep in karma, it is amazing. In Hinduism, in the Upanishads, one of the six darshanas is Karma Mimamsa. It talks all about karma. That book is so big that you hardly find any scholars. Around 35-40 years ago there was only this one gentleman in Benares who had studied the Mimansa. Today we don’t have any scholars in this at all.

Similarly Buddhism has done quite a bit of study on this. And Jains have done lot of research on karma. But the best is to do service (seva). When you serve others, when you bring relief to people who are in need of solace, that brings you very good karma. That is why charity should be part of everybody’s life. Meditation washes out the bad karma and charity brings in good karma. And both should go simultaneously. Go inward to find the knowledge, the stillness, the peace, and the outward expression of that is your love. Two things very important in life, knowledge and love.
When you die, two questions will be posed to you, how much knowledge have you gained and how much love you gave?
Arun  Sorry, the question is not answered by Sri Sri, The question was on punishment and he has simply talked about Fruit and factories ? Look if I don't know what I am punished for or even for what I have been rewarded then it is no good! Today only I posted " Worship and Sins" , what about people who suffer due to others and even die and the culprit continue enjoying life! By just saying it is your last birth karma or he will suffer in next birth has no meaning! Even there are many births and life but does any one recollects anything ? it is all humbug and just a psychological way to satisfy yourself which cannot be justified. I had put up many questions for Sri about 12years ago when I did basic art of living and his decipals replied and when I questioned them the reply was that keep posting some day Guruji will reply. There are questions and there are answers but basically we just want to cocooned in safety of sweet words and believes but definitely cannot digest truth of life.
Manickarajan Ramasubramanian I agree with you sir...normally I enter facebook when I get notification mail or when I am having one hand can eat and the other hand can scroll, like, share etc...when I share something it does not mean I like them or agree with them...there are many things which I share for knowing the opinion of others too...I also do not believe in this karma etc...probably it is a technique being used for putting the people in ahimsa or good value system track...all these are interpretations of every one has his views and they are not scientifically proved, such issues are debatable such debates every one will be right and every one can be wrong...none of them can prove they are right or the other person is wrong...I feel that 'believing in karma' or 'not believing in karma' is not important...reading many holy books or having tons of religious our spiritual knowledge is not a clean life without affecting other's lives in a negative way is what is more belief and definition of 'spirituality' and all related issues I have typed in my blog very recently you said earlier, let me not copy and paste it here as it would run to many pages...(smile) is 'what is spirituality?' in my opinion living a clean life now with an expectation or having a great next life or fear of having a screwed up next life etc is all bull...why to think about past life or future life...we can not get a realistic, logical and scientific correct, let us live this life happily, with good health, helping and giving what ever we can to others...keeping 'acquiring knowledge, skills and experience in positive things' as the prime motto...i.e self actualization through knowledge and skills...

GI don't think anything is bull, Rams! Even though the question is on punishment, Sri Sri is talking about what is written about karma in Upanishads and other ancient scriptures. Also he is saying that meditation and helping / serving others is a good way of living! He has never implied that he knows everything! I've heard him say 'I don't know!' several times! With our limited minds, it is hard to know all the mysteries of existence and this universe. All we can do is keep searching for truth!
Arun  Thanks Subbu, actually I am not looking for any answers as they are there, but solutions to worldly problems created by humans. Let us all do our bit and share it world may become a better place to live in. By no means I meant anything against Sri, they are all doing wonderful job, world peace and human relation is not an easy issue. Regards

Manickarajan Ramasubramanian hai g...I expected some dose from you (smile)...I did not say 'anything is bull'...I also did not say anything about sri sri or his fact I have shared and liked many of his quotes...he talks from ground earth...I only said "living a clean life now with an expectation to have a great next life or fear of having a screwed up next life etc is all bull"...these statements are not of sri sri...they are of this 'rams' (smile)...our people follow anything if it appears as a 'threat' for their happiness, life, health and wealth...we make people to follow certain values and norms by bringing in the 'fear' e.g a common man follows something when we say 'if you don't do this or don't follow this style of living, god will punish you', our people follow out of fear...not with the view that 'I have analysed this In my mind, I find it to be true, good for me, so I am following it'...they also follow something if we tell them 'if you do this, you will get that', out of expectation our people, 'fear' and 'expectations'...they also follow many things 'blindly' because some one whom they admire has said...this is another problem...these are things we have created...some politicians, people in power, spiritual leaders etc use this technique...I am not referring to sri sri here...(smile)

Manickarajan Ramasubramanian yes sir, you said it. Instead of thinking and analyzing about these issues we need to look for 'solutions to worldly problems created by humans'!

G thanks Rams for sharing Sri Sri quotes and other good quotes! I am sure these quotes (if not all, at least most of them) will be beneficial to seekers (like me) and also for day to day happy healthy joyful living! I really value Mr. Arun's and your inputs which are accompanied with good intentions!
keep rocking guys and gals...


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