hai guys....how are we?
(it would be better if you start reading from Part 01)
here we continue with our research on loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee....(smile)
all organisms before landing up on the opposite sex gets attracted first...then indulges in some sort of romance acts...then is the act. So, we can say that it is a three staged act. Attraction, romance and procreation act. Human being, with his sixth sense, has converted procreation into recreation also!...so, for romance to exist one has to first get attracted. Without any attraction can romance be there?...if a romance does not end in the act, then the fire keeps burning with longingness and the so called love remains and keeps burning...Is romance in itself love?...in love romance canbe there and it can be there in pure physical attraction too...is it not?...can a love exist without romance?...million dollar question is it not? ...can we call sex without romance is rape?...wofffffff...far too many questions!!!
so, is it (romance) a Western invention?...i doubt!...probably western discovery?...after observing organisms...and proved that such a thing exists and they named it like that!
Is it a cultural phenomenon?...not a natural one?...then how cocks, dogs and all organisms indulge in pre sexual romance?
I agree with you that the social responsibility of marriage and in a role, status and responsibility based model of 'family' 'home' social system, there is no time for romance or it diminishes as others take time and priority...and it fades and disappears!
I agree that fantasy romance is inevitable when the two are separated and helps to keep the attraction and love burning!
during young ages the body is youthful, attractive, stimulating etc. If some one falls in so called love it is not a point of awe. But after the person gets aged, dark skin, wrinkles all over, all sagging, all curves, shapes, shines, ups and downs, contours all gone, fat body, diseased, still if that person is romancing, loving and being with the other person, then it is called real love. So, if love feeling comes due to physical appearance it is not love and it is infatuation. If it remains for ever irrespective of physical looks and health conditions, then it is a real love, formed loving the personality attributes of the individual and not physical looks...but how to find out this at the initial stages itself?...may be we can show some old age photos, photoshopped images, and ask the person 'will you love if the youthful person after he or she becomes like this aged?'...hmmm...some one might say 'hey! it is a hypothetical question and no one can give a correct answer for such a hypothetical question!'
yes, romance and fantasies are like booze...they are more beautiful than reality!...so, why to disturb the real ones!...there are several advantages!...Is there any disadvantage?...then why to discontinue!
we have seen all types of love in films and real life too...
1. loving without seeing or experiencing the person or place or occasion or an item
2. a young girl loving an old man (of course, an old man loving an young girl is not something special!)
3. a guy loves an imaginary girl, one day sees some girl, thinks it is his lover, hijacks her, looks after her nicely, protects her from enemies...enjoyes seeing her happy...without expecting anything from her!...watch indian tamil movie "Guna"!
the list is endless...
Nature is great...to creat such an undefinable thing called love!
all the weapons in this world can not resolve conflicts...they can only
supress for the time being and truly poking the valcano to erupt in a
big way later!...But love is the only deadliest weapon that can unite
people, countries,religions, races etc forever.
Man created Weapons of Mass Destruction, forgetting love, but nature has created Love, the Weapon of Mass Attraction!
all of us are involved in love...as we are love ourselves!....so it is important to understand what it is clearly...as wrong understanding will affect our health, happiness and success!
“Let love be.
Do not give it a name.
When you give love a name, it becomes a relationship
and relationships restricts love." …said a spiritual leader….
Some one has made a comment like this….” Hard to swallow. No love in relationship? Can't accept this”…
An explanation given by some one is like this…
“he also says love is not an emotion and that we are basically made of love.
he did NOT say that there is no love in relationship!
He only said relationship may restrict love! that is all!
one example i can think of is:
once there is a relationship, then there are lots of expectations. then if these expectations are not met, then love may not flow freely in full force! it may flow with some restrictions when expectations are not met.
another example:
wives are always expected to cook great food everyday. whereas the girl may not like to spend too much time in the kitchen. if her husband expects her to cook and she doesn't cook, then there will be a problem. But if her husband is not the kind to have such formal expectations of his wife and lets her be who she is then there is no problem as there are no expectations based on their relationship.
ok guys....we will see the remaining later! ...bye....(waving hands)
keep rocking!
(it would be better if you start reading from Part 01)
here we continue with our research on loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee....(smile)
all organisms before landing up on the opposite sex gets attracted first...then indulges in some sort of romance acts...then is the act. So, we can say that it is a three staged act. Attraction, romance and procreation act. Human being, with his sixth sense, has converted procreation into recreation also!...so, for romance to exist one has to first get attracted. Without any attraction can romance be there?...if a romance does not end in the act, then the fire keeps burning with longingness and the so called love remains and keeps burning...Is romance in itself love?...in love romance canbe there and it can be there in pure physical attraction too...is it not?...can a love exist without romance?...million dollar question is it not? ...can we call sex without romance is rape?...wofffffff...far too many questions!!!
so, is it (romance) a Western invention?...i doubt!...probably western discovery?...after observing organisms...and proved that such a thing exists and they named it like that!
Is it a cultural phenomenon?...not a natural one?...then how cocks, dogs and all organisms indulge in pre sexual romance?
I agree with you that the social responsibility of marriage and in a role, status and responsibility based model of 'family' 'home' social system, there is no time for romance or it diminishes as others take time and priority...and it fades and disappears!
I agree that fantasy romance is inevitable when the two are separated and helps to keep the attraction and love burning!
during young ages the body is youthful, attractive, stimulating etc. If some one falls in so called love it is not a point of awe. But after the person gets aged, dark skin, wrinkles all over, all sagging, all curves, shapes, shines, ups and downs, contours all gone, fat body, diseased, still if that person is romancing, loving and being with the other person, then it is called real love. So, if love feeling comes due to physical appearance it is not love and it is infatuation. If it remains for ever irrespective of physical looks and health conditions, then it is a real love, formed loving the personality attributes of the individual and not physical looks...but how to find out this at the initial stages itself?...may be we can show some old age photos, photoshopped images, and ask the person 'will you love if the youthful person after he or she becomes like this aged?'...hmmm...some one might say 'hey! it is a hypothetical question and no one can give a correct answer for such a hypothetical question!'
yes, romance and fantasies are like booze...they are more beautiful than reality!...so, why to disturb the real ones!...there are several advantages!...Is there any disadvantage?...then why to discontinue!
we have seen all types of love in films and real life too...
1. loving without seeing or experiencing the person or place or occasion or an item
2. a young girl loving an old man (of course, an old man loving an young girl is not something special!)
3. a guy loves an imaginary girl, one day sees some girl, thinks it is his lover, hijacks her, looks after her nicely, protects her from enemies...enjoyes seeing her happy...without expecting anything from her!...watch indian tamil movie "Guna"!
the list is endless...
Nature is great...to creat such an undefinable thing called love!
Love is an unconditional commitment to an
imperfect person. To love somebody is not just a strong feeling. It is
decision, a judgement and a promise!
a boy sees a girl, starts loving. After she becomes old and pumpkin like he does not love her. Why?...a person means 1. physical looks 2. personality attributes...if a person changes his or her physcial looks and personality attributes with ageing, truely he or she is changing and transforming into another person...so, the boy no more has his lover girl...she has turned into some other girl...so, no wonder he does not love her anymore!...of course, it is applicable for both the genders. So, the crux is 1. we should try to preserve our physical looks as beautiful and youthful as possible 2. we should never change our behaviour with respect to the lover. Should remain the youthful, bubbly bubbly, happiness filled lover girl of the past!
a boy sees a girl, starts loving. After she becomes old and pumpkin like he does not love her. Why?...a person means 1. physical looks 2. personality attributes...if a person changes his or her physcial looks and personality attributes with ageing, truely he or she is changing and transforming into another person...so, the boy no more has his lover girl...she has turned into some other girl...so, no wonder he does not love her anymore!...of course, it is applicable for both the genders. So, the crux is 1. we should try to preserve our physical looks as beautiful and youthful as possible 2. we should never change our behaviour with respect to the lover. Should remain the youthful, bubbly bubbly, happiness filled lover girl of the past!
Man created Weapons of Mass Destruction, forgetting love, but nature has created Love, the Weapon of Mass Attraction!
all of us are involved in love...as we are love ourselves!....so it is important to understand what it is clearly...as wrong understanding will affect our health, happiness and success!
“Let love be.
Do not give it a name.
When you give love a name, it becomes a relationship
and relationships restricts love." …said a spiritual leader….
Some one has made a comment like this….” Hard to swallow. No love in relationship? Can't accept this”…
An explanation given by some one is like this…
“he also says love is not an emotion and that we are basically made of love.
he did NOT say that there is no love in relationship!
He only said relationship may restrict love! that is all!
one example i can think of is:
once there is a relationship, then there are lots of expectations. then if these expectations are not met, then love may not flow freely in full force! it may flow with some restrictions when expectations are not met.
another example:
wives are always expected to cook great food everyday. whereas the girl may not like to spend too much time in the kitchen. if her husband expects her to cook and she doesn't cook, then there will be a problem. But if her husband is not the kind to have such formal expectations of his wife and lets her be who she is then there is no problem as there are no expectations based on their relationship.
ok guys....we will see the remaining later! ...bye....(waving hands)
keep rocking!