Tuesday, 6 September 2016

'sir, i am not eating anything. Still i am putting on weight!...I am an IT industry employee!'

Today more than 70% of job market is taken away by the IT industry.
The type of job they do requires lots of thinking, brain work, cool mind, peace, creativity, logical thinking, good reasoning ability, intelligence, lots of freshness in the mind etc....i.e high Intelligent Quotient (IQ), Spiritual Quotient (SQ) and Emotional Quotient (EQ).
It is not a scavenging type of manual work!
So, to keep the brain highly active, cool, calm, balanced, sharpen the intelligence we need to give lots of oxygen, rest, healthy entertainment, balanced diet with more green vegetables and less starch fresh fruits.
Yoga, asanas, exercises, meditation, good continuous, uninterrupted deep night sleep for 6 to 7 hours (10 to 5) etc gives them lots of oxygen to the brain, cool and calm mind and increases all those listed above. They increase IQ, EQ and SQ.
Many do not sleep and give rest to their body for cleansing and metabolism stabilization and crib 'sir, i am not eating anything sir. By just breathing air i am putting on weight!'. Obviously he will put on weight and get all types of life style diseases (diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol (heart attack) early in life!!
How can they get clean air and more oxygen in a pub which is filled with lots of cigarette smoke? How can dancing in such an atmosphere (forcing his lungs to breath more cigarette smoke) will improve health? Can this give exercise to the body (exercise is a healthy activity when we give clean air to the lungs and make the body demand more oxygen by exercising). It can only starve brain, all cells and tissues. How can alcohol give rise to healthy brain and healthy mind compared to the positive effects of yoga, asanas, meditation etc?...How can oily, fatty and junk foods give health to the body and brain?...How can the mind formed be healthy for positive thinking, emotions and behaviours?...
Alcohol, smoke, dancing to make body demand more oxygen in a polluted atmosphere, devoid of sleep and rest, no balanced diet, junk food, no exercise, pleasurable environment and oppurtunities with opposite sex...all these spoil his health, mind, brain, make him age faster, look at people and relationships materialistically, create strain in social relationships, failed love, failed marriages, break-ups, less EQ, depression, etc.
Instead of rejuvenating every moment they get burnt out faster in life!!
The perceived pleasures, short term hypes of alcohol, fat and nicotine will not keep them physically-mentally-socially healthy for long!!
Thanks to the mentors who developed this 'IT Culture' by blindly copying the western models without giving it a scientific thought.
I only hope the youngsters wake up and put their life on track.
Keep rocking...Rams....Health Psychologist.

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