Saturday, 6 February 2016

Do you think only KNOWLEDGE and INTELLIGENCE are sufficient to get those 05 basics in life?

Dear all...IMPORTANT POST FOR ALL...let us assume that we are born here and we are a child...or let us think about our own child...What this child should get in life?...or what should we get in life?
Yes, you are right. We know, HEALTH, HAPPINESS, PEACE, CONTENTMENT AND SELF ACTUALISATION are the must...(the 05 basic things of life!)...These are the things we want our child to get or we should get!
To get these, what should we give to our children while grooming?...or what we should focus in ourselves?
Today what we are doing is we feel KNOWLEDGE to get marks and a job and INTELLIGENCE to go up in profession are the important things. We feel these two are imparted in schools and colleges and we send them there. These two institutions also know this requirement of ours and provide these two. Good parents!!...Good schools!!....Great!!
Do you think KNOWLEDGE and INTELLIGENCE are sufficient?
In reality these are only NECESSARY CONDITIONS and that too only during the initial two or three years in job.
Are those people with only these are successful?
What else is required in life?...What makes these conditions to be SUFFICIENT if they are only necessary conditions and not sufficient conditions?
ok...where all we live?...
We live in Organisations! We live in society! We live in our family with relatives!. We have to get the 05 basics of life from these places!...
Special KNOWLEDGE and INTELLIGENCE are required only in organisations. But to get all the 05 basics from these three places what we need is 'PERSONALITY ATTRIBUTES'! They only make up the sufficient conditions!!
Because at all these places we have PEOPLE and they are the most important resource because with MONEY and MATERIALS what we can achieve is limited. But people can CREATE or DESTROY in an unlimited way not only the 'products' or 'services' or 'organisations' but even those 05 basics of our life!!
To lead people in teams, groups, departments and organisations and make use of their resources properly and completely, personality attributes are the most important. Not just knowledge and intelligence, as these two will help us to only know how to do a job, and not, how to make others to do a job or how to do the job while being with people as a team. So, we can not survive at any of those three places with only these two!!
Therefore the crux is...
If personality attributes are not ok in an individual, not groomed properly in children, or us, then all of us will be miserable failures in life, society and organisations!!
So, let us focus on PERSONALITY ATTRIBUTES in us and our children, more than KNOWLEDGE and INTELLIGENCE!!
peacefully yours...rams

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