a sister is always a great friend, lover, second mother and ultimate support to any person...
only thing is the parents should not create rift between them using our traditional play methods like 'I like her very much! You are dirty boy! You go away! I don't like you!!'...Even for fun we should not tell like this...it affects the mind and emotional growth of a child...
we should tell the elder 'this is your baby! You are everything for this baby! So, look after this baby!'...girl children are motherly by Nature's creation and so they will look after the child very well throughout their life...
and to the child we should say 'She is your ultimate friend on earth gifted by god, sister, and life support in case of need! So, love her always, come what may!'....we should not only do it verbally but in behaviours too without any partiality to any one any time, even in silly things and even for fun...both should always think that our parents are not partial and are same to both of us...
if this is done, you have done your job as a parent...
we need to remember that we are not going to travel the life along with them throughout. We will have to leave them and go. So, they need to support each other in all conditions of life and live.

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