Dear all...there are many situations we do not understand certain things in life...for e.g we go for a discourse of a spiritual leader...or we read something some where...we do not understand some thing...e.g what is a soul?...what is sixth sense?...
most of the great men write all one liners...some of the words or phrases in holy books or philosophical books or literature books or old great books written by old people many hundred years back in a language that is not existing now have all been interpreted and written by per what they understood...
all these are many times not understandable by us...or we get confused...we don't know what it is...then we go by what others say and interpret...
like this many can be written...e.g Is dancing good?...Is partying good?...Is wearing revealing dresses good?...Is 'party drinking' good?...Is having a boy friend good?...Is having lover good?...Is having sex before marriage good/right?....Is dating good or right? this many...
in all these circumstances, how to understand the words or phrases or writings of the great men...
How to know what is right and good in the changing culture around...the things i listed above...
It is tooooooo simple...
those 05 basic things are important for, we have to just understand the words or phrases or writings in way that will give those 05 basics!!...If we understand differently by ourselves or from the teaching or interpretation of others then we will not get those 05 basics.
Anything that will not give us those five basics or deprive them from us is a waste...we should keep them, those people, away from us!!
similarly all the cultural behaviours listed above also can be followed if we will get those 05 basics for entire life...if we think we will not get any of those 05 basics or deprive us from these then it is clear that it is not suitable for us!!
Soooo simple!!
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