Our culture associates LOVE with SEX...
therefore perceives both to be dirty and not comfortable to talk in family, with relatives etc
Then how, from where and from whom the children will learn? (don't say from my posts and blog!!)
and the minds of every one, subconsciously or consciously thinks about these two words only...even the mother who is anxiety struck about her daughter not returning home in time thinks about these two words!
These two words are the biggest problems of our lives!!
both words are not same...they don't have any link...both are two different words which signify different feelings or aspects of life...(hihihi...this is my will not find it anywhere...i believe in believe in what does it matter...i go by 'what gives me peace, happiness, good physical-mental-social health, contentment, success, growth is right for check if your belief or concept is giving these 05 to you...and go which ever gives these!!)
some say life starts from sex, from the bottom of the body, from the center of gravity point etc and therefore it is the fulcrum of life, divine experience or feeling is obtained there, through sex one can attain enlightenment etc.
My point is how can you find peace in something which makes you to crave, commit crimes etc?
When you don't get peace, how can you get enlightenment or nirvana etc?
May be they thought 'sex is a hindrance to attain all these higher states of mind, so meet those needs and keep the mind cool and calm to experience these higher states of mind'....who knows?...but when the need arises every four hours or so then most of your time (in finding partner) and energy goes in that itself, is it not?
Sex originates at the bottom. Love originates from top (brain).
Without sexual organs sexual feeling can not be felt. But love can be felt without them.
Every one says 'sexual pleasure' one says 'sexual happiness' it is known that it is a short lived pleasure which vanishes in no time.
Happiness is in love. Love is happiness. If some one experiences sadness in love then it is not love. It has a lust element present there. This lust element only pushes them to fights, craving, frustration, crying, shouting, abusing, hating, no sleep etc.
because our culture and people think both love and sex are related, because our thinking is always on the body (beautiful, attractive and handsome appearance, waiting to attain age all the time for marriage, marriages are for only procreation and enjoy legal sex and pleasure) we have all the problems in life...we are not happy...not peaceful...our relationships with others are not peaceful and happy...marriages are not successful in real sense....divorces happen...lovers break up...
if we de-link sex, love and women from each of these...see them as separate words...real separate...then life is cool, peaceful, happy...
in our culture they feel 'love is related to sex, love means sex, and love starts from sex'...that is why they don't believe in love marriages....they don't believe in love before marriage....they feel love is not required before marriage....they feel strangers can get married and love later...they feel love means sex, no love can exist with out sex, and sex before marriage is wrong, no relationship with girls is possible without sex, relationship with girls means sexual relationship, no boy can have a good friendship with a girl without sexual attraction etc...does sex lead to good life long love?...what happens to love once the sexual reproductive life vanishes?
actually love starts from brain...starts from mind....starts from sixth sense...linked to is being in the is linked to art forms, art forms give happiness (no craving, no pleasure, no short lived nature), no art form can be performed without being in the present, and being in the present is love, and love is experienced only when we are in the present with cool, calm and silent mind (without anxiety, fear, hate etc) which shows that love has no craving, love leads to peace, love leads to non craving, peaceful fame-achievements-status positions etc, love leads to enlightenment, love leads to nirvana, love leads to peace, love leads to positive thinking, positive emotions and positive behaviours...without calm and cool mind i.e love, union of bodies is not possible...(but without love sex is possible!!)...and when union of bodies take place through being in the present and love, the feeling of orgasm is different...the pleasure is not short remains for gives peace for long it emanates out of love....procreation takes is remains for makes the hearts to merge...the two minds and bodies become inseparable for life time....possibility of body hopping is the satiation of existing less/readuced body needs also get satiated through love and not lust and sex...
craving is not love...negative emotions is not love...craving for phone calls, messages, etc is not might have love (which we can figure out only after long endurance of it over many years if it remains and survives) but it certainly has craving lust...
whereas sex does not lead to all the above...they lead to only what we have in our lives peace...strained relationships...crying lovers and spouses...strangers in married life
so the crux is...
1. sex and love are different and are not related to each other at all in any way
2. sex and union of bodies are different
3. permanent, long lasting love or enlightenment or nirvana can not be achieved through sex
4. basing life and living on body and sex leads to only no peace, crying, sadness, loss of marriage, loss of love etc
5. love does not emanate out of sex and sex does not emanate out of love
6. love emanates from brain and mind
7. love leads to union of bodies through union of minds which leads to procreation, increased attachment, feeling for each other, life long love and cool flame of union of bodies forever.
hope there is some clarity now...
peacefully yours....rams
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