Dear all...the last bit of the day regarding LOVE...GIRLS...SEX...
1. Those who believe that love is related to only girls and nothing or no one more can not have any other relationship with girls and can not love anything or any one and therefore can not live in peace and happiness...they can not love all...therefore, no good physical-mental-social health and contentment!
2. Those who believe that love emanates from sex can not get true feeling of love, will only lust, can not live in peace, no health, strained relationships, so no use of living.
3. Those who can not separate sex from girls can not love girls, can only lust girls, their behaviours of approaches, advances, fore play will appear to be love....they can not see girls as equals, can not see their mind, can not see their passions, their freedom, their growth and use them for sex only or at the maximum as house wife for performing cleaning, washing and grooming children. Therefore no peace, health and happiness for all in the family.
4. Those who can not accept that love emanates from brain and mind, can not love all. They can not love any one. They only can lust. Therefore, no peace and happiness.
5. Those who can not love (personality disorder cases and those with above beliefs about girls) will not have any one to love and be loved. Therefore will live alone, lusting many, live in loneliness and commit suicide one day.
6. In a society where men live with above beliefs, the girls will never get a good, true love and lover for ever in their lives. They will only live as 'sex service providers' 'house maids' 'baby sitters' etc and die watching love movies (this is the reason why love movies are successful in india and a movie without love can be a flop!), imagining those songs with their dream lover who will come one day (!!) from skies on a flying horse and take them away to heavens to give them great love and romance!!....and men will live watching the heroines and item girls in the movies, mags, videos etc and lust their women in fantasies and will never get satisfied, as they lack love and die longing for love, listening to love songs etc. Because they don't know what is love (as they believe sex and associated behaviours is love!), how to love, etc. No wonder our girls from teens to nineties keep crying saying their boys do not know how to love them!!
7. In such societies men will have more girls in their life legally or illegally as they only know lust and how to give virtual or false love to satisfy their lust. So, no wonder we say 'men give love for sex and girls give sex for love!' (and still our girls think it is love as they do not know everything about love, that i have typed today and have been typing!). What we observe only comes out as sayings, theories and philosophies!!
8. Those few who perceive their wife (through personality attributes and not by appearance) as an angel from heavens and perceive all that they do as the 'service of the god!' and perceive what ever they do to her as 'service to god!' can only love their girls in true sense and live in peace, happiness, great health and true success in life!!
9. And those few men also love only one, and not many (in the true sense of love) and therefore, will suffer a great loss if wife dies, or lives away, and will die soon. Therefore, learning to give love, unconditional love to many and accept love from many is important.
So, what do you feel about our culture, marriages, living, state of girls here etc????
peacefully yours...rams...
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