"When others get disturbed by your love, then it means that you are over-expressing your love to them. You should reflect on this and hide your love a little sometimes. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar"
true...or you are crossing their boundaries...their comfort zone...their health, happiness, peace etc is getting affected...they are not getting these from your love or relationship...it may not be the issue with you or your love, it could be that they are unwell or not in the same mood as yours, not in a mental state to enjoy or reciprocate the love or stressed or anxiety struck or sad ....so, it could be due to their mood or some life situation which is not making them to perceive your love or it could be a over dose for them...more than what they need...it is all momentary...that particular moment or period in life...for one day or few days etc...it happens in all loves and every one's life very frequently....or may be that your way of showing love is monotonous, boring and variety may be required....or your resources to make the other person to perceive happiness in love has gone, over....or other person needs a change....or other person fell in love with you for your being a different person etc....and you are no more interesting to that person...like this there soooooooooooo many reasons....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....mind is some times blind and some times not!!....rams

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