Monday, 15 February 2016

when can we live peacefully, healthily, happily, contented and in self actualised condition during each moment on this earth???

Dear all...the biggest challenge in life is knowing, understanding and accepting that 'NOTHING IS CERTAIN OTHER THAN DEATH!'...our next moment, whether we will be alive or not tomorrow, parents, siblings, wife, husband, children, all our running for money and wealth for decades, all that money-wealth-power-fame we have accumulated, this house, this happiness around us, this job....nothhhhhhing is certain!!....

this can not be understood by those who have always lived in comforts, lots of love and affection, wealth in abundance, success all throughout their life!!...

But it can be understood easily by those who faced challenges that are beyond their competency levels to handle for that age and experience in life...

e.g children and people of all ages who faced the recent floods in Chennai.....

people who faced the tsunami and its effects.....

those who faced loss of complete family in accidents.....

those who have seen murder of their kith and kin in front of their eyes.....

those who have seen their most beloved husband or wife having sex with some one else....

those children who have seen their parents dying in front of them....those girl children who have been gang raped....

only when we reach a stage of understanding 'NOTHING MATTERS IN LIFE' in our thinking, emotions and behaviours, only then we are enlightened, attained nirvana and evolved!

Only when we reach this state we will be able to live in peace, happiness, contentment, health and self actualised in every moment of our life.

Till then....we are only carrying out our journey in life towards reaching this state....provided we know this and decided to put up the first step!!

....i wish this happens to all the children, not through personal experience, but by enlightenment itself, before they reach 10 years of age, and then they move ahead with their studies, so that all their hard work in studies, scientific thinking etc during subsequent years on earth results in positive developments on this earth, in their life and in the life of others!!

peacefully yours....rams

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