Saturday, 21 December 2013

the difference between 'being religious' and 'being spiritual'

Who is God?...What is being Religious?...What is being Spiritual?

These are talked too much in this country...far too many people exploit people and live on them, killing them each and every minute, god will not pardon them!

My definition and understand is this....

NATURE is god!...and we are part of nature!...everything is part of nature!

No one and nothing can be separated from nature, the god, and perceived differently. 

Primitive man, the wise man, worshiped nature, the god!

Nature, The God gives happiness, peace, good physical, social and mental health and self actualization. 

If any one is not getting these from god, then his perception about god is wrong. 

'Being religious' is 'being EMOTIONALLY attached to GOD, religion, way of living, discriminating and demeaning others parts of nature, being possessive, following many rituals and other superstitions which the 'in between' people have created, giving rise to conflicts and all the negativeness, leading to unhappiness, physical and mental diseases, straining of social relationships, no self actualization, no peace and finally death. All religious people are like this. There are many highly educated and highly placed are also in this group, misguided!!!...They radiate suspicion, crookedness, cruelty, hate, fear and all the negatives on earth. They show off lots of identities on them.

'Being spiritual' is not about being religious. It is the opposite of it. NOT BEING EMOTIONAL and not being possessive about anything on this earth, including god, religion, caste, relationships...anything you name it!!!...Being spiritual gives peace, happiness, good health and self actualisation and right perception about god!..All spiritual people are like this. They get everything in abundance...wealth, education, wisdom, joy, true relationships...woff, anything you name it, they will get in abundance!!!...They radiate peace, happiness, love, high self esteem, courage, true relationships and anything you name positive on this earth. These people are simple to the core, noble and do not show off any identity, except love and affection.

In our country we have more people who are 'religious' and less people who are 'spiritual'

Which one you want to be?...whom do you want to follow?

rams-psychologist and sociologist

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