Sunday, 10 January 2016

Create 'wow' moments every day with every one with every moment starting from waking up in the morning!!

Dear this post...

Dear is important to have 'eureka factor or eureka moments' 'wow' moments or 'aha' moments in life every day!!...we can not leave that to 'chance', then we will get it only once in a year or life time!!...Experts have said many things here. My opinion is Start it every day, every morning with your wife or mom or dad or children or with all of them!!...then spread it to your friends, teachers and relatives!!...e.g moment you get up in the morning decide to create that wow moment with your mom...just go to her, hug and give a kiss in a way she feels comfortable and tell her 'mom, tell me something i should do now which will make you feel 'wowwwwww'! I want to do that and make you feel 'wow' or 'aha' or 'eureka!'...i am sure you will create that first in the morning and imagine if every one at home does it with every one!!!...imagine if every one in the college does it with every one!!...imagine if every one does in an organisation with every one!!...

we can create 'wow' moments for our own-self...but only we will enjoy that happiness...but if we do that with PEOPLE and RELATIONSHIPS then it will spread to all like wild fire and entire society, community and humanity will benefit!!....rams

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