Monday, 4 January 2016

some of the theories, or rules or dynamics of relationships....PART - I

Dear all...some of the theories, or rules or dynamics of relationships...
1. all of us born with certain default relationships. Nothing can be done about them. Whether we like or not we have to accept and socialise with them. e.g mother, father, sister, grand parents, brother.
2. whenever we join any social system (organisation, family, homes, societies, groups, teams etc) we make new relationships.
3. No relationship can form without our permission or acceptance or desire.
4. No relationship can form out of hate. All relationships are formed out of love and liking.
5. All relationships are formed out of a self NEED. It could be need for happiness, physical-mental-social health, peace, contentment and success, the five words i keep chanting as the mantra of life and living!
6. Relationships are formed with the knowledge or without the knowledge of the other person. e.g relationships formed with famous personalities in fantasies.
7. Even after a break up a person can continue the emotional relationship with the other person in fantasies with or without the knowledge of the other person.
8. Relationships (including emotional relationships!) can be formed and remain intact even without a physical or mental communication with a person for a long time.
9. when a person is in a relationship with another person without any needs and expectations, without that person needing him/her physically or mentally at their disposal, is called devotee relationship. Here the person is not possessive about the other. It could be one or both sided.
10. A person can form relationship with any living or non living, dead or alive.
more tomorrow...
peacefully yours...rams

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