Friday, 1 January 2016

How to make use of this life in a useful, better and in the Natural way?

Human life and living is all about sixth sense, it rests in the brain...and therefore, the mind!!!...and sixth sense is not thinking about body, but thinking everything other than the body in this 'universe!!...

whereas we are told about 'virginity is life!' and therefore, every one all the time feels as if that is the task of life and thinks about the body only like animals using their sexth sense!!...

parents, children and married people, all are worried about their and others' bodies all the time!!...

any BODY is therefore unsafe in this country!!!!!

Till such time this exists, this country will not progress to its true potential!!...

Imagine where this country or world will reach if every citizen of this country or world uses the sixth sense and thinks about everything else in this universe other than the body!!...

The true freedom comes in our lives when we forget the body. The state of mind becomes divine when we forget the body. We will feel better ecstasy or orgasm when we forget the body and think about the rest. When we think about the body there is no self development or growth. When we think about the rest we get everything!!...

let the body be there and its functions be there wherever they are. Let it go on. It is a natural process, not to be worried about, not to be thought about, not to be anxious about!!...

let it not occupy the brain, life and living!!...when it occupies then we get lust and all the related issues in body, mind, living, profession, relationships etc.

But when we think and live out of the body, we form relationships, which are beyond needs and expectations, based on sixth sense, much useful for humanity, a relationship where synergy exists (i.e 1+1>3 effect!!), divine exists, thick bonding for entire life time exists, true love exists with all positives only. 

Whereas our thinking, culture, life and family living is all about body only, and therefore no peace, and all the negatives which are derivatives of the body (lust)!!.

Let the natural processes related to anything including our body go on the way it is...let us not describe or give it a  name or check out if it is right or not etc...because Nature is always right...!! we live on what human being have made, felt right, we believe that it is right and Nature is wrong, funny, let us live beyond these Natural processes with focus, attention, consciousness and thinking about better things in life that will give us progress, elevation, fame, happiness, self actualization and much more than all these, USEFULNESS TO HUMANITY!!


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