Friday, 22 January 2016

Do you want to compare yourself with others??

comparison with other person of same sex or different sex or plants or animals etc is all not correct because bodies are different...the body organs might resemble by appearance, but their functioning efficiency is different...hormone secretions are different by quantity and may be quality too...and so, actually the body is different...mind is experiences are different...personality traits are different...and so are belief systems and a big list of no individual can be compared in any way with any one...EVERY ONE IS UNIQUE AND HAS A UNIQUE DESTINY...AND THEREFORE UNIQUE PEOPLE, UNIQUE RELATIONSHIPS (VIRTUAL AND REAL), UNIQUE FUTURE, UNIQUE NEXT MOMENTS EVERY, never compare yourself in any dimension with any is not is wrong...therefore, any comparison would only bring sadness, frustration, agony, spoiled relationships, bad physical-mental-social health, stress, anxiety and a big list of all, you are are are a 'designer human being'...designed specially, uniquely and carved by nature with passion, taking time, with nature losing itself in time and space in making you over a period of about ten fact more than that because it has already designed you taking may be many years and the 10 months were used only for carving...i.e production time...and still nature is carving you and shaping you endlessly till uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr specialllllllllll!!...Pothumaaa!!.....peacefully yours....rams!!

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