Dear all...
The father says 'I am the Head of the Family. I will only take decisions here. All of you have to abide by that!'
The boss says 'I am the Head of the organisation. I am empowered to take all decisions. All of you are just here to execute my orders!'
The politician directly or indirectly says 'I am the Head of this political party! All of you are party workers!...Just follow me! (i.e follow my orders and intentions!)
The Head of State says in sugar coated words 'I am the Head of the state! I am empowered to make the policies! All of you will bloody well implement them!'
The police says 'We have the control of the whole city and state!...we en'force' law and order here (on the powerless and not on the powerful!!)
The judiciary says 'We are here to ensure justice (to the poor and truth where there is no interference of the 'power'!)...anyway, justice delayed is justice denied!!...and in this country justice takes many decades to come, whether it is an unknown case or well known case, after the physical or practical death of people concerned!!
So, in all these every one says he/she is the Head, whereas they don't have brains. A father, A boss, A politician, A head of state, The police, The judiciary...all of them are only showing their negative ego, power, authority, legal status, social status to 'rule, control, enslave'!
By this the father gets separated, will be isolated to be alone, will feel lonely and die without love and affection or go to others seeking emotional support.
The boss's ego will bring in a separation between him and others, the employees will not be 'involved', they will start minding their own self interests, or leave the job, so no success will be achieved in productivity or better competitive services.
In all the other cases also the people will lose faith in them and either throw them out of power, or live in 'learned helplessness'. Of course, they will only make limited money and wealth during the sunshine days from the system and vanish.
The correct thing is they should feel it is ONE TEAM THAT IS WORKING FOR THE TEAM AND OTHERS!!
In a family, if they come out of this 'head of family' concept and feel it is one team, with a team leader, who can be any one who can lead!!...and it can be rotational also!!..this will result in freedom of expression, authority and power to all, respect, increased cohesion, love and affection, sense of belonging to family-family members and the relationship among them, satiation of needs, importance to everyone, working together, so no fault finding, no hard hold division of labour but only sharing of jobs or doing one job together, accepting the results whether positive or negative by all, confidence in the whole family and others that each one will be looked after, more security feeling in the minds of all in all dimensions of living, 'Don't worry! We care for you! We are there with you! Enjoy complete freedom under our wings!' feeling in the minds of all family members, sense of leading by example-personality traits etc and not by ordering or controlling, increased faith-trust-belief, no negative things like preaching-ordering-advising etc. So, it is a healthy system where every one has equal opportunity, rights, mutual respect etc where all the brains, knowledge, skills, experiences are used for the synergistic effect (i.e 1+1>3) in happiness (whereas in the old system only one brain of father or boss works and remaining people are used as only 'bodies'!!), peace, good physical-mental-social well-being, success of all in the family. The husband or wife will not run away from this family. Children also will feel 'our parents are the ultimate people whom we can approach for any guidance or suggestion or support and we don't hesitate to discuss anything under the sky with our parents. There is no hesitation of inhibition in our minds!'.
This creates a good, healthy social climate at home with lots of love and affection, caring for each other, positive energy-emotions-vibrations etc...there are no fights, ego clashes, 'i am right, you are wrong!' arguments. There are only healthy discussions without any ego where the individual is not the centre of discussion and only the issue being discussed is the hero!!..The children get groomed in the right way with high adaptability to lead people-organisations-city-state-country-social groups etc. They will never feel lonely as they will always be liked by all around. They will be peaceful, healthy, happy, contented and successful as a father or mother or wife or husband or subordinate or boss or peer...what ever they are!!
In the organisations or state/country administration or in legal or judiciary bodies also if this TEAM concept is followed in letter and spirit, in true sense, then all the above advantages will be derived by organisations, state and country. The people will in the team and outside the team will be happy, healthy, peaceful, successful and contented.
peacefully yours....rams
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